10,915 research outputs found

    Gravitation and Duality Symmetry

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    By generalizing the Hodge dual operator to the case of soldered bundles, and working in the context of the teleparallel equivalent of general relativity, an analysis of the duality symmetry in gravitation is performed. Although the basic conclusion is that, at least in the general case, gravitation is not dual symmetric, there is a particular theory in which this symmetry shows up. It is a self dual (or anti-self dual) teleparallel gravity in which, due to the fact that it does not contribute to the interaction of fermions with gravitation, the purely tensor part of torsion is assumed to vanish. The ensuing fermionic gravitational interaction is found to be chiral. Since duality is intimately related to renormalizability, this theory may eventually be more amenable to renormalization than teleparallel gravity or general relativity.Comment: 7 pages, no figures. Version 2: minor presentation changes, references added. Accepted for publication in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Teleparallel origin of the Fierz picture for spin-2 particle

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    A new approach to the description of spin-2 particle in flat and curved spacetime is developed on the basis of the teleparallel gravity theory. We show that such an approach is in fact a true and natural framework for the Fierz representation proposed recently by Novello and Neves. More specifically, we demonstrate how the teleparallel theory fixes uniquely the structure of the Fierz tensor, discover the transparent origin of the gauge symmetry of the spin 2 model, and derive the linearized Einstein operator from the fundamental identity of the teleparallel gravity. In order to cope with the consistency problem on the curved spacetime, similarly to the usual Riemannian approach, one needs to include the non-minimal (torsion dependent) coupling terms.Comment: 5 pages, Revtex4, no figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Estimativa dos valores de saldo de radiação e fluxo de calor no solo em diferentes condições antrópicas na bacia do rio Ji-Paraná, Rondônia.

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    Use change and land cover has significant influence on energy flows. Thus, this study aimed to compare the net radiation and soil heat flux on two dates, 19/07/1984 and 25/06/2010 from a locality of river basin Ji-Paraná, Rondônia. To develop the study, an algorithm Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land (SEBAL) allowing the estimation of energy flows according to the cover. The model was applied in the study area in a sequence of steps, where the outcome of interest was the net radiation at the surface and the flow of heat in the soil. The results show that on average the net radiation was greater in the scene where the predominant areas of forest, 19/07/1984, since the albedo of the vegetation is lower than in surface of bare ground or with less dense vegetation as observed in the scene 25/06/2010. The values of soil heat flux are larger at the scene of 25/06/2010 and occupy a larger surface due to human action. This shows that the replacement of forest for agriculture, grazing and urbanization are causing decrease the net radiation and increase the flow of heat in the soil, thereby increasing the emission of long wave radiation that affect the surface temperature, air temperature and the hydrological cycle

    Elliptic Flow and Dissipation in Heavy-Ion Collisions at E_{lab} = (1--160)A GeV

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    Elliptic flow in heavy-ion collisions at incident energies ElabE_{lab}\simeq (1--160)A GeV is analyzed within the model of 3-fluid dynamics (3FD). We show that a simple correction factor, taking into account dissipative affects, allows us to adjust the 3FD results to experimental data. This single-parameter fit results in a good reproduction of the elliptic flow as a function of the incident energy, centrality of the collision and rapidity. The experimental scaling of pion eccentricity-scaled elliptic flow versus charged-hadron-multiplicity density per unit transverse area turns out to be also reasonably described. Proceeding from values of the Knudsen number, deduced from this fit, we estimate the upper limit the shear viscosity-to-entropy ratio as η/s12\eta/s \sim 1-2 at the SPS incident energies. This value is of the order of minimal η/s\eta/s observed in water and liquid nitrogen.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, version accepted by Phys. Rev.

    Transition from Knudsen to molecular diffusion in activity of absorbing irregular interfaces

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    We investigate through molecular dynamics the transition from Knudsen to molecular diffusion transport towards 2d absorbing interfaces with irregular geometry. Our results indicate that the length of the active zone decreases continuously with density from the Knudsen to the molecular diffusion regime. In the limit where molecular diffusion dominates, we find that this length approaches a constant value of the order of the system size, in agreement with theoretical predictions for Laplacian transport in irregular geometries. Finally, we show that all these features can be qualitatively described in terms of a simple random-walk model of the diffusion process.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Estudo da oferta e comercialização de repolho na CEAPE no período de 1999 a 2005.

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    Nutrientes limitantes à produtividade de pastagem cultivada em Argissolo Amarelo na Amazônia.

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    Um ensaio de adubação foi realizado em uma pastagem improdutiva de Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu, estabelecida em um Argissolo Amarelo, em Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre, visando identificar os nutrientes limitantes de sua produtividade. O delineamento foi em blocos ao acaso, com três repetições e oito tratamentos constituídos por diferentes combinações de nitrogênio, fósforo, potássio, calcário, enxofre e micronutrientes. Os fertilizantes foram aplicados em cobertura, em parcelas de 3 x 3 m, e a resposta do pasto avaliada 37 dias após a adubação. Os resultados mostraram que nitrogênio e potássio eram os únicos nutrientes limitantes ao crescimento da gramínea. O uso do extrator Mehlich-1 mostrou-se pouco eficiente para caracterizar a disponibilidade de fósforo no solo para fins de adubação de manutenção de pastagens

    Green function approach for scattering quantum walks

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    In this work a Green function approach for scattering quantum walks is developed. The exact formula has the form of a sum over paths and always can be cast into a closed analytic expression for arbitrary topologies and position dependent quantum amplitudes. By introducing the step and path operators, it is shown how to extract any information about the system from the Green function. The method relevant features are demonstrated by discussing in details an example, a general diamond-shaped graph.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, this article was selected by APS for Virtual Journal of Quantum Information, Vol 11, Iss 11 (2011

    Localized spin ordering in Kondo lattice models

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    Using a non-Abelian density matrix renormalization group method we determine the phase diagram of the Kondo lattice model in one dimension, by directly measuring the magnetization of the ground-state. This allowed us to discover a second ferromagnetic phase missed in previous approaches. The phase transitions are found to be continuous. The spin-spin correlation function is studied in detail, and we determine in which regions the large and small Fermi surfaces dominate. The importance of double-exchange ordering and its competition with Kondo singlet formation is emphasized in understanding the complexity of the model.Comment: Revtex, 4 pages, 4 eps figures embedde