1,328 research outputs found

    Rapid cell separation with minimal manipulation for autologous cell therapies

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    The ability to isolate specific, viable cell populations from mixed ensembles with minimal manipulation and within intra-operative time would provide significant advantages for autologous, cell-based therapies in regenerative medicine. Current cell-enrichment technologies are either slow, lack specificity and/or require labelling. Thus a rapid, label-free separation technology that does not affect cell functionality, viability or phenotype is highly desirable. Here, we demonstrate separation of viable from non-viable human stromal cells using remote dielectrophoresis, in which an electric field is coupled into a microfluidic channel using shear-horizontal surface acoustic waves, producing an array of virtual electrodes within the channel. This allows high-throughput dielectrophoretic cell separation in high conductivity, physiological-like fluids, overcoming the limitations of conventional dielectrophoresis. We demonstrate viable/non-viable separation efficacy of > 98% in pre-purified mesenchymal stromal cells, extracted from human dental pulp, with no adverse effects on cell viability, or on their subsequent osteogenic capabilities

    How do palliative care doctors recognise imminently dying patients? A judgement analysis.

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    OBJECTIVES: To identify a group of palliative care doctors who perform well on a prognostic test and to understand how they make their survival predictions. DESIGN: Prospective observational study and two cross-sectional online studies. SETTING: Phase I: an online prognostic test, developed from a prospective observational study of patients referred to palliative care. Phase II: an online judgement task consisting of 50 hypothetical vignettes. PARTICIPANTS: All members of the Association of Palliative Medicine (APM) were eligible (n=~1100). 99 doctors completed the prognostic test and were included in the phase I analysis. The top 20% were invited to participate in phase II; 14/19 doctors completed the judgement task and were included in the phase II analysis. MEASURES: Phase I: participants were asked to give a probability of death within 72 hours (0%-100%) for all 20 cases. Accuracy on the prognostic test was measured with the Brier score which was used to identify the 'expert' group (scale range: 0 (expert)-1 (non-expert)). Phase II: participants gave a probability of death within 72 hours (0%-100%). A mixed model regression analysis was completed using the percentage estimate as the outcome and the patient information included in the vignettes as the predictors. RESULTS: The mean Brier score of all participants was 0.237 (95% CI 0.235 to 0.239). The mean Brier score of the 'experts' was 0.184 (95% CI 0.176 to 0.192). Six of the seven prognostic variables included in the hypothetical vignettes were significantly associated with clinician predictions of death. The Palliative Performance Score was identified as being the most influential in the doctors' prognostic decision making (β=0.48, p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: This study identified six clinical signs and symptoms which influenced the judgement policies of palliative care doctors. These results may be used to teach novice doctors how to improve their prognostic skills

    Investigation into the genetic diversity in toll-like receptors 2 and 4 in the European badger Meles meles

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    The Toll-like receptor (TLR) genes are a conserved family of genes central to the innate immune response to pathogen infection. They encode receptor proteins, recognise pathogen associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) and trigger initial immune responses. In some host-pathogen systems, it is reported that genetic differences, such as single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), associate with disease resistance or susceptibility. Little is known about TLR gene diversity in the European badger (Meles meles). We collected DNA from UK badgers, carried out PCR amplification of the badger TLR2 gene and exon 3 of TLR4 and determined DNA sequences for individual badgers for TLR2 (n=61) and TLR4 exon 3 (n=59). No polymorphism was observed in TLR4. Three TLR2 amino acid haplotype variants were found. Ninety five percent of badgers were homozygous for one common haplotype (H1), the remaining three badgers had genotypes H1/H3, H1/H2 and H2/H2. By broad comparison with other species, diversity in TLR genes in badgers seems low. This could be due to a relatively localised sampling or inherent low genetic diversity. Further studies are required to assess the generality of the low observed diversity and the relevance to the immunological status of badgers

    Selective Affimers Recognise the BCL‐2 Family Proteins BCL‐xL and MCL‐1 through Noncanonical Structural Motifs

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    The BCL‐2 family is a challenging group of proteins to target selectively due to sequence and structural homologies across the family. Selective ligands for the BCL‐2 family regulators of apoptosis are useful as probes to understand cell biology and apoptotic signalling pathways, and as starting points for inhibitor design. We have used phage display to isolate Affimer reagents (non‐antibody‐binding proteins based on a conserved scaffold) to identify ligands for MCL‐1, BCL‐xL, BCL‐2, BAK and BAX, then used multiple biophysical characterisation methods to probe the interactions. We established that purified Affimers elicit selective recognition of their target BCL‐2 protein. For anti‐apoptotic targets BCL‐xL and MCL‐1, competitive inhibition of their canonical protein‐protein interactions is demonstrated. Co‐crystal structures reveal an unprecedented mode of molecular recognition; where a BH3 helix is normally bound, flexible loops from the Affimer dock into the BH3 binding cleft. Moreover, the Affimers induce a change in the target proteins towards a desirable drug‐bound‐like conformation. These proof‐of‐concept studies indicate that Affimers could be used as alternative templates to inspire the design of selective BCL‐2 family modulators and more generally other protein‐protein interaction inhibitors

    Socioeconomic predictors and consequences of depression among primary care attenders with non-communicable diseases in the Western Cape, South Africa:Cohort study within a randomised trial

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    Background: Socioeconomic predictors and consequences of depression and its treatment were investigated in 4393 adults with specified non-communicable diseases attending 38 public sector primary care clinics in the Eden and Overberg districts of the Western Cape, South Africa.   Methods: Participants were interviewed at baseline in 2011 and 14 months later, as part of a randomised controlled trial of a guideline-based intervention to improve diagnosis and management of chronic diseases. The 10-item Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CESD-10) was used to assess depression symptoms, with higher scores representing more depressed mood. Results: Higher CESD-10 scores at baseline were independently associated with being less educated (p=0.004) and having lower income (p=0.003). CESD-10 scores at follow-up were higher in participants with less education (p=0.010) or receiving welfare grants (p=0.007) independent of their baseline scores. Participants with CESD-10 scores of 10 or more at baseline (56% of all participants) had 25% higher odds of being unemployed at follow-up (p=0.016), independently of baseline CESD-10 score and treatment status. Among participants with baseline CESD-10 scores of 10 or more, antidepressant medication at baseline was independently more likely in participants who had more education (p=0.002), higher income (p<0.001), or were unemployed (p=0.001). Antidepressant medication at follow up was independently more likely in participants with higher income (p=0.023), and in clinics with better access to pharmacists (p=0.053) and off-site drug delivery (p=0.013).  Conclusions: Socioeconomic disadvantage appears to be both a cause and consequence of depression, and may also be a barrier to treatment. There are opportunities for improving the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of depression in primary care in inequitable middle income countries like South Africa.  Trial registration: The trial is registered with Current Controlled Trials (ISRCTN20283604) and the Office for Human Research Protections Database (IRB00001938, FWA00001637)

    Translating the potential of the urine steroid metabolome to stage NAFLD (TrUSt-NAFLD): study protocol for a multicentre, prospective validation study.

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    INTRODUCTION: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) affects approximately one in four individuals and its prevalence continues to rise. The advanced stages of NAFLD with significant liver fibrosis are associated with adverse morbidity and mortality outcomes. Currently, liver biopsy remains the 'gold-standard' approach to stage NAFLD severity. Although generally well tolerated, liver biopsies are associated with significant complications, are resource intensive, costly, and sample only a very small area of the liver as well as requiring day case admission to a secondary care setting. As a result, there is a significant unmet need to develop non-invasive biomarkers that can accurately stage NAFLD and limit the need for liver biopsy. The aim of this study is to validate the use of the urine steroid metabolome as a strategy to stage NAFLD severity and to compare its performance against other non-invasive NAFLD biomarkers. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: The TrUSt-NAFLD study is a multicentre prospective test validation study aiming to recruit 310 patients with biopsy-proven and staged NAFLD across eight centres within the UK. 150 appropriately matched control patients without liver disease will be recruited through the Oxford Biobank. Blood and urine samples, alongside clinical data, will be collected from all participants. Urine samples will be analysed by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectroscopy to quantify a panel of predefined steroid metabolites. A machine learning-based classifier, for example, Generalized Matrix Relevance Learning Vector Quantization that was trained on retrospective samples, will be applied to the prospective steroid metabolite data to determine its ability to identify those patients with advanced, as opposed to mild-moderate, liver fibrosis as a consequence of NAFLD. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: Research ethical approval was granted by West Midlands, Black Country Research Ethics Committee (REC reference: 21/WM/0177). A substantial amendment (TrUSt-NAFLD-SA1) was approved on 26 November 2021. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: ISRCTN19370855

    Control of conformation in α-helix mimicking aromatic oligoamide foldamers through interactions between adjacent side-chains

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    The design, synthesis and structural characterization of non-natural oligomers that adopt well-defined conformations, so called foldamers, is a key objective in developing biomimetic 3D functional architectures. For the aromatic oligoamide foldamer family, use of interactions between side-chains to control conformation is underexplored. The current manuscript addresses this objective through the design, synthesis and conformational analyses of model dimers derived from 3-O-alkylated para-aminobenzoic acid monomers. The O-alkyl groups on these foldamers are capable of adopting syn- or anti-conformers through rotation around the Ar–CO/NH axes. In the syn-conformation this allows the foldamer to act as a topographical mimic of the α-helix whereby the O-alkyl groups mimic the spatial orientation of the i and i + 4 side-chains from the α-helix. Using molecular modelling and 2D NMR analyses, this work illustrates that covalent links and hydrogen-bonding interactions between side-chains can bias the conformation in favour of the α-helix mimicking syn-conformer, offering insight that may be more widely applied to control secondary structure in foldamers

    A counterbalanced cross-over study of the effects of visual, auditory and no feedback on performance measures in a simulated cardiopulmonary resuscitation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Previous research has demonstrated that trained rescuers have difficulties achieving and maintaining the correct depth and rate of chest compressions during both in and out of hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Feedback on rate and depth mitigate decline in performance quality but not completely with the residual performance decline attributed to rescuer fatigue. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of feedback (none, auditory only and visual only) on the quality of CPR and rescuer fatigue.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Fifteen female volunteers performed 10 minutes of 30:2 CPR in each of three feedback conditions: none, auditory only, and visual only. Visual feedback was displayed continuously in graphic form. Auditory feedback was error correcting and provided by a voice assisted CPR manikin. CPR quality measures were collected using SkillReporter<sup>® </sup>software. Blood lactate (mmol/dl) and perceived exertion served as indices of fatigue. One-way and two way repeated measures analyses of variance were used with alpha set <it>a priori </it>at 0.05.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Visual feedback yielded a greater percentage of correct compressions (78.1 ± 8.2%) than did auditory (65.4 ± 7.6%) or no feedback (44.5 ± 8.1%). Compression rate with auditory feedback (87.9 ± 0.5 compressions per minute) was less than it was with both visual and no feedback (p < 0.05). CPR performed with no feedback (39.2 ± 0.5 mm) yielded a shallower average depth of compression and a lower percentage (55 ± 8.9%) of compressions within the accepted 38-50 mm range than did auditory or visual feedback (p < 0.05). The duty cycle for auditory feedback (39.4 ± 1.6%) was less than it was with no feedback (p < 0.05). Auditory feedback produced lower lactate concentrations than did visual feedback (p < 0.05) but there were no differences in perceived exertion.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In this study feedback mitigated the negative effects of fatigue on CPR performance and visual feedback yielded better CPR performance than did no feedback or auditory feedback. The perfect confounding of sensory modality and periodicity of feedback (visual feedback provided continuously and auditory feedback provided to correct error) leaves unanswered the question of optimal form and timing of feedback.</p

    A mitotic recombination map proximal to the APC locus on chromosome 5q and assessment of influences on colorectal cancer risk

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    Mitotic recombination is important for inactivating tumour suppressor genes by copy-neutral loss of heterozygosity (LOH). Although meiotic recombination maps are plentiful, little is known about mitotic recombination. The APC gene (chr5q21) is mutated in most colorectal tumours and its usual mode of LOH is mitotic recombination.