60 research outputs found

    A comparative study on the strength characteristics of Grade 25 and Grade 30 rice husk ash blended cement concrete

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    Rice husk ash (RHA) is an agricultural waste which is a pozzolanic material that can be blended with cement in producing concrete. This research presents investigation carried out on the comparative strength characteristics of concrete produced with grade 25 and grade 30 cement blended concrete using a replacement level of 10% rice husk ash as substitute. Two mix ratios (1:2:4 and 1:1.12:3.01) were used. A total of 60 cube size of 150mm were cast, tested and their mechanical properties determined. The RHA was made in the laboratory by burning the husk obtained from Ifo in Ogun State Nigeria using an Electric furnace, with the temperatures of the furnace at about 700°C. The results showed that the compressive strength at 28 days decreased as the percentage replacement of Portland Limestone cement (PLC) with RHA increased from 0% to 10% respectively with compressive strengths of 29.78 N/mm2 to 21.56 N/mm2 for grade 25 concrete and 32.12 N/mm2 to 26.82 N/mm2 for grade 30 concrete. It was concluded that RHA replacement in concrete can be used for the production of concrete for light structural works in the development of sustainable and green structures

    UC Updatable Databases and Applications

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    We define an ideal functionality \Functionality_{\UD} and a construction \mathrm{\Pi_{\UD}} for an updatable database (\UD). \UD is a two-party protocol between an updater and a reader. The updater sets the database and updates it at any time throughout the protocol execution. The reader computes zero-knowledge (ZK) proofs of knowledge of database entries. These proofs prove that a value is stored at a certain position in the database, without revealing the position or the value. (Non-)updatable databases are implicitly used as building block in priced oblivious transfer, privacy-preserving billing and other privacy-preserving protocols. Typically, in those protocols the updater signs each database entry, and the reader proves knowledge of a signature on a database entry. Updating the database requires a revocation mechanism to revoke signatures on outdated database entries. Our construction \mathrm{\Pi_{\UD}} uses a non-hiding vector commitment (NHVC) scheme. The updater maps the database to a vector and commits to the database. This commitment can be updated efficiently at any time without needing a revocation mechanism. ZK proofs for reading a database entry have communication and amortized computation cost independent of the database size. Therefore, \mathrm{\Pi_{\UD}} is suitable for large databases. We implement \mathrm{\Pi_{\UD}} and our timings show that it is practical. In existing privacy-preserving protocols, a ZK proof of a database entry is intertwined with other tasks, e.g., proving further statements about the value read from the database or the position where it is stored. \Functionality_{\UD} allows us to improve modularity in protocol design by separating those tasks. We show how to use \Functionality_{\UD} as building block of a hybrid protocol along with other functionalities

    Identity-based Broadcast Encryption with Efficient Revocation

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    Identity-based broadcast encryption (IBBE) is an effective method to protect the data security and privacy in multi-receiver scenarios, which can make broadcast encryption more practical. This paper further expands the study of scalable revocation methodology in the setting of IBBE, where a key authority releases a key update material periodically in such a way that only non-revoked users can update their decryption keys. Following the binary tree data structure approach, a concrete instantiation of revocable IBBE scheme is proposed using asymmetric pairings of prime order bilinear groups. Moreover, this scheme can withstand decryption key exposure, which is proven to be semi-adaptively secure under chosen plaintext attacks in the standard model by reduction to static complexity assumptions. In particular, the proposed scheme is very efficient both in terms of computation costs and communication bandwidth, as the ciphertext size is constant, regardless of the number of recipients. To demonstrate the practicality, it is further implemented in Charm, a framework for rapid prototyping of cryptographic primitives

    Function-Hiding Inner Product Encryption is Practical

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    In a functional encryption scheme, secret keys are associated with functions and ciphertexts are associated with messages. Given a secret key for a function f, and a ciphertext for a message x, a decryptor learns f(x) and nothing else about x. Inner product encryption is a special case of functional encryption where both secret keys and ciphertext are associated with vectors. The combination of a secret key for a vector x and a ciphertext for a vector y reveal and nothing more about y. An inner product encryption scheme is function- hiding if the keys and ciphertexts reveal no additional information about both x and y beyond their inner product. In the last few years, there has been a flurry of works on the construction of function-hiding inner product encryption, starting with the work of Bishop, Jain, and Kowalczyk (Asiacrypt 2015) to the more recent work of Tomida, Abe, and Okamoto (ISC 2016). In this work, we focus on the practical applications of this primitive. First, we show that the parameter sizes and the run-time complexity of the state-of-the-art construction can be further reduced by another factor of 2, though we compromise by proving security in the generic group model. We then show that function privacy enables a number of applications in biometric authentication, nearest-neighbor search on encrypted data, and single-key two-input functional encryption for functions over small message spaces. Finally, we evaluate the practicality of our encryption scheme by implementing our function-hiding inner product encryption scheme. Using our construction, encryption and decryption operations for vectors of length 50 complete in a tenth of a second in a standard desktop environment