21,669 research outputs found

    A Robust and Cost-Efficient Design of Lightweight Rockfall Catch Fences for Railways

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    Trains and railway infrastructure are subjected to serious potential hazards from detached falling rock(s) in mountain regions worldwide. This can lead to severe damages, casualties and significant delays. In 2011, a rockfall event at Stromeferry bypass in Scotland caused 4 month railway closure that led to a negative impact on local businesses and the repair work cost was £3.2 million. Rock catch fences are widely used in protecting roads, railways and infrastructure from rockfall hazards. A typical design comprises of a high tensile strength wire mesh that is anchored to the ground by rigid posts and strengthened to the lateral and upslope sides by anchoring tension cables. These systems are categorised by the ability to dissipate the kinetic energy of falling rock(s). Due to the lack of a practical design code, these systems are designed primarily by experience and engineering judgement, which makes the design either dangerous or highly conservative. Indeed, engineers found that the current design tend to be highly conservative which makes the costs for materials and construction too high. There is an urgent need to improve the current design based on extensive experimental tests and advanced finite element modelling. This study presents the development of a lightweight rock catch fence design

    Experimental testing of low energy rockfall catch fence meshes

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    Flexible catch fences are widely used to protect infrastructure like railways, roads and buildings from rockfall damage. The wire meshes are the most critical components for catch fences as they dissipate most of the impact energy. Understanding their mechanical response is crucial for a catch fence design. This paper presents a new method for testing the wire meshes under rock impact. Wire meshes with different lengths can be used and the supporting cables can be readily installed in the tests. It is found that a smaller boulder causes more deformation localisation in the mesh. Longer mesh length makes the fence more flexible. Under the same impact condition, the longer mesh deforms more along the impact direction and shrinks more laterally. Supporting cables can reduce the lateral shrinkage of the mesh effectively. Most of the impact energy is dissipated by stretching of the wires. Wire breakage has not been observed

    Boundary element formulations for the numerical solution of two-dimensional diffusion problems with variable coefficients

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    This is the post-print version of the final paper published in Computers & Mathematics with Applications. The published article is available from the link below. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. Copyright @ 2012 Elsevier B.V.This paper presents new formulations of the radial integration boundary integral equation (RIBIE) and the radial integration boundary integro-differential equation (RIBIDE) methods for the numerical solution of two-dimensional diffusion problems with variable coefficients. The methods use either a specially constructed parametrix (Levi function) or the standard fundamental solution for the Laplace equation to reduce the boundary-value problem (BVP) to a boundary–domain integral equation (BDIE) or boundary–domain integro-differential equation (BDIDE). The radial integration method (RIM) is then employed to convert the domain integrals arising in both BDIE and BDIDE methods into equivalent boundary integrals. The resulting formulations lead to pure boundary integral and integro-differential equations with no domain integrals. Furthermore, a subdomain decomposition technique (SDBDIE) is proposed, which leads to a sparse system of linear equations, thus avoiding the need to calculate a large number of domain integrals. Numerical examples are presented for several simple problems, for which exact solutions are available, to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed approaches

    Modelling and Optimising of a Light-Weight Rockfall Catch Fence System

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    Rockfall catch fence is a mechanical barrier system that is used at the foot of cliffs to stop and retain falling rocks from reaching nearby infrastructures. A typical system comprises of a high tensile strength wire mesh that is anchored to the ground by rigid posts and strengthened to the lateral and upslope sides by anchoring tension cables. Additional components, such as shock absorbers, might be added to improve the system capacity to dissipate energy. This multi-component system characterises by geometrical complexity and high nonlinear response to impact loads. A light-weight catch fence system is a simple system that can be easily installed in a time efficient manner using manpower rather than heavy machinery, which makes it ideal for railways located in mountainous and difficult terrain regions where there is difficulty in accessing sites with limited workspaces and restricted installation times. However, this should be combined with a proper design to ensure that the system provides the required protection to impede falling rocks from reaching the train lines. In this paper, a parametric study based on finite element analysis is developed to optimise the design of a light-weight catch fence system that has an energy absorption capacity of up to 100 kJ