4 research outputs found

    Application of bioassays with Enchytraeus crupticus and Folsomia candida to evaluate the toxicity of a metal-contaminated soil, before and after remediation.

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    Purpose: A contaminated soil was amended to reduce bioavailability of metals (As, Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn) and to modify its potential environmental impacts. Reproduction toxicity tests using two different soil invertebrates, Enchytraeus crypticus and Folsomia candida, were used to evaluate efficiency of soil amendments to reduce metal availability. Materials and methods: This study has been carried out on a very contaminated soil from El Arteal mining district (SE Spain). The amendments used were marble sludge from the cutting and polishing of marble, compost from greenhouse wastes, and synthetic iron oxides. Soils were analyzed for cation exchange capacity, organic carbon and calcium carbonate content, particle size distribution, pH, electrical conductivity, and total metal content. Porewater and 0.01 M CaC

    Complexation of Dissolved Organic Matter with Trace Metal Ions in Natural Waters

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