7 research outputs found

    Characterization of cold sensitivity and thermal preference using an operant orofacial assay

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    BACKGROUND: A hallmark of many orofacial pain disorders is cold sensitivity, but relative to heat-related pain, mechanisms of cold perception and the development of cold allodynia are not clearly understood. Molecular mediators of cold sensation such as TRPM8 have been recently identified and characterized using in vitro studies. In this study we characterized operant behavior with respect to individually presented cold stimuli (24, 10, 2, and -4°C) and in a thermal preference task where rats chose between -4 and 48°C stimulation. We also evaluated the effects of menthol, a TRPM8 agonist, on operant responses to cold stimulation (24, 10, and -4°C). Male and female rats were trained to drink sweetened milk while pressing their shaved faces against a thermode. This presents a conflict paradigm between milk reward and thermal stimulation. RESULTS: We demonstrated that the cold stimulus response function was modest compared to heat. There was a significant effect of temperature on facial (stimulus) contacts, the ratio of licking contacts to stimulus contacts, and the stimulus duration/contact ratio. Males and females differed only in their facial contacts at 10°C. In the preference task, males preferred 48°C to -4°C, despite the fact that 48°C and -4°C were equally painful as based on their reward/stimulus and duration/contact ratios. We were able to induce hypersensitivity to cold using menthol at 10°C, but not at 24 or -4°C. CONCLUSION: Our results indicate a strong role for an affective component in processing of cold stimuli, more so than for heat, which is in concordance with human psychophysical findings. The induction of allodynia with menthol provides a model for cold allodynia. This study provides the basis for future studies involving orofacial pain and analgesics, and is translatable to the human experience

    A Novel Behavioral Assay for Measuring Cold Sensation in Mice

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    Behavioral models of cold responses are important tools for exploring the molecular mechanisms of cold sensation. To complement the currently cold behavioral assays and allow further studies of these mechanisms, we have developed a new technique to measure the cold response threshold, the cold plantar assay. In this assay, animals are acclimated on a glass plate and a cold stimulus is applied to the hindpaw through the glass using a pellet of compressed dry ice. The latency to withdrawal from the cooled glass is used as a measure of the cold response threshold of the rodents, and the dry ice pellet provides a ramping cold stimulus on the glass that allows the correlation of withdrawal latency values to rough estimates of the cold response threshold temperature. The assay is highly sensitive to manipulations including morphine-induced analgesia, Complete Freund's Adjuvant-induced inflammatory allodynia, and Spinal Nerve Ligation-induced neuropathic allodynia

    Differential analgesic sensitivity of two distinct neuropathic pain models.

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    Progressive tactile hypersensitivity (PTH) manifesting after sciatic nerve crush and spared nerve injury (SNI) are two distinct rodent experimental models of neuropathic pain. PTH develops months after recovery from the nerve crush in response to repeated intermittent low-threshold mechanical stimulation of the reinnervated sciatic nerve skin territory and represents a model of stimulus-induced pain. SNI is characterized by an early and sustained increase in stimulus-evoked pain sensitivity in the intact skin territory of the spared sural nerve after sectioning of the two other terminal branches of the sciatic nerve. We examined the effects of morphine (0.5-10 mg/kg), gabapentin (30-200 mg/kg), MK801 (0.01-0.02 mg/kg), amitriptyline (10-25 mg/kg), and carbamazepine (5-7.5 mg/kg) in both models. Morphine, gabapentin, and carbamazepine both reversed and prevented stimulus-induced PTH, whereas MK801 and amitriptyline reduced but did not prevent stimulus-induced PTH. In contrast, the stimulus-evoked behavioral hypersensitivity in the SNI model was poorly modified by these drugs. Independent neuropathic pain models show differential sensitivity to analgesic drug treatment. We suggest that this is due to the different mechanisms responsible for the neuropathic pain-related behavior. Multiple models are required, therefore, to study the mechanisms that contribute to neuropathic pain and to predict analgesic efficacy for different components of the neuropathic pain syndrome

    Neuropathic Pain After Spinal Cord Injury: Challenges and Research Perspectives

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    Regulation of Pain and Itch by TRP Channels

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