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6 research outputs found
Pediatric avulsion fractures near the knee
A Giannakos
A Gutschank
+12 more
AK Eggers
B Zaricznyj
B. Schliemann
C Domnick
C. Kösters
EA White
I Gans
M. Herbort
M. J. Raschke
O Hapa
TR Ogden Ja
U Frankl
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Microcirculation in open vs. minimally invasive dorsal stabilization of thoracolumbar fractures
A Gerometta
AF Pull ter Gunne
+26 more
AJ Grossbach
AK Kösters
B Sommer
Bergita Ganse
Bernd Johannes
Bong-Sung Kim
Christian Herren
CL Sedney
Franziska Böhle
Gertraud Gradl-Dietsch
I Bentov
KH Lee
Klemens Horst
M Djurasovic
M Pishnamaz
M Saklad
Matthias Knobe
Miguel Pishnamaz
N Lindenblatt
O Farouk
Philipp Kobbe
S Beckert
S Langer
T Forst
XY Sun
Yih-Kuen Jan
Publication venue
'Public Library of Science (PLoS)'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Effects of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound on soft tissue micro-circulation in the foot
A Khanna
AK Arya
+34 more
Ali Modabber
Anna Katharina Kösters
AW Gardner
B Biglari
Bergita Ganse
Bong-Sung S. Kim
Boyko Gueorguiev
CE Thorn
D Pfander
DH Park
DL Diesen
G Cicco
G Meidinger
HW Hopf
IS Aleem
JD Heckman
JW Busse
Kajetan Klos
KH Salem
M Coords
M Gassmann
Matthias Knobe
RA Haliburton
RJ Shakked
RW Poolman
S Beckert
S Rutten
S Rutten
S Zhou
SD Cook
Sven Nebelung
T Pastor
Y Toyama
Y Watanabe
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Die reine (mikroökonomisch fundierte) Theorie
A Woll
A Young
+50 more
AK Dixit
CP Kindleberger
D Bender
D Perkins
DF Wahl
E Heuß
E Heuß
G Dieckheuer
G Dost
G Gabisch
G Haberler
G Heiduk
GM Grossman
GM Grossman
GS Becker
H Hesse
H Hesse
H Hesse
H Hesse
H Luckenbach
H Siebert
H Stackelberg
HR Hemmer
IJ Horstmann
J Bradfordong
J Bradfordong
J Schumann
J Schumann
J Vanek
J Vanek
JA Brander
K Mackscheidt
M Freeman
M Tatemoto
MC Kemp
P Heimann
PA Samuelson
PA Samuelson
PM Romer
R Funck
R Shone
RJ Barro
RM Solow
TF Bresnahan
TJ Prusa
U Schittko
W Krelle
W Kösters
WJ Ströbele
WW Leontief
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Soft tissue microcirculation around the healthy Achilles tendon: a cross-sectional study focusing on the Achilles tendon and dorsal surgical approaches to the hindfoot
A Cretnik
A Cretnik
+43 more
A Dragu
AA Schepsis
AK Kösters
Ali Modabber
AW Gardner
B Ganse
B Schmidt-Rohlfing
Bong-Sung Kim
Boyko Gueorguiev
Christian David Weber
GB Holmes
GI Taylor
GW Hess
I Bentov
J Webb
JK Cho
John Bennet Carow
JT Vosseller
K Klos
K Knobloch
Kajetan Klos
Klemens Horst
KM Merz
LP Jorgensen
LT Sørensen
M Paavola
Matthias Knobe
MD Hammit
MH Amlang
MT Little
NB Bruggeman
NJ Lowery
R Ladurner
RA Fuhrmann
S Beckert
S Ettinger
S Kubli
SM Raikin
Sven Nebelung
T Forst
TM Chen
W Zhang
WL Kao
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Ultrasound elastography: compression elastography and shear-wave elastography in the assessment of tendon injury
A Busilacchi
A Hardy
+119 more
A Kösters
A Sarvazyan
A Schneebeli
A Turan
A Turan
A Vaquero-Picado
AB Rosskopf
AJ Bailey
AK Thittai
AN Ozcan
AS Klauser
AS Klauser
AS Klauser
AS Klauser
AS Klauser
AS Klauser
AW Clarke
B Evranos
BC Kot
BK Coombes
BS Garra
C Botar-Jid
C Helfenstein-Didier
C Payne
C Tudisco
Catherine Payne
CC Ooi
CC Ooi
CC Ooi
CC Ooi
CC Ooi
CD Peltz
D Eygendaal
DR Kwon
E Capalbo
ED Onal
EE Drakonaki
EE Drakonaki
F Kocyigit
F Kocyigit
F Porta
G Park
GY Park
H Frey
HJ Rist
HS Lee
J Bercoff
J Brum
J Ophir
JA Ryu
JB Seo
JB Seo
JB Seo
JL Cook
JN Gladstone
JR Doherty
K Ağladıoğlu
K Krepkin
KH Peers
KM Khan
KS Ahn
LC Slane
LM Sconfienza
LN Zhang
LS Taylor
M Balaban
M Elkateb Hachemi
MA Teber
MY Hsiao
N Maffulli
N Winn
ND Reeves
NS Berko
O Lian
P Lalitha
P Robinson
PT Karjalainen
R Domenichini
RJ DeWall
RM Lerner
RMS Sigrist
S Aubry
S Aubry
S Aubry
S Beeler
S Bianchi
S Bohm
S Franchi-Abella
S Gehmert
S Tan
S Tas
S Taş
SI Docking
SU Lee
SW Hou
T Dirrichs
T Hatta
T Muraki
T Zordo De
T Zordo De
T Zordo De
TG Baumer
TG Baumer
TJ Hall
U Fredberg
U Fredberg
V Khoury
WKC Leung
WL Siu
XM Chen
Y Ariji
Y Jiang
Y Yamamoto
Y Yamamoto
YH Lin
YK Mariappan
Z Ruan
ZJ Zhang
Ł Paluch
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text