75 research outputs found

    Universal properties of hard-core bosons confined on one-dimensional lattices

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    Based on an exact treatment of hard-core bosons confined on one-dimensional lattices, we obtain the large distance behavior of the one-particle density matrix, and show how it determines the occupation of the lowest natural orbital in the thermodynamic limit. We also study the occupation λη\lambda_{\eta} of the natural orbitals for large-η\eta at low densities. Both quantities show universal behavior independently of the confining potential. Finite-size corrections and the momentum distribution function for finite systems are also analyzed.Comment: Revtex file, 5 pages, 5 figures. Content and references added. Published versio

    Fermionization in an expanding 1D gas of hard-core bosons

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    We show by means of an exact numerical approach that the momentum distribution of a free expanding gas of hard-core bosons on a one-dimensional lattice approaches to the one of noninteracting fermions, acquiring a Fermi edge. Yet there is a power-law decay of the one-particle density matrix ρx1/x\rho_x\sim 1/\sqrt{x}, as usual for hard-core bosons in the ground state, which accounts for a large occupation of the lowest natural orbitals for all expansion times. The fermionization of the momentum distribution function, which is not observed in equilibrium, is analyzed in detail.Comment: Revtex file, 4 pages, 6 figures, published versio

    Confinement control by optical lattices

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    It is shown that the interplay of a confining potential with a periodic potential leads for free particles to states spatially confined on a fraction of the total extension of the system. A more complex `slicing' of the system can be achieved by increasing the period of the lattice potential. These results are especially relevant for fermionic systems, where interaction effects are in general strongly reduced for a single species at low temperatures.Comment: Revtex file, 13 pages, 18 figures. References added. Published versio

    Single hole dynamics in the one dimensional t-J model

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    We present a new finite-temperature quantum Monte Carlo algorithm to compute imaginary-time Green functions for a single hole in the t-J model on non-frustrated lattices. Spectral functions are then obtained with the Maximum Entropy method. Simulations of the one-dimensional case show that a simple charge-spin separation Ansatz is able to describe the overall features of the spectral function over the whole energy range for values of J/t from 1/3 to 4. This includes the bandwidth W \sim 4t + J and the compact support of the spectral function. The quasiparticle weight Z_k is computed on lattices up to L=96 sites, and scales as Z_k\propto L^{-1/2}.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Time evolution of one-dimensional Quantum Many Body Systems

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    The level of current understanding of the physics of time-dependent strongly correlated quantum systems is far from complete, principally due to the lack of effective controlled approaches. Recently, there has been progress in the development of approaches for one-dimensional systems. We describe recent developments in the construction of numerical schemes for general (one-dimensional) Hamiltonians: in particular, schemes based on exact diagonalization techniques and on the density matrix renormalization group method (DMRG). We present preliminary results for spinless fermions with nearest-neighbor-interaction and investigate their accuracy by comparing with exact results.Comment: Contribution for the conference proceedings of the "IX. Training Course in the Physics of Correlated Electron Systems and High-Tc Superconductors" held in Vietri sul Mare (Salerno, Italy) in October 200

    Ground-state properties of hard-core bosons confined on one-dimensional optical lattices

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    We study the ground-state properties of hard-core bosons trapped by arbitrary confining potentials on one-dimensional optical lattices. A recently developed exact approach based on the Jordan-Wigner transformation is used. We analyze the large distance behavior of the one-particle density matrix, the momentum distribution function, and the lowest natural orbitals. In addition, the low-density limit in the lattice is studied systematically, and the results obtained compared with the ones known for the hard-core boson gas without the lattice.Comment: RevTex file, 14 pages, 22 figures, published versio

    Quantum Monte Carlo study of confined fermions in one-dimensional optical lattices

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    Using quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) simulations we study the ground-state properties of the one-dimensional fermionic Hubbard model in traps with an underlying lattice. Since due to the confining potential the density is space dependent, Mott-insulating domains always coexist with metallic regions, such that global quantities are not appropriate to describe the system. We define a local compressibility that characterizes the Mott-insulating regions and analyze other local quantities. It is shown that the momentum distribution function, a quantity that is commonly considered in experiments, fails in giving a clear signal of the Mott-insulator transition. Furthermore, we analyze a mean-field approach to these systems and compare it with the numerically exact QMC results. Finally, we determine a generic form for the phase diagram that allows us to predict the phases to be observed in the experiments.Comment: RevTex file, 13 pages, 19 figures, published versio

    Time evolution of correlations in strongly interacting fermions after a quantum quench

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    Using the adaptive time-dependent density matrix renormalization group, we study the time evolution of density correlations of interacting spinless fermions on a one-dimensional lattice after a sudden change in the interaction strength. Over a broad range of model parameters, the correlation function exhibits a characteristic light-cone-like time evolution representative of a ballistic transport of information. Such behavior is observed both when quenching an insulator into the metallic region and also when quenching within the insulating region. However, when a metallic state beyond the quantum critical point is quenched deep into the insulating regime, no indication for ballistic transport is observed. Instead, stable domain walls in the density correlations emerge during the time evolution, consistent with the predictions of the Kibble-Zurek mechanism.Comment: Published version; minor changes, references adde