799 research outputs found

    Yield and Quality Parameters of an Interspecific Hybrid \u3cem\u3ePennisetum Purpureum\u3c/em\u3e Schum. (Elephant-Grass) \u3cem\u3eX Pennisetum Glaucum\u3c/em\u3e (L.) R. Br. Stuntz (Pearl Millet)

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    Elephant-grass is a tropical forage grass used either as a supplement fodder or for direct grazing. It usually shows regular nutritive value (6-13% crude protein, CP, and 55-60% forage digestibility) (Alcantara et al., 1981). Most of the available cultivars produce no viable seeds. On the other hand, pearl millet has high seed yielding potential along with high quality forage (\u3e15% CP and 70% forage digestibility). However, it shows poor forage production, low field persistence under grazing and low regrowth potential after cutting or grazing. During the 90\u27s, an interspecific hybrid between the two species was developed, trying to combine the elephant-grass adaaptability and forage yielding potential with the pearl millet forage quality and seed yielding potential (Schank et al., 1993; Schank, 1996). The new genetic material was able to produce viable seeds in variable amounts (Diz et al., 1995). The main aim of this research was to produce selected populations with high phenotypic uniformities, showing high average forage production and quality

    New Pigeon Pea (\u3cem\u3eCajanus Cajan\u3c/em\u3e) Hybrids With Desirable Forage Traits

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    Pigeon pea is a tropical forage legume usually sown in mixed pastures with tropical forage grasses. Most of the available cultivars shows erect and tall plants with poor tillering potential, breakable thick stems, low leaf/stem ratios (fresh/dry matter) and low persistence under animal grazing. It shows a high dry matter production, due to low leaf/stem ratios (Barnes & Addo, 1997). Pigeon pea shows good crude protein levels/dry matter (ranging from 14-23%) and regular in vitro digestibility indexes (52-58%) (Karachi & Matata, 1996); animal consumption is affected by high tannin levels of young leaves. Being a self-pollinated species, the variability for forage traits occurs among cultivars available at germplasm banks. No significant variation is observed for any forage character within a given population. Effective selection and releasing of new genetic materials bearing desirable morpho-agronomic and forage traits is mostly dependent on increases of genetic variation, which may be accomplished through artificial crossings between selected parentals. This research work was aimed at the synthesis of new pigeon pea hybrids, hopefully bearing new desirable forage characters

    Diferenciação de cultivares de feijão de origem transgênica e convencional por RMN HR-MAS de 1H e análise quimiométrica.

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    O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar as diferenças na composição química dos grãos dos cultivares Olathe Pinto convencional e o seu geneticamente modificado (Olathe Pinto 5.1) e uma possível transferência gênica aos cultivares Pontal e Perola, utilizando a ressonância magnética nuclear, em análise particular da técnica HR-MAS, e técnicas quimiométricas.Conpeex 2010

    Production and Mineral Composition of Tropical Grasses Sown under a Pine Plantation

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    A trial was conducted in Brazil to evaluate the performance of 6 tropical grasses: tanzania (Panicum maximum cv. Tanzania), green-panic (P. maximum var. Trichoglume), aruana (P. maximum cv. Aruana), brizanta (Brachiaria brizantha), humidicola (B. humidicola) and tifton-85 (Cynodon dactylon cv. Tifton 85), planted under two different densities of pines (Pinus elliottis): 200 and 400 stems/ha, as well as in the full sunlight. The results showed that the dry matter yield decreased as shading increased. The grasses tanzania and brizanta were the most tolerant to shading. Although N concentration increased with shading, the total N yield was still lower than that obtained with grasses in full sunlight, probably due to higher soil acidity and to lower nutrient content under the pines. The concentrations of P, K, Mg and S were higher and those of Ca lower under shading conditions. All elements were at adequate level, except for Tifton-85 that presented a low N content and a high content of S, probably due to the fact that this grass is more demanding in soil N. It is concluded that other factor besides light influenced DM and N yields; but even so, it was possible to obtain a satisfactory biomass production under shading conditions

    Nutritive Quality of Tropical Grasses Sown under a Pine Plantation

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    A trial was conducted in Brazil to evaluate the nutritive quality of 6 tropical grasses: tanzania (Panicum maximum cv. Tanzania), green-panic (P. maximum var. Trichoglume), aruana (P. maximum cv. Aruana), brizanta (Brachiaria brizantha), humidicola (B. humidicola) and tifton-85 (Cynodon dactylon cv. Tifton 85), planted under two different densities of pines (Pinus elliottis): 200 and 400 stems/ha, as well as in full sunlight. The results showed a significant increase in protein content and a significant decrease in NDF and cellulose contents as tree density increased. Comparing the values obtained under shading conditions with those obtained in the open, it was observed an increase in the contents of CP (+2,47), ADF (+0,73), lignin (+1,38), ash (+0,87) and in the digestibility (+2,16), and a decrease in the contents of NDF (-3,46), hemicellulose (-4,19) and cellulose (-1,20) in percentage units. Tanzania presented the best nutritive quality under shade: 13 % CP, 32 % cellulose, 5 % lignin and a digestibility of 54%. This grass was also the best under full sunlight, showing that it was the less sensitive to shading. It was concluded that, although less productive, the nutritive quality of tropical grasses was enhanced by shading

    Contrast-enhanced mammography-guided biopsy: technical feasibility and first outcomes

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    Objectives To evaluate the feasibility of contrast-enhanced mammography (CEM)-guided biopsy at Hospital del Mar, a Spanish university hospital. Methods We retrospectively reviewed all consecutive women with a suspicious enhancing finding eligible for CEM-guided biopsy, who were prospectively enrolled in a pre-marketing clinical validation and feasibility study (October 2019 to September 2021). CEM-guided biopsy is a stereotactic-based procedure that, by using intravenous iodinated contrast media administration and dual-energy acquisition, provides localisation of enhancing lesions. All the biopsies were performed using a vacuum-assisted device. We collected procedural characteristics (patient position and type of approach), and histopathological results. Feasibility endpoints included success (visualisation of the enhancing lesion, post-procedural biopsy changes and clip placement), procedural time, number of scout acquisitions and complications. Results A total of 66 suspicious enhancing lesions (18.0% foci, 44.0% mass, 38.0% non-mass enhancement; median size 8.5 mm) in 64 patients (median age 59 years, mostly minimal [48.4%] or mild [32.8%] background parenchymal enhancement) were referred for CEM-guided biopsy in the study period. The success rate was 63/66 (95.4%). Amongst successful procedures, patients were most frequently seated (52/63, 82.5%) and the preferred approach was horizontal (48/63, 76.2%). Median total time per procedure was 15 min. Median number of acquisitions needed before targeting was 2 (range 1-4). Complications consisted of hematoma (17/63, 27%) and vasovagal reaction (2/63, 3.2%). At histology, the malignancy rate was 25/63 (39.7%). Conclusion In this first patient series, CEM-guided breast biopsy was feasible, with success and complication rates similar to those previously reported for magnetic resonance guidance