48 research outputs found

    The Influence of Plants Layout on a Stratum upon the Production of Cauliflower (Brassica oleraceea, convar. botrytis, L.)

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    Cauliflower is a well known and appreciated vegetable in Romania. It has only 24calories/100g and contains high quantities of vitamin C (60g/100g of cauliflower), vitamins from theB complex, vitamin K and E. It also contains a lot of minerals, calcium, potassium, zinc, copper,magnesium, selenium. Cauliflower can be grown in spring or in autumn, in protected culture or inopen field. Cauliflower culture can be started by direct sowing or by seedlings. The experiment tookplace in 2011, in a polyethylene tunnel, from USAMV Cluj-Napoca. The culture was started in March,with small seedlings. Three cauliflower hybrids were used, Stargate, Diadom and Opal. The plantswere placed on the stratum on two or three rows. The highest yields were obtained on the variants ontwo rows, of 28.82 t/ha compared to the variants placed on three rows, that average a yield of 23.76


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    All the experimental variants cultivated under a plant density of 41.700 plants/ha (80/30 cm) presented a medium height higher than the experimental variants planted under the control density (80/40 cm – 31.250 plants/ha). The highest value concerning the medium number of leaves was obtained at the tomato hybrid Shannon F1 (28.55). The blossoming and fruit link of the first 3 clusters on the tomato plants recorded the highest percent at the Menhir F1 (80/40 cm) tomato hybrid (90.79 %). The same experimental variant has the highest percent in blossoming and fruit link from the cluster number 4 till 8. (54.84 %) and the total one. The early production is influenced by the plant density 80/30 cm – 41.700 plants/ha, with a medium yield of 2.47 kg/m2. The same plant density in interaction with the tomato hybrids obtained a significant difference (3.18 kg/m2 medium early yield – (interaction between plant density 80/30 cm and Cronos F1 tomato hybrid). The interaction between tomato hybrids and adopted plant density lead to no statistical differences. The total yield was influenced by the plant density adopted with a medium yield of 19.26 kg/m2 at the plant density of 80/30 cm. The interactions between densities and tomato hybrids lead to statistical significance in case of Cronos F1 tomato hybrid planted at a density of 80/30 cm – 41.700 plants/ha (20.46 kg/m2 total yield), and at the same density but a different tomato hybrid, Shannon F1 (19.23 kg/m2 total yield)

    Studies Upon a Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) Sortiment Grown in Protected Culture

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    From the group of green vegetables, the lettuce is the most common and it can be used freshor cooked. Although lettuce has a high nutritional value it also has a therapeutic value due to thecontent of amino acids and mucilage which help to keep normal digestion. Mineral salts (salts of: I,Mg, P, Fe, Cu, Zn) but also vitamins (A,B,C,D,E) give to the human organism strength to fight againstinfections and viruses. The experiment took place in 2011 in an unheated greenhouse, from USAMVCluj-Napoca (Romania). It started at the end of March and it was harvested in May. 10 lettuce hybridswere used (Allegiance, Gentiliana, Lobi, Clarion, Crufia, Sprinter, Roderick, Limax, Lollo rossa-Zki,Lollo rosa-Mefim). The highest yield was obtained at Clarion hybrid, 52.83 t/ha, followed by Roderickhybrid, with 51.5 t/ha


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    The Agryl P-19 is a non woven floating row cover especially developed for crop protection against insects and bad weather such as rain and wind. The experiment took place in early spring 2007 of the Vegetables Growing area in a polyethylene film tunnel, where we tested three varieties of early white cabbage, cultivated under different densities with or without protection (covered with Agryl or without Agryl). As biological material we were used 3 early cabbage hybrids from Dutch: Musketeer, Surprise, and Santorino, two densities: 62.500 plants /ha, respective 71.500 plants/ha, for supplementary protecting we were used Agryl P-19. Through the combination of the 3 factors we obtained 12 experimentally variants

    Possibilities of Using Ornamental Vegetables in Landscape Architecture

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    The importance of vegetables is known by people worldwide by being a healthy and important food product. In this paperwork it is underlined the fact that vegetables are not used only in alimentary purposes, but can also be used for decoration. So, for diversifying the area of utility for vegetables plants, the so-called “edible landscaping” system is practiced. Root vegetables can be used in the purpose of creating carpets and beds made from vegetation. The kale is used in borders, squares, flower stands and can also be combined with other ornamental plants. The vegetables that are cultivated for pods, beans and capsules can be used in decorating pergolas and towers. For creating a colorful view or a contrast of colors, it is preferred to use green vegetables. To arrange beautiful garden using ornamental vegetables some basic landscape architecture principles need to be followed and the plants that are going to be used, chosen carefully

    A Possibility to Improve the Onion (Allium Cepa L.) Culture Technology by Direct Sowing

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    The paper presents the results obtained after performing studies in the north-west part of the country, at two varieties of onion one with yellow colour bulbs and other with red colour bulb, direct seeded in two epochs, in early spring and in late autumn at two densities of 2 cm and 4 cm between plants and 25 cm between rows. We note that the plants obtained by direct sowing in autumn epoch have completely vernalization both varieties, and both seeding densities by issuing floriferous stems, culture being compromised in terms of production of bulbs. Plants obtained by direct sowing in spring epoch in both varieties and seeding densities were normally developed, yielding an average of (58.72 t / ha) for Density 4 variety  to a density of 1 million pl / ha, and  (58.19 t / ha) at a density of 2 million plants / ha. Ramata rossa di Milano variety has got an average of (53.09 t / ha) at a density of 1 million plants / ha and (58.49 t / ha) at a density of 2 million plants / ha. The average bulbs weight is 86.0 g/bulb for Density 4 variety at a density of 1 million plants / ha, 71.72 g at a density of 2 million plants / ha and 54.27 g at red  variety Ramata di Milano in a density of 1 million plants / ha, 41.95 g at a density of 2 million plants / ha. Average production for the variety Density 4 to a density of 1 million plants / ha is higher than the average production at a density of 2 million plants / ha. Ramata  rossa di Milano variety, at a density of 2 million plants / ha, the average yield is higher than average production at a density of 1 million plants / ha

    The Influence of some Technological Factors upon the Yield of Cucumbers, Cultivated in Polyethylene Tunnels in Ecological System

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    Lately can be observed that the organic agricultural system is more and more developed not only in our country, but all over the world, having a continuous ascending, in parallel with the formation of a specific market. In some countries, this organic (biological or ecological) agricultural system, had known a considerable growth of more than 20% in only one year (in USA, France and Japan). From farmers point of view the organic production represents a better way of capitalization, while the vegetables obtained using this system are more and more consumed raw or slightly processed, and have a high attraction for a specific segment of consumers which is becoming more and more consolidated. The experimental factors of this research were: the planting density (64.4 thousand plants/ha, 44.4 thousand plants/ha and 33.3 thousand plants/ha) and the hybrid (Szatmar, Crispina, Pasalimo and Mirabelle). The research was conducted in the west part of our country, respectively in Husasău de Tinca locality, during 2007-2009


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    Nitrate accumulation in plants is subject of concern for human health. Tomatoes are usually low in nitrate content. However, the effects of nutrition are straightforward on nitrate accumulation, especially when crops are grown in soilless systems. Because the mineral composition of tomatoes depends on the amount and type of nutrients taken from the growth medium it is necessary to adopt appropriate nutrient management practices (use of slow-release fertilizers, split applications, combining of radicular and foliar fertilization) which help to supply nutrients in quantities adequate to just meet crop demand and minimize losses, thus increasing the nutrient use efficiency. The study was carried out to determine the effects of fertilization and system of culture on nitrate content of greenhouse tomatoes fruit and had three experimental factors: 1. system of culture: soil and organic substrate (made from 80% peat and 20% long duration follow soil + well decomposed manure); 2. basic soil fertilization with two treatments (simple doze and double doze); 3. additional fertilization consisted of radicular and radicular + foliar treatments. Cronos F1 was used as biological material. The quantity of absorbed nitrogen and the way in which it is utilized in plant metabolism, mainly with respect to the nitrate accumulation in fruit, influence vegetables quality. However, both these factors are better managed in hydroponics, since in the small volume of rooting medium the nutrient supply is more efficiently controlled through the composition of the nutrient solution. In this experiment the recorded values of nitrates content of fruit were situated under normal accepted limits and varied between 49.87 mg/kg and 83.44 mg/kg, even if they were a little bigger in case of organic substrate culture than in soil culture. Potassium has major roles in production of proteins, thereby decreasing nitrate within the plant. Ruiz (2002), in case of cucumber, reported a positive effect of higher K fertilisation on uptake, translocation and reduction of nitrate in fruit compared with the lowest K rate. In this experiment nitrate ratios in the fruit decreased in case of variants with double doze basic fertilization (Multicote IV 12:0:43) and foliar fertilization (Ferticare 10:5:26) as response to high K rate of used fertilizers. Vitamin C is a health-promoting factor with antioxidant properties. It has been reported that the vitamin C content in the fruit is influenced by K supply. Vitamin C is very efficient at preventing the conversion of nitrate to nitrite in plant tissue and within the human body (Hill, 1991). High vitamin C contents were recorded in case of organic substrate culture (19.42–24.28 mg/100 g fresh matter) and vitamin C content increased in case of foliar fertilization both for soil culture and for organic substrate culture


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    The tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) is a perennial plant but grown in temperate climate as an annual plant. Various tests in greenhouses have proven that the tomato flower is not completely self-pollinating. Incomplete pollination results in misshapen fruit. Cool or cloudy weather retards pollen shedding. Pollination must be aided by artificial wind, vibration of the plants, artificial stimulation by spraying the tomato flowers with 2% Tomatostim solution or more often today, by cultured bumblebees