75 research outputs found

    Top mass dependent alpha_s^3 corrections to B-meson mixing in the MSSM

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    We compute the top mass dependent NLO strong interaction matching conditions to the Delta F=2 effective Hamiltonian in the general MSSM. We study the relevance of such corrections, comparing its size with that of previously known NLO corrections in the limit mt->0, in scenarios with degeneracy, alignment, and hierarchical squarks. We find that, while these corrections are generally small, there are regions in the parameter space where the contributions to the Wilson coefficients C1 and C4 could partially overcome the expected suppression m_t/M_SUSY.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    Flavor Physics in an SO(10) Grand Unified Model

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    In supersymmetric grand-unified models, the lepton mixing matrix can possibly affect flavor-changing transitions in the quark sector. We present a detailed analysis of a model proposed by Chang, Masiero and Murayama, in which the near-maximal atmospheric neutrino mixing angle governs large new b -> s transitions. Relating the supersymmetric low-energy parameters to seven new parameters of this SO(10) GUT model, we perform a correlated study of several flavor-changing neutral current (FCNC) processes. We find the current bound on B(tau -> mu gamma) more constraining than B(B -> X_s gamma). The LEP limit on the lightest Higgs boson mass implies an important lower bound on tan beta, which in turn limits the size of the new FCNC transitions. Remarkably, the combined analysis does not rule out large effects in B_s-B_s-bar mixing and we can easily accomodate the large CP phase in the B_s-B_s-bar system which has recently been inferred from a global analysis of CDF and DO data. The model predicts a particle spectrum which is different from the popular Constrained Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (CMSSM). B(tau -> mu gamma) enforces heavy masses, typically above 1 TeV, for the sfermions of the degenerate first two generations. However, the ratio of the third-generation and first-generation sfermion masses is smaller than in the CMSSM and a (dominantly right-handed) stop with mass below 500 GeV is possible.Comment: 44 pages, 5 figures. Footnote and references added, minor changes, Fig. 2 corrected; journal versio

    Viability of MSSM scenarios at very large tan(beta)

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    We investigate the MSSM with very large tan(beta) > 50, where the fermion masses are strongly affected by loop-induced couplings to the "wrong" Higgs, imposing perturbative Yukawa couplings and constraints from flavour physics. Performing a low-energy scan of the MSSM with flavour-blind soft terms, we find that the branching ratio of B->tau nu and the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon are the strongest constraints at very large tan(beta) and identify the viable regions in parameter space. Furthermore we determine the scale at which the perturbativity of the Yukawa sector breaks down, depending on the low-energy MSSM parameters. Next, we analyse the very large tan(beta) regime of General Gauge Mediation (GGM) with a low mediation scale. We investigate the requirements on the parameter space and discuss the implied flavour phenomenology. We point out that the possibility of a vanishing Bmu term at a mediation scale M = 100 TeV is challenged by the experimental data on B->tau nu and the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon.Comment: 29 pages, 7 figures. v2: discussion in sections 1 and 4 expanded, conclusions unchanged. Matches version published in JHE

    Testing the gaugino AMSB model at the Tevatron via slepton pair production

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    Gaugino AMSB models-- wherein scalar and trilinear soft SUSY breaking terms are suppressed at the GUT scale while gaugino masses adopt the AMSB form-- yield a characteristic SUSY particle mass spectrum with light sleptons along with a nearly degenerate wino-like lightest neutralino and quasi-stable chargino. The left- sleptons and sneutrinos can be pair produced at sufficiently high rates to yield observable signals at the Fermilab Tevatron. We calculate the rate for isolated single and dilepton plus missing energy signals, along with the presence of one or two highly ionizing chargino tracks. We find that Tevatron experiments should be able to probe gravitino masses into the ~55 TeV range for inoAMSB models, which corresponds to a reach in gluino mass of over 1100 GeV.Comment: 14 pages including 6 .eps figure

    Supersymmetric Monojets at the Large Hadron Collider

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    Supersymmetric monojets may be produced at the Large Hadron Collider by the process qg -> squark neutralino_1 -> q neutralino_1 neutralino_1, leading to a jet recoiling against missing transverse momentum. We discuss the feasibility and utility of the supersymmetric monojet signal. In particular, we examine the possible precision with which one can ascertain the neutralino_1-squark-quark coupling via the rate for monojet events. Such a coupling contains information on the composition of the neutralino_1 and helps bound dark matter direct detection cross-sections and the dark matter relic density of the neutralino_1. It also provides a check of the supersymmetric relation between gauge couplings and gaugino-quark-squark couplings.Comment: 46 pages, 10 figures. The appendix has been rewritten to correct an error that appears in all previous versions of the appendix. This error has no effect on the results in the main body of the pape

    Gaugino Anomaly Mediated SUSY Breaking: phenomenology and prospects for the LHC

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    We examine the supersymmetry phenomenology of a novel scenario of supersymmetry (SUSY) breaking which we call Gaugino Anomaly Mediation, or inoAMSB. This is suggested by recent work on the phenomenology of flux compactified type IIB string theory. The essential features of this scenario are that the gaugino masses are of the anomaly-mediated SUSY breaking (AMSB) form, while scalar and trilinear soft SUSY breaking terms are highly suppressed. Renormalization group effects yield an allowable sparticle mass spectrum, while at the same time avoiding charged LSPs; the latter are common in models with negligible soft scalar masses, such as no-scale or gaugino mediation models. Since scalar and trilinear soft terms are highly suppressed, the SUSY induced flavor and CP-violating processes are also suppressed. The lightest SUSY particle is the neutral wino, while the heaviest is the gluino. In this model, there should be a strong multi-jet +etmiss signal from squark pair production at the LHC. We find a 100 fb^{-1} reach of LHC out to m_{3/2}\sim 118 TeV, corresponding to a gluino mass of \sim 2.6 TeV. A double mass edge from the opposite-sign/same flavor dilepton invariant mass distribution should be visible at LHC; this, along with the presence of short-- but visible-- highly ionizing tracks from quasi-stable charginos, should provide a smoking gun signature for inoAMSB.Comment: 30 pages including 14 .eps figure

    Lepton flavour violation in the MSSM

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    We derive new constraints on the quantities delta_{XY}^{ij}, X,Y=L,R, which parametrise the flavour-off-diagonal terms of the charged slepton mass matrix in the MSSM. Considering mass and anomalous magnetic moment of the electron we obtain the bound |delta^{13}_{LL} delta^{13}_{RR}|<0.1 for tan beta=50, which involves the poorly constrained element delta^{13}_{RR}. We improve the predictions for the decays tau -> mu gamma, tau -> e gamma and mu -> e gamma by including two-loop corrections which are enhanced if tan beta is large. The finite renormalisation of the PMNS matrix from soft SUSY-breaking terms is derived and applied to the charged-Higgs-lepton vertex. We find that the experimental bound on BR(tau -> e gamma) severely limits the size of the MSSM loop correction to the PMNS element U_{e3}, which is important for the proper interpretation of a future U_{e3} measurement. Subsequently we confront our new values for delta^{ij}_{LL} with a GUT analysis. Further, we include the effects of dimension-5 Yukawa terms, which are needed to fix the Yukawa unification of the first two generations. If universal supersymmetry breaking occurs above the GUT scale, we find the flavour structure of the dimension-5 Yukawa couplings tightly constrained by mu -> e gamma.Comment: 37 pages, 15 figures; typo in Equation (35) and (49) correcte

    The PPCD1 Mouse: Characterization of a Mouse Model for Posterior Polymorphous Corneal Dystrophy and Identification of a Candidate Gene

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    The PPCD1 mouse, a spontaneous mutant that arose in our mouse colony, is characterized by an enlarged anterior chamber resulting from metaplasia of the corneal endothelium and blockage of the iridocorneal angle by epithelialized corneal endothelial cells. The presence of stratified multilayered corneal endothelial cells with abnormal patterns of cytokeratin expression are remarkably similar to those observed in human posterior polymorphous corneal dystrophy (PPCD) and the sporadic condition, iridocorneal endothelial syndrome. Affected eyes exhibit epithelialized corneal endothelial cells, with inappropriate cytokeratin expression and proliferation over the iridocorneal angle and posterior cornea. We have termed this the “mouse PPCD1” phenotype and mapped the mouse locus for this phenotype, designated “Ppcd1”, to a 6.1 Mbp interval on Chromosome 2, which is syntenic to the human Chromosome 20 PPCD1 interval. Inheritance of the mouse PPCD1 phenotype is autosomal dominant, with complete penetrance on the sensitive DBA/2J background and decreased penetrance on the C57BL/6J background. Comparative genome hybridization has identified a hemizygous 78 Kbp duplication in the mapped interval. The endpoints of the duplication are located in positions that disrupt the genes Csrp2bp and 6330439K17Rik and lead to duplication of the pseudogene LOC100043552. Quantitative reverse transcriptase-PCR indicates that expression levels of Csrp2bp and 6330439K17Rik are decreased in eyes of PPCD1 mice. Based on the observations of decreased gene expression levels, association with ZEB1-related pathways, and the report of corneal opacities in Csrp2bptm1a(KOMP)Wtsi heterozygotes and embryonic lethality in nulls, we postulate that duplication of the 78 Kbp segment leading to haploinsufficiency of Csrp2bp is responsible for the mouse PPCD1 phenotype. Similarly, CSRP2BP haploinsufficiency may lead to human PPCD