79 research outputs found

    Versatile OSCAT time-domain THz spectrometer

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    : We report on a compact and versatile time-domain spectrometer operating in the THz spectral region from 0.2 to 2.5 THz based on ultrafast Yb:CALGO laser and photo-conductive antennas. The spectrometer operates with the optical sampling by cavity tuning (OSCAT) method based on laser repetition rate tuning, which allows at the same time the implementation of a delay-time modulation scheme. The whole characterization of the instrument is presented and compared to the classical THz time-domain spectroscopy implementation. THz spectroscopic measurements on a 520-μm thick GaAs wafer substrate together with water vapor absorption measurements are also reported to further validate the instrument capabilities

    Passive and self-Q-switching of phase-conjugation Nd:YAG laser oscillators

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    Self-Q-switching with stimulated Brillouin scattering by an intracavity liquid cell was achieved in a Nd:YAG laser. A numerical model was developed

    Exploiting the Z-scan method for mode-locked solid-state lasers design (ERRATA)

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    [Errata: Opt. Lett. 19, 359 (1994)

    Development of medium power, compact all-solid-state lasers

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    Overview of diode-pumped solid-state laser technology. Cw operation, Q-switching, mode.locking. Harmonic generation and parametric conversion. Fiber lasers

    High peak-power diode-pumped passively Q-switched Nd:YVO4 laser

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    We report on a passively Q-switched diode-pumped Nd:YVO4 laser polarized along the a axis (corresponding to the smallest value of emission cross section at 1064 nm), generating 157-μJ pulses with 6.0-ns time duration (> 20 kW peak power) and 3.6 W of average power at 1064 nm with good beam quality ( M2 < 1.4). The selection of the polarization was performed by a novel technique relying on the birefringence of the laser crystal and on the misalignment sensitivity of the resonator

    Diode-pumped solid state lasers: resonators for the 2000

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    Overview of laser resonators for solid-state (and fiber) lasers, operating in different regimes and power levels

    Neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet (Nd: YAG) and neodymium-doped yttrium orthovanadate (Nd: YVO4)

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    In this chapter we review the history of neodymium-doped diode-pumped solid-state lasers (DPSSLs), since the first successful concepts exploited for industrial applications until the most recent state of-the-art solutions. We also discuss the major issues related to power or energy scaling of DPSSLs and some representative examples of design solutions proposed to overcome such limitations. The most recent exciting developments that promise further power and brightness upscaling through the affirmation of new laser materials and laser architectures are also presented

    Simulazione numerica di risuonatori laser instabili

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    Presentazione di un codice di propagazione pseudo-spettrale per la modellistica di risuonatori laser

    Method and device for conditioning the light emission of a laser diode array

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    A method for conditioning the light emission of a laser generator (1), comprising an array (2) of laser diodes positioned side by side along a spatial axis (X), to equalize brightness in the direction (X) of the array (2) and in the direction (Y) perpendicular thereto, said conditioning being such as to enable optimal use of the laser beam (L) resulting from the compounding of the individual beams (L1, L2, L3) emitted by said laser diodes, the method comprising the following steps: a) separating by deflection the laser beams (L1, L2, L3) emitted by the laser diodes; b) conveying at least the adjacent laser beams (L1, L2, L3) emitted by said laser diode array (2) into different spatial planes; c) recombining said beams (L1, L2, L3) in different planes along an axis (Y) perpendicular to the axis (X) along which the laser diodes lie; ; and d) collimating said laser beams into a resultant single laser beam (L). The method is implemented by a device comprising means for separating the individual laser beams emitted side by side by the laser diode array, and means for recombining said beams such as to superpose these latter in order to enable their subsequent collimation

    Transient stimulated Raman scattering: theory and experiments of picosecond pulse compression

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    SRS and SBS in gases for efficient pulse compression from few nanoseconds down to few picoseconds in a multistage system are studied numerically and compared with experimental results
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