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5 research outputs found
Efectos del tiempo de transporte, espera pre-faena y maduración en novillos sobre indicadores de estrés, calidad instrumental y sensorial de la carne
A Pazos
AJ Pordomingo
+7Â more
AM Sancho
D PighĂn
F Babinec
F Carduza
G Grigioni
G Volpi Lagreca
M Alende
Publication venue
'SciELO Agencia Nacional de Investigacion y Desarrollo (ANID)'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
The effects of potato pulp and feeding level of supplements on digestibility, in situ forage degradation and ruminal fermentation in beef steers
Brugman HH
Carey DA
+21Â more
Caton JS
Chappell GLM
Chase CC
Hafley JL
Kunkle WE
Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF
Murphy TA
National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO
Niina M
Niina M
Onwubuemeli C
Orskov ER
Orskov ER
Orskov ER
Playne MJ
Pordomingo AJ
Radunz AE
Rumsey TS
Takemasa M
Vanzant ES
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Immunoaffinity-HPLC Analysis for Vitamin B12 of Korean Cattle-Hanwoo (Bos taurus coreanae)
A Vogiatzoglou
AJ Pordomingo
+34Â more
AUS-MEAT Limited
Beom-Gyun Jeong
D Guggisberg
F Watanabe
Geumju Mun
GF Ball
GF Combs Jr
H Hin
I Ortigues-Marty
J Driskell
J Kim
J Lindenbaum
J Selhub
Japan Meat Grading Association
JH Martens
Jiyeon Chun
Jiyoung Jung
JM Kim
JM Lee
JM Leheska
K Muhammad
M Czerwonka
Ministry of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs
National academy of sciences
P Puwastien
R Rakowska
RA Lawrie
TA Nicklas
The Korean Nutrition Society
W Horwitz
Z Schneider
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Species Diversity of Browsing and Grazing Ungulates: Consequences for the Structure and Abundance of Secondary Production
A Escobar
A Martinez
+93Â more
A Mysterud
AB Pfisterer
AD Wilson
AJ Araujo Filho de
AJ Aucamp
AJ Hiremath
AJ Pordomingo
AO Abaye
AW Illius
B Brelin
B Dekker
B Oindo
B Oindo
BJ Cardinale
C MĂ©nard
CC Schwartz
CH Donaldson
CJ Lightfoot
CM Janis
CR Field
CT Robbins
CT Wit De
D Genin
D Hamilton
D Storms
D Tilman
D Tilman
D Tilman
E Mellink
EM Bond
ER Leite
ES Vrba
GC Lucich
GE Hutchinson
GEJ Fisher
H Fritz
H Fritz
H Fritz
H Olff
HHT Prins
HHT Prins
IA Dickson
IJ Gordon
IJ Gordon
J Huisman
J Vandermeer
JA Araujo Filho de
JL Logan
JT Toit du
JT Toit du
JT Toit du
K Osoro
KAM Engelhardt
KAM Engelhardt
KC Olson
L Breebaart
L Clark
L Gamfeldt
L Jiang
M Holyoak
M Loreau
M Loreau
M Loreau
M Mahieu
M Pozo del
MA Leibold
MB Hardy
MM Voeten
N Owen-Smith
N Owen-Smith
NR French
P Cuartas
PA Jewell
PCV Toit du
PJP Gogan
R Shrestha
RE Hubbard
RE Thill
RM Hansen
RR Hofmann
S Bagchi
S Bagchi
S Gallina
S Yachi
SE Wieren Van
SJ McNaughton
SJ Milton
SP Hubbell
SW Makhabu
T Nolan
T Nolan
TD Mitchell
ZT Long
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Does supplemental zeolite (clinoptilolite) affect growth performance, meat texture, oxidative stress and production of polyunsaturated fatty acid of Turkey poults?
A Altop
A Atitlán-Gil
+59Â more
A Beker
A Ben Slima
A Jang
Ahlem Ben Slima
AJ Pordomingo
Al Ibrahim Traore
C Beauchamp
D Papaioannou
D Qujeq
DS Papaioannou
E Ho
Emna Hcini
F Shariatmadari
FA Mumpton
G Dogliotti
G Leunisk
H Aebi
H Eleroglu
H Jørgensen
HH Draper
HN Behnoosh
Imen Kallel
J Folch
JE Naber
JF Young
JL Mourao
K Pavelic´
K Saribeyoglu
LF Kubena
M Juárez
M Montinaro
M Ortatatli
ME Hume
MP Basha
N Zarcovic
ND Cameron
OH Lowry
P Suchy
R Kakkar
R Sersale
Radhouane Gdoura
S Cherif
S Ivkovic
S Samarghandian
SA Wohaieb
SK Jand
Sonia Zormati
T Muzaffer
T Nagao
T Wen
TM Rababah
V Calabrese
V Purohit
W Wu-Haan
X Karamanlis
Y Wang
YA Attia
YA Attia
Z Mallek
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text