70 research outputs found

    Retinoic Acid promotes a totipotent-like stem cell through Zscan4 epigenetic activation

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    In culture, embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are a heterogeneous population that includes several cell intermediates with different degrees of potency. In particular, the subpopulation marked by Zscan4 expression, resembling molecular and epigenetic two-cell stage preimplantation signature, results enhanced after RA-treatment. We detected the epigenetic mechanisms involved in Zscan4 activation RA-dependent. We identified the minimal Zscan4 promoter region responsive to epigenetic stimuli, such as AZA and TSA, using transgenic ESCs stably transfected with different deletions of the Zscan4 promoter regions and their specific mutation. Thus, we identified a minimal promoter region responsive to epigenetics stimuli, demonstrating that Zscan4 activation is related to the histone acetylation status and DNA demethylation. This Zscan4 promoter region, at -300 bp to TSS, contains binding motifs for the DUX and TBX transcription factors and three specific CpG sites responsible for Zscan4 RA-activation. The next step will be identifying the proteins that bind and regulate the Zscan4 activation RA-induced by using a dCAS9 system, followed by a Mass Spec analysis

    Cell-Free DNA Methylation: The New Frontiers of Pancreatic Cancer Biomarkers' Discovery

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    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is among the most lethal cancer types world-wide. Its high mortality is related to the difficulty in the diagnosis, which often occurs when the disease is already advanced. As of today, no early diagnostic tests are available, while only a limited number of prognostic tests have reached clinical practice. The main reason is the lack of reliable biomarkers that are able to capture the early development or the progression of the disease. Hence, the discovery of biomarkers for early diagnosis or prognosis of PDAC remains, de facto, an unmet need. An increasing number of studies has shown that cell-free DNA (cfDNA) methylation analysis represents a promising non-invasive approach for the discovery of biomarkers with diagnostic or prognostic potential. In particular, cfDNA methylation could be utilized for the identification of disease-specific signatures in pre-neoplastic lesions or chronic pancreatitis (CP), representing a sensitive and non-invasive method of early diagnosis of PDAC. In this review, we will discuss the advantages and pitfalls of cfDNA methylation studies. Further, we will present the current advances in the discovery of pancreatic cancer biomarkers with early diagnostic or prognostic potential, focusing on pancreas-specific (e.g., CUX2 or REG1A) or abnormal (e.g., ADAMTS1 or BNC1) cfDNA methylation signatures in high risk pre-neoplastic conditions and PDAC

    Pancreatic Progenitor Commitment Is Marked by an Increase in Ink4a/Arf Expression

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    The identification of the molecular mechanisms controlling early cell fate decisions in mammals is of paramount importance as the ability to determine specific lineage differentiation represents a significant opportunity for new therapies. Pancreatic Progenitor Cells (PPCs) constitute a regenerative reserve essential for the maintenance and regeneration of the pancreas. Besides, PPCs represent an excellent model for understanding pathological pancreatic cellular remodeling. Given the lack of valid markers of early endoderm, the identification of new ones is of fundamental importance. Both products of the Ink4a/Arf locus, in addition to being critical cell-cycle regulators, appear to be involved in several disease pathologies. Moreover, the locus’ expression is epigenetically regulated in ES reprogramming processes, thus constituting the ideal candidates to modulate PPCs homeostasis. In this study, starting from mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs), we analyzed the early stages of pancreatic commitment. By inducing mESCs commitment to the pancreatic lineage, we observed that both products of the Cdkn2a locus, Ink4a and Arf, mark a naïve pancreatic cellular state that resembled PPC-like specification. Treatment with epi-drugs suggests a role for chromatin remodeling in the CDKN2a (Cycline Dependent Kinase Inhibitor 2A) locus regulation in line with previous observations in other cellular systems. Our data considerably improve the comprehension of pancreatic cellular ontogeny, which could be critical for implementing pluripotent stem cells programming and reprogramming toward pancreatic lineage commitment

    LPS-induced IL-8 activation in human intestinal epithelial cells is accompanied by specific histone H3 acetylation and methylation changes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The release of LPS by bacteria stimulates both immune and specific epithelial cell types to release inflammatory mediators. It is known that LPS induces the release of IL-8 by intestinal mucosal cells. Because it is now emerging that bacteria may induce alteration of epigenetic patterns in host cells, we have investigated whether LPS-induced IL-8 activation in human intestinal epithelial cells involves changes of histone modifications and/or DNA methylation at IL-8 gene regulatory region.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>RT-PCR analysis showed that IL-8 mRNA levels rapidly increase after exposure of HT-29 cells to LPS. DNA demethylating agents had no effects on IL-8 expression, suggesting that DNA methylation was not involved in IL-8 gene regulation. Consistently we found that 5 CpG sites located around IL-8 transcription start site (-83, -7, +73, +119, +191) were unmethylated on both lower and upper strand either in LPS treated or in untreated HT-29 cells, as well as in normal intestinal mucosa.</p> <p>Conversely, pretreatment of HT-29 cells with deacetylase inhibitors strengthened the LPS-mediated IL-8 activation. Inhibitors of histone deacetylases could induce IL-8 mRNA expression also in the absence of LPS, suggesting that chromatin modifications could be involved in IL-8 gene regulation. Chromatin immunoprecipitation analyses showed that, concurrently with IL-8 activation, transient specific changes in H3 acetylation and H3K4, H3K9 and H3K27 methylation occurred at IL-8 gene promoter during LPS stimulation. Changes of H3-acetyl, H3K4me2 and H3K9me2 levels occurred early, transiently and corresponded to transcriptional activity, while changes of H3K27me3 levels at IL-8 gene occurred later and were long lasting.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results showed that specific chromatin modifications occurring at IL-8 gene, including histone H3 acetylation and methylation, mark LPS-mediated IL-8 activation in intestinal epithelial cells while it is unlikely that DNA methylation of IL-8 promoter is directly involved in IL-8 gene regulation in these cells.</p

    Functional Characterization of the RNA Chaperone Hfq in the Opportunistic Human Pathogen Stenotrophomonas maltophilia. [*Roscetto M, *Angrisano T, co-first authors].

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    Hfq is an RNA-binding protein known to regulate a variety of cellular processes by interacting with small RNAs (sRNAs) and mRNAs in prokaryotes. Stenotrophomonas maltophilia is an important opportunistic pathogen affecting primarily hospitalized and immunocompromised hosts. We constructed an hfq deletion mutant (Δhfq) of S. maltophilia and compared the behaviors of wild-type and Δhfq S. maltophilia cells in a variety of assays. This revealed that S. maltophilia Hfq plays a role in biofilm formation and cell motility, as well as susceptibility to antimicrobial agents. Moreover, Hfq is crucial for adhesion to bronchial epithelial cells and is required for the replication of S. maltophilia in macrophages. Differential RNA sequencing analysis (dRNA-seq) of RNA isolated from S. maltophilia wild-type and Δhfq strains showed that Hfq regulates the expression of genes encoding flagellar and fimbrial components, transmembrane proteins, and enzymes involved in different metabolic pathways. Moreover, we analyzed the expression of several sRNAs identified by dRNA-seq in wild-type and Δhfq S. maltophilia cells grown in different conditions on Northern blots. The accumulation of two sRNAs was strongly reduced in the absence of Hfq. Furthermore, based on our dRNA-seq analysis we provide a genome-wide map of transcriptional start sites in S. maltophilia

    Role of IL-6/STAT3 Axis in Resistance to Cisplatin in Gastric Cancers

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    Gastric cancer, the second most common cause of death worldwide, is characterized by poor prognosis and low responsiveness to chemotherapy. Indeed, multidrug resistance, based mainly on cellular and molecular factors, remains one of the most limiting factors of the current approach to gastric cancer (GC) therapy. We employed a comprehensive gene expression analysis through data mining of publicly available databases to assess the role of the signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) in gastric cancer drug efficiency. It has been proposed that gastric cancer cells are less sensitive to these drugs because they develop resistance to these agents through activating alternative signalling pathways responsible for overcoming pharmacological inhibition. Our study evaluated the hypothesis that activating STAT3 signalling in response to cisplatin reduces the reaction to the drug. Consistent with this hypothesis, inhibition of interleukin 6 (IL-6)/STAT3 in combination therapy with cisplatin prevented both STAT3 activation and more lethality than induction by a single agent. The data suggest that the IL-6/STAT3 axis block associated with cisplatin treatment may represent a strategy to overcome resistance

    TACC3 mediates the association of MBD2 with histone acetyltransferases and relieves transcriptional repression of methylated promoters

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    We have recently reported that a novel MBD2 interactor (MBDin) has the capacity to reactivate transcription from MBD2-repressed methylated promoters even in the absence of demethylation events. Here we show that another unrelated protein, TACC3, displays a similar activity on methylated genes. In addition the data reported here provide possible molecular mechanisms for the observed phenomenon. Immunoprecipitation experiments showed that MBD2/TACC3 form a complex in vivo with the histone acetyltransferase pCAF. MBD2 could also associate with HDAC2, a component of MeCP1 repression complex. However, we found that the complexes formed by MBD2 with TACC3/pCAF and with HDAC2 were mutually exclusive. Moreover, HAT enzymatic assays demonstrated that HAT activity associates with MBD2 in vivo and that such association significantly increased when TACC3 was over-expressed. Overall our findings suggest that TACC3 can be recruited by MBD2 on methylated promoters and is able to reactivate transcription possibly by favoring the formation of an HAT-containing MBD2 complex and, thus, switching the repression potential of MBD2 in activation even prior to eventual demethylation

    Modulation of intestinal epithelial cell proliferation and apoptosis by Lactobacillus gasseri SF1183

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    : The gut microbiota exerts a variety of positive effects on the intestinal homeostasis, including the production of beneficial molecules, control of the epithelial barrier integrity and the regulation of the balance between host's cell death and proliferation. The interactions between commensal bacteria and intestinal cells are still under-investigated and is then of paramount importance to address such interactions at the molecular and cellular levels. We report an in vitro analysis of the effects of molecules secreted by Lactobacillus gasseri SF1183 on HCT116 cells, selected as a model of intestinal epithelial cells. SF1183 is a L. gasseri strain isolated from an ileal biopsy of a human healthy volunteer, able to prevent colitis symptoms in vivo. Expanding previous findings, we show that bioactive molecules secreted by SF1183 reduce the proliferation of HCT116 cells in a reversible manner determining a variation in cell cycle markers (p21WAF, p53, cyclin D1) and resulting in the protection of HCT116 cells from TNF-alfa induced apoptosis, an effect potentially relevant for the protection of the epithelial barrier integrity and reconstitution of tissue homeostasis. Consistently, SF1183 secreted molecules increase the recruitment of occludin, a major component of TJ, at the cell-cell contacts, suggesting a reinforcement of the barrier function
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