50 research outputs found

    Semi-Distributed Demand Response Solutions for Smart Homes

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm brings an opportunity for advanced Demand Response (DR) solutions. It enables visibility and control on the various appliances that may consume, store or generate energy within a home. It has been shown that a centralized control on the appliances of a set of households leads to efficient DR mechanisms; unfortunately, such solutions raise privacy and scalability issues. In this chapter we propose an approach that deals with these issues. Specifically, we introduce a scalable two-levels control system where a centralized controller allocates power to each house on one side and, each household implements a DR local solution on the other side. A limited feedback to the centralized controller allows to enhance the performance with little impact on privacy. The solution is proposed for the general framework of capacity markets

    Double Bundle Method for finding Clarke Stationary Points in Nonsmooth DC Programming

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    The aim of this paper is to introduce a new proximal double bundle method for unconstrained nonsmooth optimization, where the objective function is presented as a difference of two convex (DC) functions. The novelty in our method is a new escape procedure which enables us to guarantee approximate Clarke stationarity for solutions by utilizing the DC components of the objective function. This optimality condition is stronger than the criticality condition typically used in DC programming. Moreover, if a candidate solution is not approximate Clarke stationary, then the escape procedure returns a descent direction. With this escape procedure, we can avoid some shortcomings encountered when criticality is used. The finite termination of the double bundle method to an approximate Clarke stationary point is proved by assuming that the subdifferentials of DC components are polytopes. Finally, some encouraging numerical results are presented

    Comments on: Optimization and data mining in medicine

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    Discrete gradient methods

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    In this chapter, the notion of a discrete gradient is introduced and it is shown that the discrete gradients can be used to approximate subdifferentials of a broad class of nonsmooth functions. Two methods based on such approximations, more specifically, the discrete gradient method (DGM) and its limited memory version (LDGB), are described. These methods are semi derivative-free methods for solving nonsmooth and, in general, nonconvex optimization problems. The performance of the methods is demonstrated using some academic test problems. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020

    An efficient algorithm for the incremental construction of a piecewise linear classifier

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    In this paper the problem of finding piecewise linear boundaries between sets is considered and is applied for solving supervised data classification problems. An algorithm for the computation of piecewise linear boundaries, consisting of two main steps, is proposed. In the first step sets are approximated by hyperboxes to find so-called "indeterminate" regions between sets. In the second step sets are separated inside these "indeterminate" regions by piecewise linear functions. These functions are computed incrementally starting with a linear function. Results of numerical experiments are reported. These results demonstrate that the new algorithm requires a reasonable training time and it produces consistently good test set accuracy on most data sets comparing with mainstream classifiers. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Nonsmooth optimization based algorithms in cluster analysis

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    Cluster analysis is an important task in data mining. It deals with the problem of organization of a collection of objects into clusters based on a similarity measure. Various distance functions can be used to define the similarity measure. Cluster analysis problems with the similarity measure defined by the squared Euclidean distance, which is also known as the minimum sum-of-squares clustering, has been studied extensively over the last five decades. L1 and L1 norms have attracted less attention. In this chapter, we consider a nonsmooth nonconvex optimization formulation of the cluster analysis problems. This formulation allows one to easily apply similarity measures defined using different distance functions. Moreover, an efficient incremental algorithm can be designed based on this formulation to solve the clustering problems. We develop incremental algorithms for solving clustering problems where the similarity measure is defined using the L1; L2 and L1 norms. We also consider different algorithms for solving nonsmooth nonconvex optimization problems in cluster analysis. The proposed algorithms are tested using several real world data sets and compared with other similar algorithms

    Optimization methods and the k-committees algorithm for clustering of sequence data

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    The present paper is devoted to new algorithms for unsupervised clustering based on the optimization approaches due to [2], [3] and [4]. We consider a novel situation, where the datasets consist of nucleotide or protein sequences and rather sophisticated biologically significant alignment scores have to be used as a measure of distance. Sequences of this kind cannot be regarded as points in a finite dimensional space. Besides, the alignment scores do not satisfy properties of Minkowski metrics. Nevertheless the optimization approaches have made it possible to introduce a new k-committees algorithm and compare its performance with previous algorithms for two datasets. Our experimental results show that the k-committees algorithms achieves intermediate accuracy for a dataset of ITS sequences, and it can perform better than the discrete k-means and Nearest Neighbour algorithms for certain datasets. All three algorithms achieve good agreement with clusters published in the biological literature before and can be used to obtain biologically significant clusterings

    Visual tools for analysing evolution, emergence, and error in data streams

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    The relatively new field of stream mining has necessitated the development of robust drift-aware algorithms that provide accurate, real time, data handling capabilities. Tools are needed to assess and diagnose important trends and investigate drift evolution parameters. In this paper, we present two new and novel visualisation techniques, Pixie and Luna graphs, which incorporate salient group statistics coupled with intuitive visual representations of multidimensional groupings over time. Through the novel representations presented here, spatial interactions between temporal divisions can be diagnosed and overall distribution patterns identified. It provides a means of evaluating in non-constrained capacity, commonly constrained evolutionary problems