207 research outputs found

    Kohn-Sham theory of rotating dipolar Fermi gas in two dimensions

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    A two-dimensional dipolar Fermi gas in harmonic trap under rotation is studied by solving "ab initio" Kohn-Sham equations. The physical parameters used match those of ultracold gas of fermionic 23Na40K^{23}Na^{40}K molecules, a prototype system of strongly interacting dipolar quantum matter, which has been created very recently. We find that, as the critical rotational frequency is approached and the system collapses into the lowest Landau level, an array of tightly packed quantum vortices develops, in spite of the non-superfluid character of the system. In this state the system looses axial symmetry, and the fermionic cloud boundaries assume an almost perfect square shape. At higher values of the filling factor the vortex lattice disappears, while the system still exhibits square-shaped boundaries. At lower values of the filling factor the fermions become instead localized in a "Wigner cluster" structure.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Kohn-Sham approach to Fermi gas superfluidity: the bilayer of fermionic polar molecules

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    By using a well established 'ab initio' theoretical approach developed in the past to quantitatively study the superconductivity of condensed matter systems, which is based on the Kohn-Sham Density Functional theory, I study the superfluid properties and the BCS-BEC crossover of two parallel bi-dimensional layers of fermionic dipolar molecules, where the pairing mechanism leading to superfluidity is provided by the inter-layer coupling between dipoles. The finite temperature superfluid properties of both the homogeneous system and one were the fermions in each layer are confined by a square optical lattice are studied at half filling conditions, and for different values of the strength of the confining optical potential. The T=0 results for the homogeneous system are found to be in excellent agreement with Diffusion Monte Carlo results. The superfluid transition temperature in the BCS region is found to increase, for a given inter-layer coupling, with the strength of the confining optical potential. A transition occurs at sufficiently small interlayer distances, where the fermions becomes localized within the optical lattice sites in a square geometry with an increased effective lattice constant, forming a system of localized composite bosons. This transition should be signalled by a sudden drop in the superfluid fraction of the system.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures (accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. A

    Dipolar Bose gas in highly anharmonic traps

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    By means of mean-field theory, we have studied the structure and excitation spectrum of a purely dipolar Bose gas in pancake-shaped trap where the confinement in the x-y plane is provided by a highly anharmonic potential resulting in an almost uniform confinement in the plane. We show that the stable condensates is characterized by marked radially structured density profiles. The stability diagram is calculated by independently varying the strength of the interaction and the trap geometry. By computing the Bogoliubov excitation spectrum near the instability line we show that soft "angular" rotons are responsible for the collapse of the system. The free expansion of the cloud after the trap is released is also studied by means of time-dependent calculations, showing that a prolate, cigar-shaped condensate is dynamically stabilized during the expansion, which would otherwise collapse. Dipolar condensates rotating with sufficiently high angular velocity show the formation of multiply-quantized giant vortices, while the condensates acquire a ring-shaped form.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Superfluid behavior of quasi-1D p-H2_2 inside carbon nanotube

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    We perform ab-initio Quantum Monte Carlo simulations of para-hydrogen (pH2_2) at T=0T=0 K confined in carbon nanotubes (CNT) of different radii. The radial density profiles show a strong layering of the pH2_2 molecules which grow, with increasing number of molecules, in solid concentric cylindrical shells and eventually a central column. The central column can be considered an effective one-dimensional (1D) fluid whose properties are well captured by the Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid theory. The Luttinger parameter is explicitly computed and interestingly it shows a non-monotonic behavior with the linear density similar to what found for pure 1D 3^3He. Remarkably, for the central column in a (10,10) CNT, we found an ample linear density range in which the Luttinger liquid is (i) superfluid and (ii) stable against a weak disordered external potential, as the one expected inside realistic pores. This superfluid behavior could be experimentally revealed in bundles of carbon nanotubes, where deviations from classical inertial values associated with superfluid density could be measured via torsional oscillator techniques. In summary, our results suggest that pH2_2 within carbon nanopores could be a practical realization of the long sought-after, elusive superfluid phase of parahydrogen.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures accepted as PRB rapi

    Supersolid behaviour of a dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate confined in a tube

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    Motivated by a recent experiment [L.Chomaz et al., Nature Physics 14, 442 (2018)], we perform numerical simulations of a dipolar Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC) in a tubular confinement at T=0 within Density Functional Theory, where the beyond-mean-field correction to the ground state energy is included in the Local Density Approximation. We study the excitation spectrum of the system by solving the corresponding Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations. The calculated spectrum shows a roton minimum, and the roton gap decreases by reducing the effective scattering length. As the roton gap disappears, the system spontaneously develops in its ground-state a periodic, linear structure formed by denser clusters of atomic dipoles immersed in a dilute superfluid background. This structure shows the hallmarks of a supersolid system, i.e. (i) a finite non-classical translational inertia along the tube axis and (ii) the appearance, besides the phonon mode, of the Nambu-Goldstone gapless mode corresponding to phase fluctuations, and related to the spontaneous breaking of the gauge symmetry. A further decrease in the scattering length eventually leads to the formation of a periodic linear array of self-bound droplets.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures (version accepted for publication in PRA Rapid Communications

    Supersolid structure and excitation spectrum of soft-core bosons in 3D

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    By means of a mean-field method, we have studied the zero temperature structure and excitation spectrum of a three-dimensional soft-core bosonic system for a value of the interaction strength that favors a crystal structure made of atomic nano-clusters arranged with FCC ordering. In addition to the longitudinal and transverse phonon branches expected for a normal crystal, the excitation spectrum shows a soft mode related to the breaking of gauge symmetry, which signals a partial superfluid character of the solid. Additional evidence of supersolidity is provided by the calculation of the superfluid fraction, which shows a first-order drop, from 1 to 0.4, at the liquid-supersolid transition and a monotonic decrease as the interaction strength parameter is increased. The conditions for the coexistence of the supersolid with the homogeneous superfluid are discussed, and the surface tension of a representative solid-liquid interface is calculated.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figure

    Vortex arrays in nanoscopic superfluid helium droplets

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    We have studied the appearance of vortex arrays in a rotating helium-4 nanodroplet at zero temperature within density functional theory. Our results are compared with those for classical rotating fluid drops used to analyze the shape and vorticity in recent experiments [L.F. Gomez et al., Science 345, 906 (2014)], where vortices have been directly seen in superfluid droplets for the first time. In agreement with the experiments, we have found that the shape of the droplet changes from pseudo-spheroid, oblate-like for a small number of vortices to a peculiar "wheel-like" shape, delimited by nearly flat upper and lower surfaces, when the number of vortices is large. Also in agreement with the experiments, we have found that the droplet remains stable well above the stability limit predicted by classical theories.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Spinning superfluid helium-4 nanodroplets

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    We have studied spinning superfluid 4^4He nanodroplets at zero temperature using Density Functional theory. Due to the irrotational character of the superfluid flow, the shapes of the spinning nanodroplets are very different from those of a viscous normal fluid drop in steady rotation. We show that when vortices are nucleated inside the superfluid droplets, their morphology, which evolves from axisymmetric oblate to triaxial prolate to two-lobed shapes, is in good agreement with experiments. The presence of vortex arrays confers to the superfluid droplets the rigid-body behavior of a normal fluid in steady rotation, and this is the ultimate reason of the surprising good agreement between recent experiments and the classical models used for their description.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figur
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