17 research outputs found

    Microflow imaging: new Doppler technology to detect low-grade inflammation in patients with arthritis

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    AIM: To assess the efficacy of microvascular imaging in detecting low-grade inflammation in arthritis compared with Power Doppler ultrasound (PDUS). METHOD AND MATERIALS: Patients presenting for ultrasound with arthralgia were assessed with grey-scale, PDUS and Superb Microvascular Imaging (SMI). Videoclips were stored for analysis at a later date. Three musculoskeletal radiologists scored grey-scale changes, signal on PDUS and/or SMI within these joints. If a signal was detected on both PDUS and SMI, the readers graded the conspicuity of vascular signal from the two Doppler techniques using a visual analogue scale. RESULTS: Eighty-three patients were recruited with 134 small joints assessed. Eighty-nine of these demonstrated vascular flow with both PD and SMI, whilst in five no flow was detected. In 40 joints, vascularity was detected with SMI but not with PDUS (p = 0.007). Out of the 89 joints with vascularity on both SMI and PDUS, 23 were rated as being equal; while SMI scored moderately or markedly better in 45 cases (p <0.001). CONCLUSION: SMI is a new Doppler technique that increases conspicuity of Doppler vascularity in symptomatic joints when compared to PDUS. This allows detection of low grade inflammation not visualised with Power Doppler in patients with arthritis. KEY POINTS: • SMI detects vascularity with improved resolution and sensitivity compared to Power Doppler. • SMI can detect low-grade inflammation not seen with Power Doppler. • Earlier detection of active inflammation could have significant impact on treatment paradigms

    Parametric exploration of the liver by magnetic resonance methods

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    MRI, as a completely noninvasive technique, can provide quantitative assessment of perfusion, diffusion, viscoelasticity and metabolism, yielding diverse information about liver function. Furthermore, pathological accumulations of iron and lipids can be quantified. Perfusion MRI with various contrast agents is commonly used for the detection and characterization of focal liver disease and the quantification of blood flow parameters. An extended new application is the evaluation of the therapeutic effect of antiangiogenic drugs on liver tumours. Novel, but already widespread, is a histologically validated relaxometry method using five gradient echo sequences for quantifying liver iron content elevation, a measure of inflammation, liver disease and cancer. Because of the high perfusion fraction in the liver, the apparent diffusion coefficients strongly depend on the gradient factors used in diffusion-weighted MRI. While complicating analysis, this offers the opportunity to study perfusion without contrast injection. Another novel method, MR elastography, has already been established as the only technique able to stage fibrosis or diagnose mild disease. Liver fat content is accurately determined with multivoxel MR spectroscopy (MRS) or by faster MRI methods that are, despite their widespread use, prone to systematic error. Focal liver disease characterisation will be of great benefit once multivoxel methods with fat suppression are implemented in proton MRS, in particular on high-field MR systems providing gains in signal-to-noise ratio and spectral resolution

    Understanding the impact of lumbar disc degeneration and chronic low back pain: a cross-sectional electromyographic analysis of postural strategy during predicted and unpredicted postural perturbations

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    People with chronic low back pain (LBP) exhibit changes in postural control. Stereotypical muscle activations resulting from external perturbations include anticipatory (APAs) and compensatory (CPAs) postural adjustments. The aim and objective of this study was to determine differences in postural control strategies (peak amplitude, APAs and CPAs) between symptomatic and asymptomatic adults with and without Lumbar Disc Degeneration (LDD) using surface electromyography during forward postural perturbation. Ninety-seven subjects participated in the study (mean age 50 years (SD 12)). 3T MRI was used to acquire T2 weighted images (L1-S1). LDD was determined using Pfirrmann grading. A bespoke translational platform was designed to deliver horizontal perturbations in sagittal and frontal planes. Electromyographic activity was analysed bilaterally from 8 trunk and lower limb muscles during four established APA and CPA epochs. A Kruskal-Wallis H test with Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons was conducted. Four groups were identified: no LDD no pain (n = 19), LDD no pain (n = 38), LDD pain (n = 35) and no LDD pain (n = 5). There were no significant differences in age or gender between groups. The most significant difference between groups was observed during forward perturbation. In the APA and CPA phases of predictable forward perturbation there were significant differences ankle strategy between groups (p = 0.007–0.008); lateral gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior activity was higher in the LDD pain than the LDD no pain group. There were no significant differences in the unpredictable condition (p>0.05). These findings were different from the remaining groups, where significant differences in hip strategy were observed during both perturbation conditions (p = 0.004–0.006). Symptomatic LDD patients exhibit different electromyographic strategies to asymptomatic LDD controls. Future LBP electromyographic research should benefit from considering assessment of both lower limbs in addition to the spine. This approach could prevent underestimation of postural control deficits and guide targeted rehabilitation

    Prospective evaluation of liver shearwave elastography measurements with 3 different technologies and same day liver biopsy in patients with chronic liver disease

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    BACKGROUND: Most ultrasound-based methods for assessing liver fibrosis still need further validation with liver biopsy used as gold standard to assess their accuracy. AIMS: To assess accuracy of three shear wave elastography (SWE) methods: 1) Philips Elast Point Quantification (ElastPQTM), 2) Siemens Virtual TouchTM Quantification (VTQ) acoustic radiation force impulse (ARFI), and 3) transient elastography (TE) measured by Echosens FibroscanTM. METHODS: 160 patients underwent liver stiffness measurements (LSM) with three SWE methods immediately prior to liver biopsy. RESULTS: The number of LSM required for reliable studies could be reduced to 6 for ElastPQ and to 7 for VTQ from standard recommendations of 10. Significant fibrosis and interquartile range/median (IQR/M)> 30 were independent predictors for lower reliability for detection of liver fibrosis. Ordinal logistic regression corrected for age showed that there was a significant interaction between steatosis (p = 0.008) and lobular inflammation (p = 0.04) and VTQ (ARFI) and between lobular inflammation and TE (p = 0.006). CONCLUSIONS: We showed variations in SWE measurements using different ARFI technologies. TE and ElastPQ achieved good diagnostic performance, whereas VTQ showed lower diagnostic accuracy. The number of measurements required for reliable studies can be reduced to 6 for ElastPQ and to 7 for VTQ, which have important clinical implications

    Ultra-fast, label-free isolation of circulating tumor cells from blood using spiral microfluidics.

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    Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) are rare cancer cells that are shed from primary or metastatic tumors into the peripheral blood circulation. Phenotypic and genetic characterization of these rare cells can provide important information to guide cancer staging and treatment, and thus further research into their characteristics and properties is an area of considerable interest. In this protocol, we describe detailed procedures for the production and use of a label-free spiral microfluidic device to allow size-based isolation of viable CTCs using hydrodynamic forces that are present in curvilinear microchannels. This spiral system enables us to achieve ≥ 85% recovery of spiked cells across multiple cancer cell lines and 99.99% depletion of white blood cells in whole blood. The described spiral microfluidic devices can be produced at an extremely low cost using standard microfabrication and soft lithography techniques (2-3 d), and they can be operated using two syringe pumps for lysed blood samples (7.5 ml in 12.5 min for a three-layered multiplexed chip). The fast processing time and the ability to collect CTCs from a large patient blood volume allows this technique to be used experimentally in a broad range of potential genomic and transcriptomic applications