9 research outputs found

    Cytogenetic study of diploid and spontaneous triploid oaks, Quercus robur L

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    Data are presented on the cytogenetics of 2 unusually large oak trees found in the Voronezh region of Russia. In both trees, cells with 2n = 3x = 36 chromosomes were predominant, with occasional observations of diploid hypoaneuploid and hyperaneuploid cells. Functionally, the trees can be considered triploids, although in a strict sense, they are mixoploids. Meiosis in microsporogenesis of these trees is very disturbed and, as a consequence, pollen with unbalanced chromosome numbers are produced. Correspondingly, the progeny from each tree were very different in morphological characteristics and cytogenetic constitution. These progeny can be used in gene mapping studies and for other basic research purposes. Studies on some diploid oaks reveal the presence of 2n pollen, formed by parallel spindles in the 2nd meiotic division. Methods for producing additional oak triploids that have a potential for heterosis are discussed.Cytogénétique de chênes diploïdes et triploïdes spontanés (Quercus robur L). Des données cytogénétiques relatives à 2 chênes de très grande taille situés dans la région de Voronezh (Russie) sont présentées dans cet article. Des cellules comprenant 2n = 3x = 36 chromosomes sont prédominantes dans chaque arbre. Des cellules hypoaneuploïdes et hyperaneuploïdes ont également été rencontrées. Au plan fonctionnel, les 2 arbres peuvent être considérés comme triploïdes, plus précisément mixoploïdes. La méiose durant la microsporogenèse est très perturbée et produit des grains de pollen au nombre de chromosomes déséquilibré. Les descendants de ces arbres manifestent des caractéristiques morphologiques et une constitution cytogénétique très variables. Ces familles peuvent être utilisées pour des études de cartographie génétique et d'autres recherches fondamentales. Des études similaires faites sur des chênes diploïdes mettent en évidence des grains de pollen à 2n chromosomes formés par des fuseaux parallèles lors de la seconde division méiotique. Des méthodes de production de chênes triploïdes en vue de générer de l'hétérosis sont discutées

    Micronucleus test of human oral cavity buccal epithelium: Problems, achievement, perspectives

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    Motor Cortical Gamma Oscillations: What Have We Learnt and Where Are We Headed?

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    Purpose of Review An increase in oscillatory activity in the γ-frequency band (approximately 50–100 Hz) has long been noted during human movement. However, its functional role has been difficult to elucidate. The advent of novel techniques, particularly transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS), has dramatically increased our ability to study γ oscillations. Here, we review our current understanding of the role of γ oscillations in the human motor cortex, with reference to γ activity outside the motor system, and evidence from animal models. Recent Findings Evidence for the neurophysiological basis of human γ oscillations is beginning to emerge. Multimodal studies, essential given the necessarily indirect measurements acquired in humans, are beginning to provide convergent evidence for the role of γ oscillations in movement, and their relationship to plasticity. Summary Human motor cortical γ oscillations appear to play a key role in movement, and relate to learning. However, there are still major questions to be answered about their physiological basis and precise role in human plasticity. It is to be hoped that future research will take advantage of recent technical advances and the physiological basis and functional significance of this intriguing and important brain rhythm will be fully elucidated