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4 research outputs found
History as a Mirror and Places of Belonging:Some Remarks on Contested Memories and the Demands of the Past
A Cinar
AH Sa’di
+19Â more
B Mehta
BA Ellis
E Ă–zyĂĽrek
H Halilovich
J Assmann
K Starck
K Verdery
M Todorova
M Todorova
M Todorova
M Todorova
P Connerton
S Boym
S Haugbølle
V Roudometof
V Roudometof
W Tochman
X Bougarel
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Copenhagen University Research Information System
Labour Underutilisation and Gender: Unemployment Versus Hidden-Unemployment
A Green
AH Sa’di
+30Â more
CD Long
CJ Flinn
D Blau
D Dooley
D Humphrey
E Fieldhouse
E Hilst
F Gönül
G Becker
G Kingdon
GS Becker
H Goldstein
I Watson
K Clark
M Partridge
M van Ham
P Boyle
P Stricker
P Sunley
R Denniss
R Ehrenberg
S Baum
S Walzer
Scott Baum
SRG Jones
TF Buss
U Beck
W Mitchell
W Mitchell
William F. Mitchell
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Unemployment, Hidden-unemployment, Employability,
University of Newcastle's Digital Repository
Research Papers in Economics
Subordination and dispositions: Palestinians’ differing sense of injustice, politics, and morality
A Eqeiq
A Ghanem
+132Â more
A Golan
A Hass
A Jamal
A Jamal
A Jamal
A Kemp
A Korn
A Korn
A Korn
A Leibler
A Mears
A Schutz
A Schutz
AH Sa’di
AH Sa’di
AH Sa’di
B Skeggs
B Skeggs
B Skeggs
B Skeggs
C Geertz
C Geertz
C Geertz
C Peirce
C Strauss
CH Enloe
D Holland
D Landy
D Rabinowitz
DJ Haraway
E Zureik
F Kassem
F Kassem
G Shafir
H Blumer
H Cohen
H Ghanim
H Yacobi
HP Collins
I Abu-Saad
I Burkitt
I Ibrahim
I Lustick
J Auyero
J Butler
J Heyman
J Schept
J Todd
JC Alexander
JC Scott
JM Heyman
JM Sloop
JW Scott
KM Firro
L Abu Nahleh
L Allen
L Bucaille
L Dallasheh
L Farsakh
L Hajjar
L McCall
L McNay
L McNay
L McNay
L Taraki
L Wacquant
L Wacquant
L Wacquant
L Wacquant
L Wacquant
L Wacquant
L Wacquant
M Bloch
M Desmond
M Foucault
M Lamont
M Masri
M Rosenfeld
M Shehadeh
MJ Matsuda
N Bromell
N Crossley
N Gordon
N Lewin-Epstein
N Morris
O Lizardo
O Lizardo
O Lizardo
O Yiftachel
O Yiftachel
P Bourdieu
P Bourdieu
P Bourdieu
P Bourdieu
P Bourdieu
P Bourdieu
P Bourdieu
P Bourgois
P Butler
P Davis
PE Willis
PL Berger
R Brisbin
R Brubaker
R Davis
R Delgado
R Delgado
R Khalidi
RA Kanaaneh
RD Benford
RE Wagner-Pacifici
S Abdel Al-Jawad
S Hanafi
S Harding
S Lawler
S Ngai
S Pasquetti
Silvia Pasquetti
SJ Charlesworth
T Gowan
T Ingold
T Kelly
T Lovell
T Mitchell
T Rempel
V Roscigno
V Walkerdine
W Atkinson
W Bottero
WA Gamson
WA Gamson
WF Hanks
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Who is my neighbour? Memories of the Holocaust/ al Nakba
Abu Sitta S
Achcar G
+44Â more
Anderson B
Ashplant TG
Bal M
Butler J
Collins J
Connolly W
DesAutels P
Douglas L
Ellis MH
Gilligan C
Halbwachs M
Held V
K.M. Fierke
Kimmerling B
LaCapra D
Langenbacher E
Levy D
MacDonald D
Makdisi U
Margalit A
Margalit A
Masalha N
Massad JA
Merridale C
Muir D
Nader K
Novick P
Pappe I
Robinson F
Rotberg R
Rothberg M
Said E
Sa’di AH
Segev T
Shlaim A
Slyomovics S
Stauber R
Stier OB
Sylan D
Tronto J
Walker RBJ
Wistrich R
Yetiv S
Zerubavel Y
Publication venue
'SAGE Publications'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text