236 research outputs found

    Is there life beyond Quantum Mechanics?

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    We formulate physically-motivated axioms for a physical theory which for systems with a finite number of degrees of freedom uniquely lead to Quantum Mechanics as the only nontrivial consistent theory. Complex numbers and the existence of the Planck constant common to all systems arise naturally in this approach. The axioms are divided into two groups covering kinematics and basic measurement theory respectively. We show that even if the second group of axioms is dropped, there are no deformations of Quantum Mechanics which preserve the kinematic axioms. Thus any theory going beyond Quantum Mechanics must represent a radical departure from the usual a priori assumptions about the laws of Nature.Comment: 23 pages, latex. v3: commentaries on the axioms expanded, a non-technical summary added, references added, typos fixed. v4: version accepted for publication in Journal of Mathematical Physic (under a different title). Axiomatics is simplified and the number of axioms reduced, some proofs clarified, typos fixe

    Symmetry Protected Topological Phases, Anomalies, and Cobordisms: Beyond Group Cohomology

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    We propose that Symmetry Protected Topological Phases with a finite symmetry group G are classified by cobordism groups of the classifying space of G. This provides an explanation for the recent discovery of bosonic SPT phases which do not fit into the group cohomology classification. We discuss the connection of the cobordism classification of SPT phases to gauge and gravitational anomalies in various dimensions.Comment: 17 pages, latex. v2: typos fixed, a footnote on terminology added. v3: substantially reworked version which takes into account the possibility of a nontrivial thermal Hall respons

    A-branes and Noncommutative Geometry

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    We argue that for a certain class of symplectic manifolds the category of A-branes (which includes the Fukaya category as a full subcategory) is equivalent to a noncommutative deformation of the category of B-branes (which is equivalent to the derived category of coherent sheaves) on the same manifold. This equivalence is different from Mirror Symmetry and arises from the Seiberg-Witten transform which relates gauge theories on commutative and noncommutative spaces. More generally, we argue that for certain generalized complex manifolds the category of generalized complex branes is equivalent to a noncommutative deformation of the derived category of coherent sheaves on the same manifold. We perform a simple test of our proposal in the case when the manifold in question is a symplectic torus.Comment: 15 pages, late

    Holomorphic reduction of N=2 gauge theories, Wilson-'t Hooft operators, and S-duality

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    We study twisted N=2 superconformal gauge theory on a product of two Riemann surfaces Sigma and C. The twisted theory is topological along C and holomorphic along Sigma and does not depend on the gauge coupling or theta-angle. Upon Kaluza-Klein reduction along Sigma, it becomes equivalent to a topological B-model on C whose target is the moduli space MV of nonabelian vortex equations on Sigma. The N=2 S-duality conjecture implies that the duality group acts by autoequivalences on the derived category of MV. This statement can be regarded as an N=2 counterpart of the geometric Langlands duality. We show that the twisted theory admits Wilson-'t Hooft loop operators labelled by both electric and magnetic weights. Correlators of these loop operators depend holomorphically on coordinates and are independent of the gauge coupling. Thus the twisted theory provides a convenient framework for studying the Operator Product Expansion of general Wilson-'t Hooft loop operators.Comment: 50 pages, latex. v2: an erroneous statement about an analog of the Hitchin fibration has been fixe

    D_n Quivers From Branes

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    D-branes can end on orbifold planes if the action of the orbifold group includes (-1)^{F_L}. We consider configurations of D-branes ending on such orbifolds and study the low-energy theory on their worldvolume. We apply our results to gauge theories with eight supercharges in three and four dimensions. We explain how mirror symmetry for N=4 d=3 gauge theories with gauge group Sp(k) and matter in the antisymmetric tensor and fundamental representations follows from S-duality of IIB string theory. We argue that some of these theories have hidden Fayet-Iliopoulos deformations, not visible classically. We also study a class of finite N=2 d=4 theories (so-called D_n quiver theories) and find their exact solution. The integrable model corresponding to the exact solution is a Hitchin system on an orbifold Riemann surface. We also give a simple derivation of the S-duality group of these theories based on their relationship to SO(2n) instantons on R^2\times T^2.Comment: 20 pages, LaTeX. v3: exposition improved (version published in JHEP

    Noncritical Superstrings in a Ramond-Ramond Background

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    We use the recently found matrix description of noncritical superstring theory of Type 0A to compute tachyon scattering amplitudes in a background with a RR flux. We find that after the string coupling is multiplicatively renormalized, the amplitudes in any genus become polynomial in the RR flux. We propose that in the limit where both the string coupling and the RR flux go to infinity, the theory has a weakly-coupled description in terms of another superstring theory with a vanishingly small RR flux. This duality exchanges the inverse string coupling and the 0-brane charge. The dual superstring theory must have a peculiar property that its only field-theoretic degree of freedom is a massless RR scalar.Comment: 12 pages, late

    Bosonic Topological Insulators and Paramagnets: a view from cobordisms

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    We classify Bosonic Topological Insulators and Paramagnets in D<=4 spatial dimensions using the cobordism approach. For D<4 we confirm that the only such phase which does not fit into the group cohomology classification is the 3D Bosonic Topological Insulator protected by time-reversal symmetry whose surface admits an all-fermion topologically ordered state. For D=4 there is a unique "beyond group cohomology" phase. It is protected by gravitational anomalies of the boundary theory and is stable without any additional symmetry.Comment: 18 pages, latex. v2: an error in the last section has been corrected, affecting the classification in D=4. Other results unchange

    Seiberg-like duality in three dimensions for orthogonal gauge groups

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    We propose a duality for N=2 d=3 Chern-Simons gauge theories with orthogonal gauge groups and matter in the vector representation. This duality generalizes level-rank duality for pure Chern-Simons gauge theories with orthogonal gauge groups and is reminiscent of Seiberg duality in four dimensions. We perform extensive checks by comparing partition functions of theories related by dualities. We also determine the conformal dimensions of fields using Z-extremization.Comment: 9 pages, late

    A remark on worldsheet fermions and double-scaled matrix models

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    We provide a heuristic explanation for the emergence of worldsheet fermions in the continuum limit of some matrix models. We also argue that turning on Ramond-Ramond flux confines the fermionic degrees of freedom of the Ramond-Neveu-Schwarz formalism.Comment: 7 pages, late

    Chiral de Rham complex and the half-twisted sigma-model

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    On any Calabi-Yau manifold X one can define a certain sheaf of chiral N=2 superconformal field theories, known as the chiral de Rham complex of X. It depends only on the complex structure of X, and its local structure is described by a simple free field theory. We show that the cohomology of this sheaf can be identified with the infinite-volume limit of the half-twisted sigma-model defined by E. Witten more than a decade ago. We also show that the correlators of the half-twisted model are independent of the Kahler moduli to all orders in worldsheet perturbation theory, and that the relation to the chiral de Rham complex can be violated only by worldsheet instantons.Comment: 15 pages, late
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