275 research outputs found

    Energy-Spin Trajectories in AdS_5 x S^5 from Semiclassical Vertex Operators

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    We study the relation between vertex operators in AdS_5 x S^5 and classical spinning string solutions. In the limit of large quantum numbers the treatment of vertex operators becomes semiclassical. In this regime, a given vertex operator carrying a certain set of quantum numbers defines a singular solution. We show in a number of examples that this solution coincides with the classical string solution with the same quantum numbers but written in a different two-dimensional coordinate system. The marginality condition imposed on an operator yields a relation between the energy and the other quantum numbers which is shown to coincide with that of the corresponding classical string solution. We also argue that in some cases vertex operators in AdS_5 x S^5 cannot be given by expressions similar to the ones in flat space and a more involved consideration is required.Comment: 23 pages, 1 Figur

    Correlators of Vertex Operators for Circular Strings with Winding Numbers in AdS5xS5

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    We compute semiclassically the two-point correlator of the marginal vertex operators describing the rigid circular spinning string state with one large spin and one windining number in AdS_5 and three large spins and three winding numbers in S^5. The marginality condition and the conformal invariant expression for the two-point correlator obtained by using an appropriate vertex operator are shown to be associated with the diagonal and off-diagonal Virasoro constraints respectively. We evaluate semiclassically the three-point correlator of two heavy circular string vertex operators and one zero-momentum dilaton vertex operator and discuss its relation with the derivative of the dimension of the heavy circular string state with respect to the string tension.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX, no figure

    On semiclassical approximation for correlators of closed string vertex operators in AdS/CFT

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    We consider the 2-point function of string vertex operators representing string state with large spin in AdS_5. We compute this correlator in the semiclassical approximation and show that it has the expected (on the basis of state-operator correspondence) form of the strong-coupling limit of the 2-point function of single trace minimal twist operators in gauge theory. The semiclassical solution representing the stationary point of the path integral with two vertex operator insertions is found to be related to the large spin limit of the folded spinning string solution by a euclidean continuation, transformation to Poincare coordinates and conformal map from cylinder to complex plane. The role of the source terms coming from the vertex operator insertions is to specify the parameters of the solution in terms of quantum numbers (dimension and spin) of the corresponding string state. Understanding further how similar semiclassical methods may work for 3-point functions may shed light on strong-coupling limit of the corresponding correlators in gauge theory as was recently suggested by Janik et al in arXiv:1002.4613.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figure; minor corrections, references added, footnote below eq. (4.5) adde

    Holographic three-point functions of semiclassical states

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    We calculate the holographic three-point functions in N = 4 super-Yang-Mills theory in the case when two of the operators are semiclassical and one is dual to a supergravity mode. We further discuss the transition to the regime when all three operators are semiclassical.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures; v2: refs. added, discussion in sec. 2.1 expanded; v3: misprint in (2.28) corrected, published versio

    Correlation function of null polygonal Wilson loops with local operators

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    We consider the correlator of a light-like polygonal Wilson loop with n cusps with a local operator (like the dilaton or the chiral primary scalar) in planar N =4 super Yang-Mills theory. As a consequence of conformal symmetry, the main part of such correlator is a function F of 3n-11 conformal ratios. The first non-trivial case is n=4 when F depends on just one conformal ratio \zeta. This makes the corresponding correlator one of the simplest non-trivial observables that one would like to compute for generic values of the `t Hooft coupling \lambda. We compute F(\zeta,\lambda) at leading order in both the strong coupling regime (using semiclassical AdS5 x S5 string theory) and the weak coupling regime (using perturbative gauge theory). Some results are also obtained for polygonal Wilson loops with more than four edges. Furthermore, we also discuss a connection to the relation between a correlator of local operators at null-separated positions and cusped Wilson loop suggested in arXiv:1007.3243.Comment: 36 pages, 2 figure

    Gravitational energy of a magnetized Schwarzschild black hole - a teleparallel approach

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    We investigate the distribution of gravitational energy on the spacetime of a Schwarzschild black hole immersed in a cosmic magnetic field. This is done in the context of the {\it Teleparallel Equivalent of General Relativity}, which is an alternative geometrical formulation of General Relativity, where gravity is describe by a spacetime endowed with torsion, rather than curvature, with the fundamental field variables being tetrads. We calculate the energy enclosed by a two-surface of constant radius - in particular, the energy enclosed by the event horizon of the black hole. In this case we find that the magnetic field has the effect of increasing the gravitational energy as compared to the vacuum Schwarzschild case. We also compute the energy (i) in the weak magnetic field limit, (ii) in the limit of vanishing magnetic field, and (iii) in the absence of the black hole. In all cases our results are consistent with what should be expected on physical grounds.Comment: version to match the one to be published on General Relativity and Gravitatio

    Kerr-CFT From Black-Hole Thermodynamics

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    We analyze the near-horizon limit of a general black hole with two commuting killing vector fields in the limit of zero temperature. We use black hole thermodynamics methods to relate asymptotic charges of the complete spacetime to those obtained in the near-horizon limit. We then show that some diffeomorphisms do alter asymptotic charges of the full spacetime, even though they are defined in the near horizon limit and, therefore, count black hole states. We show that these conditions are essentially the same as considered in the Kerr/CFT corresponcence. From the algebra constructed from these diffeomorphisms, one can extract its central charge and then obtain the black hole entropy by use of Cardy's formula.Comment: 19 pages, JHEP3, no figures. V2: References added, small typos fixe

    Holography at an Extremal De Sitter Horizon

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    Rotating maximal black holes in four-dimensional de Sitter space, for which the outer event horizon coincides with the cosmological horizon, have an infinite near-horizon region described by the rotating Nariai metric. We show that the asymptotic symmetry group at the spacelike future boundary of the near-horizon region contains a Virasoro algebra with a real, positive central charge. This is evidence that quantum gravity in a rotating Nariai background is dual to a two-dimensional Euclidean conformal field theory. These results are related to the Kerr/CFT correspondence for extremal black holes, but have two key differences: one of the black hole event horizons has been traded for the cosmological horizon, and the near-horizon geometry is a fiber over dS_2 rather than AdS_2.Comment: 15 page