46 research outputs found

    Ecomusei e geoturismo nell’Abruzzo montano: dalle esperienze locali a una progettazione allargata

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    Abruzzo is marked by a great geodiversity, a high percentage of mountain areas and a rich fauna and flora, features which led to the establishment of numerous natural parks and reserves throughout the region. Ecomuseums live in close symbiosis with these areas, and ease the fruition of such complex institutions. An example is the Majella National Park, which includes the Ecomuseum of the Western Majella and the Ecomuseum at the Paleolithic site of the Giumentina Valley: the former a district with its own specificities, the latter with a main thematic, ethno-graphic and historical-archaeological focus. This structure promotes a global approach to territories, a variety of educational offers, opening a wide space to research, and a variety of high-quality geo-tourism proposals. Sustainable tourism and a holistic reading of territories are expressed in various thematic projects aimed at protecting biodiversity, restoring and enhancing disused buildings, defining thematic itineraries suitable for a multi-level fruition. Integrated into national and European networks, natural parks and ecomuseums work in partnership with institutions and foundations on a regular base; this entrepreneurship, though, often sided by self-organised bottom-up processes, does not exclude but rather encourages participation in the local communities which, cooperating with institution and regaining a place consciousness, can play a proactive role in self-sustainable development.Il territorio abruzzese si caratterizza per una notevole geodiversità, l’alta percentuale di spazi montani e un ricco patrimonio faunistico e vegetale: fattori che hanno determinato l’istituzione di numerosi parchi e riserve naturali. Gli ecomusei vivono in stretta simbiosi con queste aree e rendono meglio fruibili istituzioni di per sé complesse. Esemplificativo è il caso del Parco nazionale della Majella, che comprende l’Ecomuseo della Maiella occidentale e l’Ecomuseo della Valle Giumentina o del Paleolitico: il primo un distretto con sue proprie specificità, il secondo di carattere tematico, etnografico e storico-archeologico. Questa articolazione promuove l’approccio globale al territorio, la varietà delle proposte formative, l’ampio spazio alla ricerca, la varietà e qualità dell’offerta geoturistica. Turismo sostenibile e lettura olistica del territorio si esplicano in numerosi progetti, volti a preservare la biodiversità, recuperare e valorizzare strutture dismesse, costruire itinerari tematici adatti a una fruizione multilivello. Parchi naturali ed ecomusei abruzzesi, inseriti in reti nazionali ed europee, stipulano convenzioni con Enti e fondazioni; ma questa imprenditorialità si accompagna a processi di auto-organizzazione ‘dal basso’ e non esclude, anzi favorisce, la partecipazione delle comunità che vivono il territorio e che, cooperando con le istituzioni e riappropriandosi di una coscienza di luogo, svolgono un ruolo propulsivo per uno sviluppo autosostenibile

    Modelagem da relação altura‑diâmetro de eucalipto em sistemas de integração lavoura-pecuária

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    The objective of this work was to compare the height-diameter relationship, described by nonlinear biological models, in Eucalyptus benthamii in monoculture forestry and in three different integrated crop-livestock systems (ICLS): crop-forestry, livestock-forestry, and crop-livestock-forestry. The trees were evaluated during seven years after planting. Five nonlinear biological models were fitted to evaluate the height-diameter relationship, and Gompertz’s model was selected to describe the data, although all models described satisfactorily the height-diameter relationship of the trees in the ICLS. The analysis of the data showed that there is no similarity between monoculture forestry and the ICLS as to the height-diameter relationship. In addition, the height-diameter relationship in E. benthamii changes between the different ICLS. Particularly, two systems with cattle provide the same values of maximum growth rate, asymptote, and inflection point of diameter at breast height. Furthermore, with the integration of cattle into the tree component, the produced trees show lower asymptotic heights, with larger diameters when the average tree heights of the ICLS are equal.O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar a relação altura-diâmetro, descrita por modelos biológicos não lineares, de Eucalyptus benthamii em monocultura florestal e em três diferentes sistemas de integração lavoura-pecuária (ILP): lavoura-floresta, pecuária-floresta e lavoura-pecuária-floresta. As árvores foram avaliadas durante sete anos após o plantio. Cinco modelos biológicos não lineares foram ajustados para avaliar a relação altura-diâmetro, e o modelo de Gompertz foi selecionado para descrever os dados, embora todos os modelos tenham descrito satisfatoriamente a relação altura-diâmetro das árvores nos ILP. A análise dos dados mostrou que não há nenhuma semelhança entre a monocultura florestal e os ILP quanto à relação altura-diâmetro. Além disso, a relação altura-diâmetro de E. benthamii muda entre os diferentes ILP. Particularmente, dois sistemas com bovinos fornecem os mesmos valores de taxa máxima de crescimento, assíntota e ponto de inflexão do diâmetro à altura do peito. Além disso, com a integração do gado no componente arbóreo, as árvores produzidas apresentam menores alturas assintóticas, com maiores diâmetros quando as alturas médias das árvores dos ILP são iguais

    Preliminary Assessment of Radiolysis for the Cooling Water System in the Rotating Target of {SORGENTINA}-{RF}

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    The SORGENTINA-RF project aims at developing a 14 MeV fusion neutron source featuring an emission rate in the order of 5-7 x 10(13) s(-1). The plant relies on a metallic water-cooled rotating target and a deuterium (50%) and tritium (50%) ion beam. Beyond the main focus of medical radioisotope production, the source may represent a multi-purpose neutron facility by implementing a series of neutron-based techniques. Among the different engineering and technological issues to be addressed, the production of incondensable gases and corrosion product into the rotating target deserves a dedicated investigation. In this study, a preliminary analysis is carried out, considering the general layout of the target and the present choice of the target material

    Il Veneto dopo il Novecento. Politica e societ\ue0

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    Il volume analizza la situazione politica e sociale nel passaggio dal Novecento al nuovo secol

    Livret-guide de l’excursion AFEQ CNF INQUA 2016

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    Livret-guide de l’excursion AFEQ CNF INQUA 201

    « Valle Giumentina, Abruzzes, Italie : Géomorphologie et remplissages des bassins et des vallées des Abruzzes adriatiques en relation avec la néotectonique et le climat », 8-10 juin 2016. CEPAM UMR 7264, de l’Ecole française de Rome et du Parc national de la Majella

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    « Valle Giumentina, Abruzzes, Italie : Géomorphologie et remplissages des bassins et des vallées des Abruzzes adriatiques en relation avec la néotectonique et le climat », 8-10 juin 2016. CEPAM UMR 7264, de l’Ecole française de Rome et du Parc national de la Majell

    Livret-guide de l’excursion AFEQ CNF INQUA 2016

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    Livret-guide de l’excursion AFEQ CNF INQUA 201

    « Valle Giumentina, Abruzzes, Italie : Géomorphologie et remplissages des bassins et des vallées des Abruzzes adriatiques en relation avec la néotectonique et le climat », 8-10 juin 2016. CEPAM UMR 7264, de l’Ecole française de Rome et du Parc national de la Majella

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    « Valle Giumentina, Abruzzes, Italie : Géomorphologie et remplissages des bassins et des vallées des Abruzzes adriatiques en relation avec la néotectonique et le climat », 8-10 juin 2016. CEPAM UMR 7264, de l’Ecole française de Rome et du Parc national de la Majell

    Salute pubblica in Polesine. La medicina al tempo di Nicola Badaloni

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    Il volume ricostruisce il quadro dell'igiene e della sanit\ue0 nel Polesine tra Otto e Novecent