19 research outputs found
Pregnancy-related constipation
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Modal-based vibrothermography using feature extraction with application to composite materials
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Extractability of cell wall-related polysaccharides with potential bioactivity and their persistence during fermentation
- Author
- A Femenia
- A Kikuchi
- AE Clarke
- AJ Barret
- B Holland
- BJH Stevens
- BJH Stevens
- BJH Stevens
- CMGC Renard
- DL Williams
- E Wisker
- GB Fincher
- GO Aspinall
- H Yamada
- HA Schols
- HA Schols
- J Gooneratne
- J Gooneratne
- JA Marlett
- JA Robertson
- JA Robertson
- JH Cummings
- KS Shin
- MA Eastwood
- MC Ralet
- MC Ralet
- P Massiot
- R Srivastava
- RJ Redgwell
- RR Selvendran
- RR Selvendran
- Ryden. P. & Selvendran R.R
- W Browder
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2000
- Field of study
Treatment options for primary constipation
- Author
- A Lembo
- A Sonnenberg
- A Wald
- AJ Wagstaff
- AV Emmanuel
- AV Emmanuel
- B Coulie
- BD Chung
- C Coenen
- CE Sloots
- CH Knowles
- D Nyam
- DZ Lubowski
- E Chiotakakou-Faliakou
- G Coremans
- GJ Oettle
- GN Verne
- GP FitzHarris
- HP Parkman
- J Novick
- J Pfeifer
- JA DiPalma
- JA Marlett
- JG Jin
- JH Xing
- JI Kellow
- JS Joo
- L Dukas
- P Velio
- R Bertoli
- RB Stewart
- Ronald Fogel
- S Muller-Lissner
- SA Bingham
- SA Muller-Lissner
- SM Heymen
- TP Roarty
- Vijayamalini Pampati
- WA Voderhozer
- WE Hale
- WE Whitehead
- Y Ron
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Dietary Fiber-Associated Compounds
- Author
- Andary C
- Arrigoni E
- Bravo L
- Bravo L
- Bravo L
- Brune M
- Charlton AJ
- Desphande SS
- Hackett AM.
- Harborne JB.
- Harborne JB.
- Harborne JB.
- Hertog MGL
- Hollman PCH
- Hollman PCH
- Hurrell RF
- Jansman AJM
- Larson RA.
- Maas E
- Manach C
- Markham KR.
- Marlett JA
- Martín-Carrón N
- Montreau FR
- Prosky L
- Quesada C
- Ragan MA
- Reddy MB
- Saura-Calixto F
- Saura-Calixto F
- Scalbert A.
- Serafini M
- Shahidi F
- Shahkhalili Y
- Tebib K
- Theander O
- Thompson LU
- Trowell H
- Williams RT.
- Würsch P
- Würsch P
- Ya C
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Improving the Quality of Life: Prescriptions for Change
- Author
- A Campbell
- AA Pinkney
- AF Lehman
- AH Maslow
- AJ Zautra
- AS Halpern
- BJ Felton
- C Ernes
- CE Lance
- CJ Denholm
- D Felce
- D Osaba
- D Stokols
- DM Romney
- DM Romney
- EH Erickson
- FM Andrews
- G Bateson
- G Hofstede
- H Firth
- H Schipper
- HI Day
- J Rodin
- J Rodin
- JB Rotter
- JE Marcia
- JG Bruhn
- JH Rowland
- JS Brekke
- K McIntyre
- K Thapa
- KC Calman
- L Barton
- LA Strain
- LC Johnson
- LF Berkman
- MA Shotton
- MP Lawton
- N Sartorius
- NJ Marlett
- P Warr
- PG Clark
- R Edgerton
- R Neufeld
- R Stagner
- RA Cummins
- RI Brown
- RI Brown
- RI Brown
- RI Brown
- RL Schalock
- RL Schalock
- SJ Czaja
- SJ Olshansky
- SZ Nagi
- T Autio
- T Timmons
- W Borgen
- W Wolfensberger
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1994
- Field of study
Twin screw extrusion of kodo millet-chickpea blend: process parameter optimization, physico-chemical and functional properties
- Author
- A Altan
- A Hagenimana
- A Joshi
- A Suksomboon
- AA Anton
- AA Saleh
- AB Lawton
- AJ Marlett
- C Berset
- C Mercier
- C Perez-Navarrete
- CC Marty
- CRA Santiago
- D Avin
- DM Winham
- DR Osborne
- EK Asare
- H Dogan
- I Goni
- J Huang
- J Owusu-Ansah
- J Shinoj
- J Singh
- JAG Areas
- JC Cheftel
- JL Kokini
- JM Harper
- JR Mitchell
- L Wang
- LC Gutoski
- LU Thompson
- ME Camire
- MF Anjum
- MO Iwe
- OK Chung
- P Ainsworth
- P Colonna
- P Colonna
- P Geervani
- P Rayas-Duarte
- Q Ding
- Q Ding
- R Chinnaswamy
- R Guy
- RH Myers
- RJ Gonzalez
- RM Elinde Van den
- S Bhattacharya
- S Bhattacharya
- S Ilo
- S Yagci
- SI Fletcher
- U Ilo
- U Singh
- UV Mani
- WR Mason
- X Meng
- Y Ali
- YK Case
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Backwards and forwards with the migrating complex
- Author
- A Bortoff
- A Hurst
- A Huxley
- A Latour
- A Latour
- A Oigaard
- A Pousse
- AA Barros D'Sa
- AC Ivy
- AC Ivy
- AG Sancholuz
- AJ Carlson
- AJ Carlson
- AJ Carlson
- AJ Stunkard
- AK Mukhopadhyay
- BB Crohn
- BN Catchpole
- C Eeckhout
- C Eeckhout
- C Julia
- C Schwartzenberg
- C Stanciu
- CA Tassinari
- CF Code
- CF Code
- CJ Stoddard
- CL Martin
- D Couturier
- D Wingate
- DD Kumpuris
- DF Kripke
- DG Thompson
- DG Thompson
- DG Thompson
- DG Thompson
- DL Kreulen
- DL Wingate
- DL Wingate
- DL Wingate
- DL Wingate
- DL Wingate
- DL Wingate
- DL Wingate
- DL Wingate
- DL Wingate
- DM Douglas
- DPG Bolton
- EA Pearce
- EB Boldyreff
- EH Brunemeier
- EH Mensing
- EP DiMagno
- F Hoelzel
- F Hofmeister
- F Marik
- FA Hellebrandt
- FB Keane
- FB Keane
- FB Keane
- FJ Ingelfinger
- FK Abbott
- FT Rogers
- FT Rogers
- G Lux
- G Lux
- G Lux
- G Lux
- G Stacher
- G Vantrappen
- G Vantrappen
- G Vantrappen
- G Vantrappen
- GM Carlson
- GR Vantrappen
- H Duthie
- HH Sadler
- HS Ormsbee
- HS Ormsbee
- I Wever De
- I Wever De
- IP Pavlov
- IP Pavlov
- IT Beck
- J Barcroft
- J Berkson
- J Christensen
- J Christensen
- J Christensen
- J Christensen
- J Christensen
- J Christensen
- J Collin
- J Collin
- J Hellemans
- J Hellemans
- J Hoelzel
- J-C Schang
- JA Clifton
- JA Marlett
- JA Marlett
- JC Brown
- JC Schang
- JC Schang
- JC Schang
- JD Helm
- JF Schlegel
- JH Steinbach
- JH Szuraszewski
- JH Szurszewski
- JL Martin
- JP Morat
- JR Mathias
- JR Mathias
- KB Castleton
- KG Morgan
- L Bueno
- L Bueno
- L Bueno
- L Bueno
- L Bueno
- L Bueno
- L Bueno
- L Bueno
- L Bueno
- L Bueno
- L Bueno
- L Bueno
- L Horowitz
- LD Scott
- LE Hines
- M Ruckebusch
- M Ruckebusch
- M Ruckebusch
- MG Lord
- MG Lord
- MG Sarr
- MG Sarr
- MG Sarr
- MJ Rossbach
- ML Grivel
- N Ambache
- N Reverdin
- ND Christofides
- NE Diamant
- NE Diamant
- NS Dusdieker
- NW Read
- NW Weisbrodt
- NW Weisbrodt
- NW Weisbrodt
- NW Weisbrodt
- NW Weisbrodt
- P Bass
- P Finch
- P Fleckenstein
- P Fleckenstein
- P Mitznegg
- P Poitras
- PA Thomas
- PA Thomas
- PA Thomas
- PF Aeberhard
- PG Justus
- R Frost
- RAJ Asher
- RM Deutsch
- RW Summers
- S Dorph
- S Fink
- SJ Konturek
- SJ Konturek
- SJ Konturek
- SK Sarna
- SK Sarna
- SM Collins
- TD Lewis
- TL Patterson
- TL Peeters
- TW Burns
- V Boldyreff
- V Boldyreff
- V Boldyreff
- V Rayner
- VB Scott
- W Baust
- W Baust
- W Beaumont
- W Boldyreff
- W Boldyreff
- W Boldyreff
- W Busch
- WB Cannon
- WB Cannon
- WC Alvarez
- WC Alvarez
- WC Alvarez
- WC Alvarez
- WC Alvarez
- WE Waterfall
- WER Green
- WM Bayliss
- WM Bayliss
- WN Boldyreff
- WN Boldyreff
- WP Chapman
- WP Chapman
- WPU Jackson
- WT Foulk
- WW Payne
- WY Chey
- Y Akasaka
- Y Ruckebusch
- Y Ruckebusch
- Y Ruckebusch
- Y Ruckebusch
- Y Ruckebusch
- Y Ruckebusch
- Y Ruckebusch
- Y Ruckebusch
- Z Itoh
- Z Itoh
- Z Itoh
- Z Itoh
- Z Itoh
- Z Itoh
- Z Itoh
- Z Itoh
- Z Itoh
- Z Itoh
- Z Itoh
- Z Itoh
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Switching from a high-fat cellulose diet to a high-fat pectin diet reverses certain obesity-related morbidities
- Author
- A Munakata
- AE Towers
- AJ Wanders
- Albert E. Towers
- B Yao
- BC Johnston
- BJ Klyde
- BR Thakur
- C Daou
- CL Adam
- CL Sherry
- DC Silva
- DN Lavin
- DR Johnson
- DS Ludwig
- E Del Toma
- F Farzadfar
- F Isken
- FC Bell
- FL Greenway
- FM Silva
- G Danaei
- G De Pergola
- G Jakobsdottir
- GA Colditz
- Gabriel S. Chiu
- Gregory G. Freund
- GS Chiu
- HJ Delargy
- IC Wu
- J de Vries
- J Fernandes
- JA Marlett
- JB Dixon
- JB Moore
- JL Slavin
- JL Vigne
- JM Lattimer
- JM York
- Julie K. Bray
- K Kaline
- KE Wellen
- KM Herman
- KM Middleton
- L Hooper
- LA Tucker
- Leslie K. McNeil
- LS Pescatello
- M Abdelaal
- M Bjursell
- M DerSarkissian
- M Galisteo
- M Rossmeisl
- MM Finucane
- MM Kaczmarczyk
- MM Tai
- Morgan L. Moon
- N Puzziferri
- NC Howarth
- P Björntorp
- PJ Turnbaugh
- PS MacLean
- PU Dubuc
- Q Chen
- R Buettner
- R Chutkan
- R Jumpertz
- RH Eckel
- RK Minor
- Robyn Wall
- RR Wing
- RR Wing
- S Furukawa
- S Otles
- S Sarma
- SJ Olshansky
- TA Wadden
- TL Moretto
- VF de Carvalho
- Y-J Song
- YD Tchoukalova
- ZJ Xu
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Cellular Mechanisms of Endocrine Disruption
- Author
- [No authors listed]
- A Bartke
- A Jamil
- A Pedram
- A Vaquero
- A Villar-Garea
- A Warnmark
- AJ Hörlein
- AJ Woodhouse
- AM Brzozowski
- AM Cummings
- AM Psarra
- AM Soto
- AT Ferguson
- AV Krishnan
- B Carlsson
- B Gehm
- BD Gehm
- BF Hinnebusch
- C Carmeci
- C Herman
- C Jonat
- CA O’Brian
- CH Rubin
- CL Smith
- CM Revankar
- CS Watson
- CV Jordan
- CY Meyers
- CY Meyers
- D Crews
- D Metzger
- D Shore
- DC Knight
- DC Spink
- DC Spink
- DP Rose
- DR Compton
- EA Vladusic
- EJ Filardo
- EM Berns
- ER Levin
- F Grün
- FC Lucibello
- FCS Eng
- G Blander
- G Johanson
- GB Tremblay
- GC Mueller
- GG Fein
- GGJM Kuiper
- GGJM Kuiper
- GL Greene
- GS Takimoto
- H Dotzlaw
- H Farhan
- H Kurosu
- H Shibata
- H Vaziri
- H-F Yang-Yen
- HP Lee
- HT Jansen
- J DiRenzo
- J Luo
- J Nishikawa
- J Torchia
- JA Brotons
- JA Marlett
- JCG Blanco
- JD Chen
- JD Chen
- JD Yager
- JG Wood
- JL Jacobson
- JL Merchant
- JM Beekman
- JM Mariadason
- JM Sun
- JM Wu
- JQ Chen
- JR Davie
- JS Fisher
- JS Foster
- JT Rodgers
- K Paech
- KA Al-Regaiey
- KI Dibbs
- KT Howitz
- L Bai
- L Tora
- L Tora
- L Xu
- M Adler
- M Angelis De
- M Beato
- M Beato
- M Berry
- M Brown
- M Byers
- M Issandou
- M Kaeberlein
- M Katic
- M Tzukerman
- M Yoshida
- M Zaitseva
- MD Anway
- MD Anway
- ME Lippman
- MI Diamond
- MJ Goodman
- ML Waterman
- MS Jansen
- MS Kurzer
- MT Borra
- MT Tzukerman
- O Ganry
- O Imamov
- P Cotton
- P Liang
- P Liang
- P Rocchi
- P Webb
- PH Peeters
- PH-Y Lam
- PJ Shughrue
- PL Whitten
- PM Foster
- Q-X Zhang
- R Metivier
- R Schüle
- R Stone
- R White
- RA Weinberg
- RM Evans
- RM Lavinsky
- RM Sharpe
- RR Newbold
- RS Frey
- S Adler
- S Chen
- S Halachmi
- S Imai
- S Jobling
- S Misiti
- S Mosselman
- S Nemoto
- SA Oñate
- SA Whitehead
- SE Alves
- SI Mishra
- SL Anzick
- SM Snedeker
- SO Mueller
- SR Stauffer
- SS Hall
- T Barkhem
- T Bouras
- T Colborn
- T Colborn
- T Hong
- T Kanayama
- T Ramkumar
- TA Jackson
- TA Nguyen
- TJ Key
- TK Lee
- TR Pak
- V Giguere
- V Krishnan
- VC Jordan
- W Li
- WR Harrington
- WR Kelce
- X Zhang
- Y Berthois
- Y Kamei
- YX Chen
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2007
- Field of study