3 research outputs found

    Platelet-activating factor receptor (PAFR) regulates neuronal maturation and synaptic transmission during postnatal retinal development

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    IntroductionPlatelet-activating factor (PAF), PAF receptor (PAFR), and PAF- synthesis/degradation systems are involved in essential CNS processes such as neuroblast proliferation, differentiation, migration, and synaptic modulation. The retina is an important central nervous system (CNS) tissue for visual information processing. During retinal development, the balance between Retinal Progenitor Cell (RPC) proliferation and differentiation is crucial for proper cell determination and retinogenesis. Despite its importance in retinal development, the effects of PAFR deletion on RPC dynamics are still unknown.MethodsWe compared PAFR knockout mice (PAFR−/−) retinal postnatal development proliferation and differentiation aspects with control animals. Electrophysiological responses were analyzed by electroretinography (ERG).Results and discussionIn this study, we demonstrate that PAFR−/− mice increased proliferation during postnatal retinogenesis and altered the expression of specific differentiation markers. The retinas of postnatal PAFR−/− animals decreased neuronal differentiation and synaptic transmission markers, leading to differential responses to light stimuli measured by ERG. Our findings suggest that PAFR signaling plays a critical role in regulating postnatal RPC cell differentiation dynamics during retinal development, cell organization, and neuronal circuitry formation

    Intravitreal injection of polysorbate 80: a functional and morphological study

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    ABSTRACT Objective : to determine the functional and morphological effects at rabbits retina of PS80 concentration used in the preparation of intravitreal drugs. Methods: eleven New Zealand rabbits received a intravitreal injection of 0.1ml of PS80. As control, the contralateral eye of each rabbit received the same volume of saline. Electroretinography was performed according to a modified protocol, as well as biomicroscopy and retina mapping before injection and seven and ten days after. Animals were euthanized in the 30th day and the retinas were analyzed by light microscopy. Results: eyes injected with PS80 did not present clinical signs of intraocular inflammation. Electroretinography did not show any alteration of extent and implicit time of a and b waves at scotopic and photopic conditions. There were no morphological alterations of retinas at light microscopy. Conclusion: intravitreal injection of PS80 in the used concentration for intravitreal drug preparations do not cause any functional or morphological alterations of rabbit retinas. These results suggest that PS80 is not toxic to rabbit retinas and may be safely used in the preparation of new lipophilic drugs for intravitreal injection