1,100 research outputs found

    Debunking The Hellenistic Myth: Why Christians Should Believe That God Is In Time

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    In this essay I will try to convince you: (1) that the question of God’s relation to time is of practical relevance for every believer (2) that the idea of God being outside time is a philosophically untenable concept which creates major clashes with Christian doctrine and therefore that every Christian should adopt some temporalist view of God To do that, I will present four arguments against the “outside time” view of God. I then briefly treat the question where the idea of God’s timelessness presumably came from and conclude with an outlook on problems that temporalist accounts of God must face

    Why the Incarnation Is Incompatible With An Atemporal Concept of God

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    In this essay, I argue that the Incarnation of the Son of God, understood in a traditionally orthodox way, is incompatible with an atemporalist concept of God. First, I explain what I mean by atemporalism, namely the idea that God exists outside time. I also show the main corollaries of that doctrine, most notably that all of God’s life occurs eternally simultaneously. Second, based on New Testament teaching and widely accepted creeds, I spell out philosophically what I mean by the Incarnation. In short, I take it to be the doctrine that the Second Person of the Trinity at some point in time took on a human body as part of a fully human nature. I then proceed to my central argument, which derives a contradiction from the definitions of the Incarnation and of atemporalism, respectively. In the last section, I shall treat some possible objections to my argument and show that they do not solve the problem satisfactorily

    Statistical Tools for Digital Image Forensics

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    A digitally altered image, often leaving no visual clues of having been tampered with, can be indistinguishable from an authentic image. The tampering, however, may disturb some underlying statistical properties of the image. Under this assumption, we propose five techniques that quantify and detect statistical perturbations found in different forms of tampered images: (1) re-sampled images (e.g., scaled or rotated); (2) manipulated color filter array interpolated images; (3) double JPEG compressed images; (4) images with duplicated regions; and (5) images with inconsistent noise patterns. These techniques work in the absence of any embedded watermarks or signatures. For each technique we develop the theoretical foundation, show its effectiveness on credible forgeries, and analyze its sensitivity and robustness to simple counter-attacks

    Does Consciousness-Collapse Quantum Mechanics Facilitate Dualistic Mental Causation?

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    One of the most serious challenges (if not the most serious challenge) for interactive psycho-physical dualism (henceforth interactive dualism or ID) is the so-called ‘interaction problem’. It has two facets, one of which this article focuses on, namely the apparent tension between interactions of non-physical minds in the physical world and physical laws of nature. One family of approaches to alleviate or even dissolve this tension is based on a collapse solution (‘consciousness collapse/CC) of the measurement problem in quantum mechanics (QM). The idea is that the mind brings about the collapse of a superposed wave function onto one of its eigenstates. Thus, it is claimed, can the mind change the course of things without violating any law figuring in physical theory. I will first show that this hope is premature because energy and momentum are probably not conserved in collapse processes, and that even if this can be dealt with, the violations are either severe or produce further ontological problems. Second, I point out several conceptual difficulties for interactionist CC. I will also present solutions for those problems, but it will become clear that those solutions come at a high cost. Third, I shall briefly list some empirical problems which make life even harder for interactionist CC. I conclude with remarks about why no- collapse interpretations of QM don’t help either and what the present study has shown is the real issue for ID: namely to find a plausible integrative view of dualistic mental causation and laws of nature

    Interacting Minds in the Physical Wordl

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    Mental causation, idea that it is us – via our minds – who cause bodily actions is as commonsensical as it is indispensable for our understanding of ourselves as rational agents. Somewhat less uncontroversial, but nonetheless widespread (at least among ordinary people) is the idea that the mind is non-physical, following the intuition that what is physical can neither act nor think nor judge morally. Taken together, and cast into a metaphysical thesis, the two intuitions yield interactive dualism: the view that human persons and their minds are non-physical but can nonetheless interact with their bodies, most notably through their brains. This thesis has two main objectives: first, to defend interactive dualism against objections, and second, to show how it can blend in with a physical world in which laws of nature hold. The first part (chapter 1) consists in a brief motivation of interactive dualism as opposed to non-interactive dualism. I argue that non-interactive, epiphenomenalist dualism sacrifices so many crucial aspects of our human existence that interactive dualism is highly to be preferred to it, barring even stronger counterarguments against the latter. It is those putative counterarguments I address in parts II and III. Part II takes on the philosophical objections from the causal closure of the physical and from causal heterogeneity. The former takes the success of physics and physiology as basis for the doctrine of the causal closure of the physical (CCP). I argue against this that there is not only no convincing argument for CCP, but also that any science-based belief in CCP cannot be epistemically justified. As regards the causal heterogeneity objection, it is ‘weighed and found wanting’, because it relies on unwarranted assumptions about causation. In part III, I examine the objection from energy conservation. It roughly says that if interactive dualism were true, then energy would not be conserved, which physics taught us cannot be the case. My reply is that the underlying conception of energy (and momentum) conservation is wrong-headed and not the one that actual physicists use. Instead of being categorical and global, conservation laws are conditional and local, thereby making natural room for mental interaction. Some dualists, however, have sought to make interactive dualism conservation-friendly, notably by invoking quantum physics; I show that these attempts are unnecessary and create more problems than they solve. Finally, in chapter 9, I turn the tables on non-interactionists by investigating current neurophysiological literature on volitional actions, which, though not addressing the question directly, still encourages the interactive dualist picture more than a non-interactionist one. Part IV is about the interplay between interactive dualism and the laws of nature. The ultimate goal is, if possible, to come up with a theory of the laws of nature that explains the lawlike behavior of nature and at the same time makes room for interaction. I begin by pointing out that the laws of nature are or at least should be what physicalists worry about (chapter 10). I then proceed with a historical survey on the development of the notion of laws of nature (chapter 11) that sheds light on its theistic origin. This is followed by an inquiry into the question how a law of nature could possibly be broken (chapter 12) and a survey of the extant metaphysical theories of the laws of nature with special regard to their receptivity to interaction (chapter 13). Finally, in chapter 14 I develop a theory of the laws of nature both faithful to their divine origin and the possibility of mental interaction: dispositionalist divine decretalism, a synthesis of dispositionalism and Jeffrey Koperski’s divine decretalism

    BPS and non-BPS states in a supersymmetric Landau-Ginzburg theory

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    We analyze the spectrum of the N=(2,2) supersymmetric Landau-Ginzburg theory in two dimensions with superpotential W=X^{n+2}-lambda X^2. We find the full BPS spectrum of this theory by exploiting the direct connection between the UV and IR limits of the theory. The computation utilizes results from the Picard-Lefschetz theory of singularities and its extension to boundary singularities. The additional fact that this theory is integrable requires that the BPS states do not close under scattering. This observation fixes the masses of non-BPS states as well.Comment: 27 pages, 12 figure

    RJMCMC-based tracking of vesicles in fluorescence time-lapse microscopy

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    Influence of Pasteurization on Total Phenols Content and Antioxidant Capacity of Prunus persica L. Juices

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    Peach and nectarine (Prunus persica ) production has an important place in the world, being the most important fruit after apple crops in the European Union. Because the fruits are perishable, it is desirable to valorize them as juice. Seven peaches and three nectarines cultivars grown in the N-W part of Romania were investigated for quality parameters, volatile profile, total phenols content and antioxidant capacity. The volatile composition of peach and nectarine cultivars was determined via the ITEX/GC-MS technique, the main volatile compounds belonging to alcohols and aldehydes. Another objective was to obtain the pasteurised juices from these fruits and to investigate the best time of pasteurisation in order to identify the most valuable cultivar from the perspective of total phenols content and its antioxidant capacity. For a better interpretation of results and a proper discrimination between cultivars, according to the total phenols content and antioxidant capacity, the multivariate analysis, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA) were applied. The peach cultivars showed the highest content in total phenols compared with nectarine. From peach cultivars, the highest concentration was recorded in ‘Southland’ (47.49 ± 0.14 mg GAE 100 g-1 FW) and from nectarine cultivars in ‘Romamer’ (16.28 ± 0.83 mg GAE 100 g-1 FW). The highest antioxidant capacities were recorded in ‘Southland’ peach in the case of both methods (DPPH and FRAP). The results showed that ‘Southland’ peach and ‘Romamer’ nectarine pasteurised juices are the best from the point of view of total phenolic compounds content with high antioxidant capacity
