44 research outputs found

    A steric tethering approach enables palladium-catalysed C-H activation of primary amino alcohols.

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    Aliphatic primary amines are a class of chemical feedstock essential to the synthesis of higher-order nitrogen-containing molecules, commonly found in biologically active compounds and pharmaceutical agents. New methods for the construction of complex amines remain a continuous challenge to synthetic chemists. Here, we outline a general palladium-catalysed strategy for the functionalization of aliphatic C-H bonds within amino alcohols, an important class of small molecule. Central to this strategy is the temporary conversion of catalytically incompatible primary amino alcohols into hindered secondary amines that are capable of undergoing a sterically promoted palladium-catalysed C-H activation. Furthermore, a hydrogen bond between amine and catalyst intensifies interactions around the palladium and orients the aliphatic amine substituents in an ideal geometry for C-H activation. This catalytic method directly transforms simple, easily accessible amines into highly substituted, functionally concentrated and structurally diverse products, and can streamline the synthesis of biologically important amine-containing molecules.We are grateful to the Marie Curie Foundation (D.P. & J.C.), EPSRC (T.W.G.), the ERC (V.D.), and the ERC and EPSRC for Fellowships (M.J.G.). We are grateful to Adam Smalley for DFT calculations and Yohei Shimidzu for assistance with optimization of the C–H acetoxylation reaction. Mass spectrometry data was acquired at the EPSRC UK National Mass Spectrometry Facility at Swansea University. The authors declare no competing financial interests.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from NPG via http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nchem.236

    Biodegradation of 4-nitrophenol in a two-phase sequencing batch reactor: Concept demonstration, kinetics and modelling

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    The objectives of this work were to demonstrate the potential of a two-phase sequencing batch reactor in degrading xenobiotics and to evaluate the kinetic parameters leading to a mathematical model of the system. 4-Nitrophenol (4NP), a typical representative of substituted phenols, was selected as the target xenobiotic; this compound has never been remediated in a two-phase bioreactor before. Partition tests were conducted to determine the most appropriate partitioning solvent, and among the three investigated solvents (1-undecanol, 2-undecanone and oleyl alcohol), 2-undecanone was chosen because of its favourable partition coefficient and its negligible emulsion-forming tendencies. Moreover, the selected solvent showed satisfactory biocompatibility characteristics with respect to the biomass, with only minor effects on the intrinsic microbial kinetics. Kinetic tests were then performed in a sequencing batch reactor (2-l volume) operated in both conventional one- and two-phase configurations, with the two-phase system showing a significant improvement in the process kinetics in terms of reduced inhibition and increased maximum removal rate. The obtained kinetic parameters suggest that the two-phase sequencing batch system may find full-scale application, as the maximum removal rate k max (∌3 mg 4NP mgVSS-1 day-1) is of the same order of magnitude of heterotrophic bacteria operating in wastewater treatment plants. © 2008 Springer-Verlag