605 research outputs found

    Letter from the Editor

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    The Use of a Cap-mounted Tri-axial Accelerometer for Measurement of Distance, Lap Times and Stroke Rates in Swim Training

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    This paper will report some of the findings from a trial which recorded accelerometer data from six elite level swimmers (three female and three male, varying primary event stroke and distance) over the course of a regular 15 week training block. Measurements from a head-mounted accelerometer are used to determine when the athlete is swimming, marking of turning points (and therefore distance and lap-time measurements), and is processed by frequency analysis to determine stroke-rate. Comparison with video where available, and with training plans and literature where not, have proven this method to be accurate and reliable for determining these performance metrics. The primary objective of this project was to develop a low-cost, simple and highly usable system for use in swim coaching, feedback from elite coaches has indicated that development of this could be an extremely useful addition to their training regime

    Leadership Requirements for Successful Implementation of Lean Management in Health Care: A Systematic Review of the Literature

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    Lean is a management philosophy aimed at increasing value for end users by controlling waste. As such, it is a promising approach for health-care organizations to improve quality and control costs. Yet the transition to Lean management often fails in health-care organizations, commonly due to a lack of specific Lean leadership skills. This research addresses a gap in the knowledge about leadership requirements for successful Lean implementation in health-care organizations. A systematic literature search was performed using the MEDLINE, EMBASE and Emerald databases, resulting in the selection of 23 articles. Analysis of these articles confirmed the five Lean leadership principles identified in the manufacturing literature—improvement culture, self-development, employee training, going to the gemba, and hoshin kanri—and identified specific leadership behaviors, skills, characteristics, and attitudes for each principle. A sixth leadership principle, that of customer value, was also identified. This research contributes to existing Lean literature by providing new insights into leadership requirements for Lean transitions in health care. A new leadership framework is suggested for Lean leadership requirements during Lean implementation. In practice, this research provides health-care leaders with a practical framework and guidance with which to successfully implement Lean in a health-care institution

    Lean leadership:Towards continuous improvement capability in healthcare

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    This research focuses on the role of leadership styles during Lean Management (LM) initiatives in healthcare environments. Specifically, this study examined the role of leadership styles in the development of Continuous Improvement (CI) capability of teams. The empirical evidence was collected by applying a multiple-case design, and consisted of interviews, observations, and documentation. These data sources were used to develop case studies, and to identify leadership behaviours supportive of LM. Through qualitative case analysis, the influence of leadership styles on CI capability was determined. The results show that a hybrid leadership style is associated with higher levels of CI capability, and that the duration of a LM program in itself does not dictate maturity. A mix of both transactional and transformational leadership styles seems a necessary condition for teams to reach higher levels of CI capability. Based on these findings, this paper provides a framework to structure thinking on LM and leadership styles, and concludes with supporting propositions. The current outcomes imply that leaders should be sensitive towards their adopted leadership style, and should adopt a leadership style that combines both transformational as well as transactional elements, when leading LM teams

    Cuaderno de trabajo de motricidad para el contexto achuar : propuesta metodológica para primer año de Educación General Básica

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    This work is for the development of the graph-motricity, because it is very fundamental for the boys and the girls, and their son has difficulties to enter the school, this is the material that allows the development of fine motor skills, it is the tuning to work and how to use the handling of the materials. In this material drawings are designed to the reality of children, there are also activities where they can be developed alone. This work has three parts divided as first work, cut the images to paste in the notebook, paste, second job is to paint the images and as a third job to join the points to form image. In order for this work to be done, the children of the KATIRA educational center, of the San Francisco school of the Wasakentsa Salesian community, were first visited to visualize the level of development of the achuar children, according to the diagnosis. with the boys and girls, also to know the level of how it can be done and how to write the children at the time of writing. Why? Because the pages that came with the children, girls and boys had learning problems, how to paint and write the letters correctly. But now, seeing the reality that happens with writing problems correctly with boys, girls and boys, girls and boys, boys and girls.Este trabajo es para el desarrollo del grafo-motricidad, pues es muy fundamental para los niños y niñas achuar preescolares, porque tienen dificultades al ingresar a la escuela, por estas razones realizo este material que permitirá el desarrollo de la motricidad fina, es la afinación de trabajar y cómo utilizar y manejar los materiales. Cuaderno de trabajo grafo motricidad está desarrollada para los niños prescolares, para que ya desde la edad temprana tengan la idea o la capacidad de mover correctamente sus manos, que por sí solos sepan de rayar, pintar los gráficos, recortar las figuras y unificar los puntos, todo este trabajo ayudará a los niños. El trabajo realizado cuaderno de trabajo de motricidad para el contexto achuar. Propuesta metodológica para primer año de educación general básica, es un material desarrollada es importante porque nuestros niños cuentan todavía con las dificultades al manejo de la motricidad dina al manejo de motricidad gruesa En este material los dibujos están diseñados con la realidad de los niños, también hay actividades en la que ellos puedan desarrollar independencia al trabajar solos. Este trabajo tiene tres partes la primera es recortar las imágenes para pegar en el cuaderno, luego pintar las imágenes y finalmente unir los puntos para formar la imagen. Para realizar este trabajo primero se visitó a los niños de la escuela del centro educativo Katira, del barrio San Francisco de la comunidad salesiana Wasakentsa, para visualizar el nivel de desarrollo de los niños y niñas achuar, de acuerdo a eso se desarrolló el diagnóstico con los niños y niñas, también para saber el nivel de cómo se desarrollan y escriben. Porque sin este documento los docentes que vinieron trabajando con los niños, niñas achuar han tenido problema para enseñar cómo pintar, escribir correctamente las letras y leer. Pero ahora, viendo la realidad que sucede el problema de escribir correctamente con los niños, niñas achuar y para que este documento en el futuro sea útil para los docentes para aplicar en los centros educativos así, para mejorar su trabajo con los niños, niñas de nuestra comunidad

    Manual en achuar para el aprendizaje de las cuatro operaciones básicas propuesta metodológica para el cuarto año de E.G.B.

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    To elaborate the Manual of mathematics, initially, a diagnosis was made in the CECIBs Yampits and Aij. We worked with approximately 45 students and from a conversation in which, through games, work was done with the application of the four operations. Through these activities, it was detected that the children had difficulties to solve problems of the four mathematical operations. After the diagnosis, activities were designed to help the resolution of operations, taking into account aspects of the culture itself. The methodological proposal we present is an Achuar Language Manual aimed at children in the fourth year of EGB and is organized into four units: each part deals with a particular mathematical operation, starting with the sum and ending with the division. With this investigative work we try to awaken the basic abilities of calculation and at the same time to revalue our mother tongue and its knowledge in the new generations of the Achuar people. The learning of the four basic operations in our classrooms must be the result of the understanding of the concepts organized by the language of the scientific community and the calculations as a human activity. That is to say; to learn them, it is necessary to focus on the search for new alternatives to overcome the difficulties arising from studying in problematic situations presented to students in their friendly social environment. It is intended that this material is a manageable tool within educational institutions to develop manuals with children.Para elaborar el Manual de matemáticas, inicialmente, se realizó un diagnóstico en los CECIBs Yampits y Aij. Se trabajó aproximadamente con 45 estudiantes y a partir de un conversatorio en el que, por medio de juegos se realizaron trabajos con la aplicación de las cuatro operaciones. Mediante estas actividades, se detectó que los niños tenían dificultades para resolver problemas de las cuatro operaciones matemáticas. Luego del diagnóstico, se diseñaron actividades que ayuden a la resolución de las operaciones, tomando en cuenta aspectos de la propia cultura. La propuesta metodológica que presentamos es un Manual en lengua achuar dirigido a niños del cuarto año de EGB y se halla organizado en cuatro unidades: cada parte trata sobre una operación matemática en particular, empezando por la suma y terminando por la división. Con este trabajo investigativo se intenta despertar las capacidades básicas de cálculo y paralelamente revalorizar nuestra lengua materna y sus conocimientos en las nuevas generaciones del pueblo Achuar. El aprendizaje de las cuatro operaciones básicas en nuestras aulas debe ser el resultado de la comprensión de los conceptos organizados por el lenguaje de la comunidad científica y los cálculos como actividad humana. Es decir; para el aprendizaje de las mismas es necesario que se oriente hacia la búsqueda de nuevas alternativas para superar las dificultades surgidas del estudio en situaciones problemáticas presentadas a los alumnos en su ambiente social amigable. Se pretende que este material sea una herramienta manejable dentro de las instituciones educativas para elaborar manuales con los niños/as

    The surgical anatomy of the superior gluteal nerve and anatomical radiologic bases of the direct lateral approach to the hip

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    In view of the increasing popularity of the direct lateral approach to the hip joint for hemi- or total hip arthroplasty, the location of the superior gluteal nerve (SGN) was studied. This nerve is in danger when using a transgluteal incision. In 20 embalmed specimens the relation of the SGN to the tip of the greater trochanter (TT) was studied as well as the relation to the iliac crest. For this purpose macroscopy, microscopy and CT were used. In 13 hips a so-called most inferior branch was found at an average of 1 cm distal to the inferior branch, the main trunk of the nerve. There was substantial variation in the course of both the inferior and the most inferior branch of the SGN. In order to prevent nerve damage, proximal extension of the transgluteal incision should be limited to 3 cm cranial to TT. Furthermore the incision has to be confined to the distal one third of the distance TT-iliac crest. In tall people extra care should be taken
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