139 research outputs found


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    [EN] This paper aims to address some of the artistic practices that relate to the legitimacy and a cce ptance of the deep politics in contemporary societies, in the economic, political, social and cultural West , on the temporal framework of the events of September 11 2001 in New York city.[ES] Este trabajo pretende abordar las prácticas artísticas que se relacionan con la legitimación y aceptación de la política profunda en las sociedades contemporáneas, dentro del entorno económico, político, social y cultural, tomando como marco temporal el de los sucesos del 11 de Septiembre de 2001 en la ciudad de Nueva York.Martínez Aguado, JV. (2016). CUALQUIER PARECIDO CON LA REALIDAD...ARTE Y POLÍTICA PROFUNDA TRAS EL 11 S. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/74165.TFG

    kPCA-Based Parametric Solutions Within the PGD Framework

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    Parametric solutions make possible fast and reliable real-time simulations which, in turn allow real time optimization, simulation-based control and uncertainty propagation. This opens unprecedented possibilities for robust and efficient design and real-time decision making. The construction of such parametric solutions was addressed in our former works in the context of models whose parameters were easily identified and known in advance. In this work we address more complex scenarios in which the parameters do not appear explicitly in the model—complex microstructures, for instance. In these circumstances the parametric model solution requires combining a technique to find the relevant model parameters and a solution procedure able to cope with high-dimensional models, avoiding the well-known curse of dimensionality. In this work, kPCA (kernel Principal Component Analysis) is used for extracting the hidden model parameters, whereas the PGD (Proper Generalized Decomposition) is used for calculating the resulting parametric solution

    Reconstruction of 3D surfaces from incomplete digitisations using statistical shape models for manufacturing processes

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    [EN] Digitization of large parts with tight geometric tolerances is a time-consuming process that requires a detailed scan of the outer surface and the acquisition and processing of massive data. In this work, we propose a methodology for fast digitization using a partial scan in which large regions remain unmeasured. Our approach capitalizes on a database of fully scanned parts from which we extract a low-dimensional description of the shape variability using Statistical Shape Analysis. This lowdimensional description allows an accurate representation of any sample in the database with few independent parameters. Therefore, we propose a reconstruction algorithm that takes as input an incomplete measurement (faster than a complete digitization), identifies the statistical shape parameters and outputs a full scan reconstruction. We showcase an application to the digitization of large aeronautical fuselage panels. A statistical shape model is constructed from a database of 793 shapes that were completely digitized, with a point cloud of about 16 million points for each shape. Tests carried out at the manufacturing facility showed an overall reduction in the digitization time by 80% (using a partial digitization of 3 million points per shape) while keeping a high accuracy (reconstruction precision of 0.1mm) on the reconstructed surface.The authors want to thank Stelia Aerospace for providing the data and their helpful support through the project, and also the financial support of the regional research consortium RFI Atlanstic2020 in Pays de la Loire, France.Navarro-Jiménez, J.; Aguado, JV.; Bazin, G.; Albero Gabarda, V.; Borzacchiello, D. (2023). Reconstruction of 3D surfaces from incomplete digitisations using statistical shape models for manufacturing processes. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing. 34(5):2345-2358. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10845-022-01918-z23452358345Ballester, A., Piérola, A., Parrilla, E., Izquierdo, M., Uriel, J., Nácher, B., Ortiz, V., Gonzalez, J. C., Page, A., & Alemany, S. (2017). Fast, portable and low-cost 3d foot digitizers: Validity and reliability of measurements. Proceedings of 3DBODY. TECH (pp. 11–12).Barrault, M., Yvon, M., Nguyen, N. C., & Patera, A. T. (2004). An ‘empirical interpolation’ method: Application to efficient reduced-basis discretization of partial differential equations. Comptes Rendus Mathematique, 339(9), 667–672.Belongie, S., Malik, J., & Puzicha, J. (2002). Shape matching and object recognition using shape contexts. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 24(4), 509–522.Berger, M., Andrea, T., Lee, S., Pierre, A., Joshua, L., Andrei, S., & Claudio, S. (2014). State of the art in surface reconstruction from point clouds. 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Digitizing uncertainty modeling for reverse engineering applications: Regression versus neural networks. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 13(3), 189–199.Gao, J., Gindy, N., & Chen, X. (2006). An automated GD&T inspection system based on non-contact 3d digitization. International Journal of Production Research, 44(1), 117–134.Guo, G., Jiang, T. T., Wang, Y. Z., & Gao, W. (2013). 2-D shape completion with shape priors. Chinese Science Bulletin, 58(27), 3430–3436.Hao, R., Lu, B., Cheng, Y., Li, X., & Huang, B. (2021). A steel surface defect inspection approach towards smart industrial monitoring. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 32(7), 1833–1843.Heimann, T., & Meinzer, H.-P. (2009). Statistical shape models for 3d medical image segmentation: A review. Medical Image Analysis, 13(4), 543–563.Jolliffe, I. T. (2002). Principal components in regression analysis. Principal Component Analysis, 167–198.Jolliffe, I. T., & Cadima, J. (2016). 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    Non-intrusive Sparse Subspace Learning for Parametrized Problems

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    We discuss the use of hierarchical collocation to approximate the numerical solution of parametric models. With respect to traditional projection-based reduced order modeling, the use of a collocation enables non-intrusive approach based on sparse adaptive sampling of the parametric space. This allows to recover the low-dimensional structure of the parametric solution subspace while also learning the functional dependency from the parameters in explicit form. A sparse low-rank approximate tensor representation of the parametric solution can be built through an incremental strategy that only needs to have access to the output of a deterministic solver. Non-intrusiveness makes this approach straightforwardly applicable to challenging problems characterized by nonlinearity or non affine weak forms. As we show in the various examples presented in the paper, the method can be interfaced with no particular effort to existing third party simulation software making the proposed approach particularly appealing and adapted to practical engineering problems of industrial interest

    Could recently locally extinct population patches of Astragalus nitidiflorus regenerate from the soil seed bank?

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    Persistence, distribution and dynamics of Astragalus nitidiflorus soil seed bank, a critically endangered species of southern Spain, were studied during four consecutive years to determine their importance to regenerate locally extinct patches of the only known A. nitidiflorus population worldwide. The spatial distribution of seeds on the ground was highly influenced by the presence or absence of adult plants and by the indehiscent character of the fruit. Results showed that most seeds were present in the surface layer, inside fruit and close to the mother plant. Seed longevity was low in general, but higher for seeds protected by fruit than for single ones after two years of burial. We discuss our results in relation with other patterns of seed dispersal or viability in arid environments, that are generally characterized by high spatial and temporal variability with a short–range dispersal. We concluded that this species is able to form a short–term persistent soil seed bank strongly influenced by environmental factors and population fluctuations. Based on these results, natural regeneration of patches locally extinct some years ago is unlikely from the soil seed bank and recovery should be attempted by sowing seeds or planting new specimens.This work was financed by the ‘Consejería de Agricultura y Agua de la Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia’ and the ‘Fundación Séneca de la Región de Murcia (1186/PI/09)’

    Tensor representation of non-linear models using cross approximations

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    This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Journal of scientific computing. The final authenticated version is available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10915-019-00917-2Tensor representations allow compact storage and efficient manipulation of multi-dimensional data. Based on these, tensor methods build low-rank subspaces for the solution of multi-dimensional and multi-parametric models. However, tensor methods cannot always be implemented efficiently, specially when dealing with non-linear models. In this paper, we discuss the importance of achieving a tensor representation of the model itself for the efficiency of tensor-based algorithms. We investigate the adequacy of interpolation rather than projection-based approaches as a means to enforce such tensor representation, and propose the use of cross approximations for models in moderate dimension. Finally, linearization of tensor problems is analyzed and several strategies for the tensor subspace construction are proposed.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Influence of environmental temperatures on the concrete compressive strength: simulation of hot and cold weather conditions

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    This work has as objective to study the influence of mixing hour in the concrete properties such as workability and compressive strength in hot and cold weather conditions from an industrially applied point of view. The foremost studied variable was the concrete mixing hour, having used five mixing hours for every weather conditions. For each mixing hour, were carried out three concrete batches and 15 cylindrical concrete specimens were made for measuring compressive strength at 7 and 28 days. Besides, for each concrete batch the hydration kinetics was studied depending on the climatic situation and mixing hour. In the results regarding compressive strength, the best mechanical performances presented by the concrete correspond to the situation when the minimum difference between ambient temperature and concrete temperature exists; that is at later hours of the day for hot weather conditions.Peer Reviewe

    Intelligent assistant system as a context-aware decision-making support for the workers of the future

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    International audienceThe key role of information and communication technologies (ICT) to improve manufacturing productivity within the paradigm of factory of the future is often proved. These tools are used in a wide range of product lifecycle activities, from the early design phase to product recycling. Generally, the assistance tools are mainly dedicated to the management board and fewer initiatives focus on the operational needs of the worker at the shop-floor level. This paper proposes a context-aware knowledge-based system dedicated to support the actors of the factory by the right information at the right time and in the appropriate format regarding their context of work and level of expertise. Particularly, specific assistance functionalities are dedicated to the workers in charge of the machine configuration and the realization of manufacturing operations. PGD-based (Proper Generalized Decomposition) algorithms are used for real time simulation of industrial processes and machine configuration. At the conceptual level, a semantic model is proposedas key enablersfor the structuration of the knowledge-based system

    eCat-Listening: diseño y propiedades psicométricas de un test adaptativo informatizado de comprensión auditiva de la lengua inglesa

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    In this study, eCAT-Listening, a new computerized adaptive test for the evaluation of English Listening, is described. Item bank development, anchor design for data collection, and the study of the psychometric properties of the item bank and the adaptive test are described. The calibration sample comprised 1.576 participants. Good psychometric guarantees: the bank is unidimensional, the items are satisfactorily fi tted to the 3-parameter logistic model, and an accurate estimation of the trait level is obtained. As validity evidence, a high correlation was obtained between the estimated trait level and a latent factor made up of the diverse criteria selected. The analysis of the trait level estimation by means of a simulation led us to fi x the test length at 20 items, with a maximum exposure rate of .40En este trabajo se describe eCAT-Listening, un nuevo test adaptativo informatizado para la medición del nivel de comprensión auditiva del inglés. Se describe la elaboración del banco de ítems, el diseño de anclaje para la recogida de datos y el estudio de las propiedades psicométricas del banco de ítems y del test adaptativo. La muestra de calibración fue de 1.576 personas. Se obtienen unas buenas garantías psicométricas: el banco es unidimensional, los ítems se ajustan satisfactoriamente al modelo logístico de 3 parámetros y se consigue una estimación precisa de los diferentes niveles de rasgo. Como prueba de validez, se obtuvo una alta correlación entre el rasgo estimado y un factor latente de nivel de inglés compuesto por las diferentes puntuaciones criterio utilizadas en el estudio. El análisis de la estimación del nivel de rasgo mediante simulación nos lleva a fijar la longitud del test adaptivo en 20 ítems, con una tasa máxima de exposición de 0,40This research was supported by two grants from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (project numbers PSI2009-10341 and PSI2008-01685) and by the UAM-IIC Chair «Psychometric Models and Applications

    Item parameter drift in computerized adaptive testing: study with eCAT

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    En el presente trabajo se muestra el análisis realizado sobre un Test Adaptativo Informatizado (TAI) diseñado para la evaluación del nivel de inglés, denominado eCAT, con el objetivo de estudiar el deterioro de parámetros (parameter drift) producido desde la calibración inicial del banco de ítems. Se ha comparado la calibración original desarrollada para la puesta en servicio del TAI (N= 3224) y la calibración actual obtenida con las aplicaciones reales del TAI (N= 7254). Se ha analizado el Funcionamiento Diferencial de los Ítems (FDI) en función de los parámetros utilizados y se ha simulado el impacto que sobre el nivel de rasgo estimado tiene la variación en los parámetros. Los resultados muestran que se produce especialmente un deterioro de los parámetros a y c, que hay un importante número de ítems del banco para los que existe FDI y que la variación de los parámetros produce un impacto moderado en la estimación de θ de los evaluados con nivel de inglés alto. Se concluye que los parámetros de los ítems se han deteriorado y deben ser actualizadosThis study describes the parameter drift analysis conducted on eCAT (a Computerized Adaptive Test to assess the written English level of Spanish speakers). The original calibration of the item bank (N = 3224) was compared to a new calibration obtained from the data provided by most eCAT operative administrations (N = 7254). A Differential Item Functioning (DIF) study was conducted between the original and the new calibrations. The impact that the new parameters have on the trait level estimates was obtained by simulation. Results show that parameter drift is found especially for a and c parameters, an important number of bank items show DIF, and the parameter change has a moderate impact on high-level-English θ estimates. It is then recommended to replace the original estimates by the new se