155 research outputs found
Kemajuan teknologi informasi dan smartphone berdampak pada derasnya terpaan hoax dan ujaran kebencian di media massa. Perkuliahan sosiolinguistik berbasis riset dirancang memberi landasan berpikir dan bersikap ilmiah terhadap mahasiswa agar mampu merespons terpaan informasi hoax dan ujaran kebencian dengan respons akademis. Perkuliaah dirancang dalam dua fase yaitu penguatan teoretis konsep sosiolinguistik dan praktik penelitian sosiolinguistik dengan objek kajian ujaran kebencian yang sedang viral. Praktik perkuliahan dirancang dalam disain penelitian berjenis penelitian tindakan (action research). Penelitian dilaksanakan di kelas A semester V program studi pendidikan bahasa dan sastra Indonesia, FKIP Universitas Islam Nusantara. Hasil pembelajaran dengan model pembelajaran sosiolinguistik dengan berbasis riset menunjukkan bahwa ada penguatan literasi digital mahasiswa berupa peningkatan pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan sikap ilmiah terhadap setiap terpaan berita di media sosial, khusunya ujaran kebencian. Penerapan pendekatan saintifik berupa pratik terbimbing penelitian terhadap kasus-kasus viral ujaran kebencian mampu membentuk penerapan kaidah-kaidah ilmiah oleh mahasiswa. Mahasiswa mampu memilah, memilih, dan menentukan topik penelitian. Mereka pun mampu merumuskan masalah penelitian, menyusun pedoman analisis berbasis hasil kajian teoretis, menentukan sumber data, melakukan pengumpulan dan pengolahan data bersumber dari media sosial, serta mampu menafsirkan dan mempresentasikan dalam bentuk seminar
Roadmap Implementasi Knowledge Management
Dalam konteks menjaga eksistensi organisasi, manajemen pengetahuan (Knowledge Management-KM) merupakan kebutuhan bagi setiap organisasi. KM sendiri sejatinya dapat diartikan sebagai sebuah tindakan sistematis untuk mengidentifikasi, mendokumentasikan, dan mendistribusikan segenap pengetahuan yang relevan kepada setiap anggota organisasi tersebut, dengan tujuan meningkatkan daya saing organisasi. Ikujiro Nonaka membuat formulasi yang terkenal dengan sebutan SECI atau Knowledge Spiral. Konsepnya bahwa dalam siklus perjalanan kehidupan anggota organisasi, pengetahuan itu mengalami proses yang kalau digambarkan berbentuk spiral, proses itu disebut dengan Socialization - Externalization - Combination â Internalization. KM adalah kegiatan yang kompleks, dan implementasinya tidak dapat membawa dampak positif bagi organisasi jika tanpa perencanaan yang sempurna. Paper ini memperkenalkan metode perencanaan, yaitu 10-langkah knowledge management roadmap. Kesepuluh langkah tersebut adalah: 1) analisis keberadaan infrastruktur; 2). kesejajaran KM dan strategi bisnis; 3). desain infrastruktur KM; 4). audit keberadaan aset pengeathuan dan sistem; 5). desain tim KM; 6). membuat KM blueprint; 7). membangun sistem KM; 8). menggunakan metodologi yang tepat; 9). mengelola Perubahan, budaya dan struktur reward; dan 10).evaluasi kinerja, mengukur return of investment. Kesepuluh langkah tersebut dikategorikan dalam empat fase, yaitu: 1). evaluasi infrastruktur; 2). analisis, desain dan pengembangan KM system; 3). sistem penyebaran dan 4).evaluasi. Diharapkan dengan memahami roadmap ini, organisasi akan menerapkan seluruh proses sebagai panduan tahapan strategi manajemen pengetahuan. Perubahan yang terjadi diharapkan berjalan secara soft sehingga tidak terjadi resistensi dari anggota organisasi, dan secara eksternal mampu meningkatkan keunggulan kompetitif
The quality of human resources, work professionalism, communication has an influence on the performance of education and employment center employees in airlines both partially and simultaneously. The research approach used in this study is a quantitative approach. The aviation training center population was 79 employees and 75 people were taken as respondents with the sampling method used was simple random sampling or simple random samples. The method of data analysis uses multiple linear regression analysis. The results of testing and analysis conducted stated that the quality of human resources has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, work professionalism has a positive and significant effect on employee performance and communication has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Simultaneously the quality of human resources, work professionalism, and communication support employee performance
Rapid response When the Minister of Education and Culture issued Circular Letter No. 3 of 2020 concerning the Prevention of Covid-19 must be taken to take effective prevention and mitigation measures for the outbreak that has now become a global pandemic. This article analyzes the implementation of online learning in the era of independent learning and independent campus under COVID-19 conditions. With library research methods that refer to resources available online, this article presents a perspective of service activist learning about strategies to deal with conditions that are difficult to predict. From the results of theoretical analysis, there is no uniformity of understanding of information about the characteristics of the plague in the government as a regulator, discussing the understanding of the main definitions related to the problem of online learning with the perspective of independent learning and independent campuses. The choice that most allows lecturers in 'free teaching' so that they focus more on efforts to transfer knowledge and skills to students. The policy can also encourage students to be more innovative and creative in learning (student-centered learning) is online. The physical encounter will not be abandoned even though advances in virtual and digital technology have thickened. Although the COVID-19 outbreak will last a long time, there is no harm in having to think about patterns and methods of physical and social learning that are safe for everyone. The development of communication and digital technology has a significant role that can be utilized as widely as possible by academia to look brighter future
This study was conducted to investigate the impact of organizational commitment and job satisfaction to turnover intention felt by the operator employeesâ one of Garment Company in Tangerang Selatan. Data were collected through survey and bibliography study. The 150 questionnaires have send to respondents and 147 were returned yielding response rate 98%. From the correlation and regression analysis, the study found that the correlation and the impact of turnover intention has supported. From four hypotheses that have tested in this study, all hypotheses were supported. The result showed that organizational commitment and job satisfaction were negatively and significantly related to turnover intention and having negative influence on it
This research is evaluating the Strategic Plan work program at Senior High School. Observational methods use CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) models by Stufflebeam & Shinkfield. This program is one type of object of evaluation research (Evaluation Research). The fundamental orientation in all evaluation research is benefits. The strategic plan for implementing the Senior High School program needs to mark improvements related to the MIA and IIS Study Programs. Suggested observations of implementers Strategic Plan followed up on many findings, especially those concerning the program, and make improvements to the program so that the Strategic Plan program process activities become more effective.Keywords: Strategic Plan, Work Program Evaluation
Development of Task Implementation Evaluation System Online Classroom Guardians with Extreme Programming Methods at The Noble Foundation Consortium
Evaluating the performance of employees in an organization is a necessity if the organization seeks improvement of their service quality. Konsorsium Yayasan Mulia working in the field of education is very concerned with evaluating their employee performance. One of the evaluations which have been routinely carried out is evaluation of homeroom teacher performance. This evaluation is done as a form of Konsorsium Yayasan Mulia attention on the student character building. The evaluation has been made manually spend a lot of time and effort, it is necessary for a system that can be the solution of the problem. The system will be built is the first system, that means it requires development method that flexible to changes.System development method used in this research is eXtreme Programming. This method is part of Agile Programming that emphasizes intense communication with customers to determine their needs. The steps of this method are planning, design, coding and testing.The homeroom task evaluation system is a bridge between the homeroom teacher, the principal and Konsorsium Yayasan Mulia. General overview of the system, the system has three user level, admin, principal and homeroom teacher. Admin can post an evaluation sheet and manage principal. Principal can manage homeroom teacher and homeroom theacher can report their task performance.The result of this research is a system that provides convenience to Konsorsium Yayasan Mulia to evaluate the task performance of homeroom teacher
Kemampuan matematika permulaan merupakan salah satu kemampuan yang harus dikembangkan pada anak usia dini. Pembelajaran matematika untuk anak usia dini sangat penting untuk dikembangkan sejak dini agar anak dapat belajar dan berfikir secara logis dan matematis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari metode bermain tabung berputar terhadap kemampuan matematika permulaan AUD pada siswa kelompok A TK Insan Kamil Kecamatan Cilengkrang Kabupaten Bandung tahun ajaran 2018-2019. Metode bermain merupakan salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan dalam pembelajaran anak usia dini, dalam penelitian ini metode yang digunakan yaitu metode bermain tabung berputar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pre-eksperimental dengan design One group pretest-posttest design. Dalam penelitian ini terdapat dua variabel yaitu variabel terikat yaitu kemampuan matematika permulaan AUD dan variabel bebas yaitu penggunaan metode bermain tabung berputar. Populasi penelitian yaitu siswa kelompok A TK Insan Kamil. Jumlah seluruhnya 25 siswa 10 siswa laki-laki 15 siswa perempuan. Pengumpulan data yaitu dengan observasi dan tes. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dengan metode bermain tabung berputar berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan matematika permulaan AUD. Berdasarkan hasil uji hipotesis diketahui bahwa N = 25 dengan mengunakan taraf signifikasi 5% = 1,8892296 setelah dicari perbedaan skor rata-rata pre-test dan post-test menggunakan analisis statistik yaitu uji-t diperoleh hasil pre-test dan post-test kemampuan matematika permulaan AUD (1,8892296 > 1,71088 ). Selain itu, juga dapat dilihat dari rata-rata post-test kemampuan matematika permulaan didapat hasil prosentase sebesar anak Berkembang Sesuai Harapan (BSH) meningkat dari 12% menjadi 22% dan kemampuan anak yang berkembang sangat baik mengalami peningkatan dari 34% menjadi 53%. Maka dari hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode bermain tabung beputar berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan matematika permulaan AUD pada siswa kelompok A TK Insan Kamil tahun ajaran 2018-2019
Improving Recommender System Based on Itemâs Structural Information in Affinity Network
This paper proposes a technique to improve the accuracy of recommender system result which employ collaborative filtering technique. The proposed method incorporates structural equivalence score of items in affinity network into collaborative filtering technique. Structural equivalence is one of important concept in social network analysis which captures the similarity of items regarding their structural position on the affinity network. Nowadays, various concepts within social network analysis are widely use in many domains to provide better analytical framework. In this paper, we will use structural equivalence of items to enhance the calculation of items similarity as a part of collaborative filtering method. We tested our approach on Netflix database. Then, based on our results we can conclude that considering the structural information of item in affinity network is indeed beneficial
The Effect of Fiscal Policy and Foreign Direct Investment on Regional Economy in Indonesia
The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of the poor population, government spending and foreign investment on regional economic growth in 20 provinces and divided into 2 regions, then compare the effectiveness of fiscal policies in the 2 regions. The paper utilizes the fixedâeffects and randomâeffects techniques to estimate the panel regressions. The results showed that the right fiscal policy could increase economic growth in both the western and eastern regions of Indonesia. For the western region, revenue sharing is less effective than the eastern region in increasing economic growth, but conversely government spending on education, health and marine in the western region is more effective than the eastern region in increasing economic growth
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