4 research outputs found
Introgression of the Rl adg allele of resistance to potato leafroll virus in Solanum tuberosum L.
- Author
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- Field of study
Resistance to potato virus Y in somatic hybrids between Solanum etuberosum and S. tuberosum x S. berthaultii hybrid
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Effect of passage through the gut of Eocanthecona furcellata on Spodoptera litura multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus infectivity and its subsequent dissemination
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Potato production in the tropics
- Author
- A Autrique
- A Devaux
- A Devaux
- A Isoda
- A Isoda
- A Krauss
- A Maynard
- A Rashid
- A Rashid
- A Strohmenger
- AB Lloyd
- AC Swaaij van
- AC Swaaij van
- AGB Beekman
- AJ Haverkort
- AJ Haverkort
- AJ Haverkort
- AJ Haverkort
- AJ Haverkort
- AJ Haverkort
- AM Golmirzaie
- B Maris
- B Sattelmacher
- B Sattelmacher
- BL Parker
- BP Pal
- C Ochoa
- C Troll
- C Valdes
- CM Driver
- CM Menzel
- CM Menzel
- CM Menzel
- CP Villareal
- CR Lee
- CW Ross
- D Levy
- D Levy
- D Levy
- D Levy
- D Levy
- D Shimsi
- DA Charles-Edwards
- DCE Wurr
- DE Horton
- DE Zaag Vander
- DE Zaag Vander
- DG Nelson
- DG Nelson
- DG Richardson
- DJ Midmore
- DJ Midmore
- DJ Midmore
- DJ Midmore
- DJ Midmore
- DJ Midmore
- DJ Midmore
- DJ Midmore
- DJ Midmore
- DJ Midmore
- DKL MacKerron
- DKL MacKerron
- DR MacKenzie
- E Epstein
- E McGee
- E McGee
- E Winkler
- E Yabis
- EE Ewing
- EE Ewing
- EE Ewing
- EE Ewing
- EH Chaudhury
- EJ Allen
- FJ Reifschneider
- FL Haynes
- FN Ezeta
- FR Bidinger
- FW Went
- G Atlin
- G Randeni
- G Stelzner
- GE Davis
- GN Atlin
- H Taja
- H Timm
- HA Mendoza
- HA Mendoza
- HH Chen
- HH Chen
- HJ Gooding
- HJ Gooding
- HR Rowse
- I Trebejo
- I Trebejo
- IJ Ekanayake
- IJ Ekanayake
- International Potato Center
- International Potato Center
- International Potato Center
- International Potato Center
- International Potato Center
- International Potato Center
- International Potato Center
- International Potato Center
- International Potato Center
- International Potato Center
- J Bushnell
- J Doorenbos
- J Elphinstone
- J Levitt
- J Lomas
- J Marinus
- J Nowak
- J Roca
- J Shalhevet
- J Sipos
- J Vos
- J Vos
- JA Greaves
- JC Stark
- JGT Hermsen
- JH Beaumont
- JH Lorenzen
- JK Tumuhairwe
- JL Monteith
- JN Bean
- JN Bean
- JP Kloos
- JP Palta
- JS Benz
- JT Nankar
- JV Argotte
- JW Cary
- K Sato
- KBA Bodlaender
- KBA Bodlaender
- KG Haynes
- KL Parkinson
- KS Dodds
- KU Ahmad
- KV Raman
- L Burstall
- L Jieming
- L Sikka
- LA Manrique
- LC Gonzales
- LE Gregory
- LP Jackson
- M Iwanaga
- M Sunoschi
- M Sunoschi
- M Wivutvongvana
- M Yamaguchi
- MA Rab
- MA Tamargo
- Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute
- MB Khedher
- MB Lazin
- MCM Perombelon
- MH Dickson
- MJ Potts
- ML Khanna
- MN Borah
- MN Borah
- MN Versteeg
- MP Reynolds
- MP Sukumaran
- MS Burgers
- MS Swaminathan
- MT Jackson
- MT Wu
- MW Martin
- N Espinola
- N Estrada
- N Estrada
- N Pallais
- N Pallais
- N Pallais
- NW Simmonds
- NW Simmonds
- O Hidalgo
- OT Page
- P Malagamba
- P Malagamba
- P Schmiediche
- P Schmiediche
- P Vander Zaag
- P Zaag Vander
- P Zaag Vander
- P Zaag Vander
- PA Batugal
- PA Sanchez
- PC Gaur
- PH Li
- PH Li
- PH Li
- PJ O’Brien
- PJM Sale
- PJM Sale
- PJM Sale
- PJM Sale
- PM Chen
- PS Hammes
- RA Jefferies
- RB Campbell
- RB Dwelle
- RB Taylorson
- RE Moreau
- RE Moreau
- RE Rhoades
- RH Booth
- RH Roberts
- RK Scott
- RL Burt
- RL Plaisted
- RM Smillie
- RM Smillie
- RW Rayner
- S Austin
- S Gebre-Mariam
- S Ku
- S Thavarajavel
- SA Imam
- SC Khurana
- SC Morris
- SE Hetherington
- SG Wiersema
- SL Sinden
- SL Sinden
- SNS Seneviratne de
- SV Poats
- T Chapman
- T Ho van
- TL Gautney
- V Escobar
- V Lebot
- VL D’Antonio
- W Lierop van
- W Reust
- WC Edmundson
- WG Burton
- WK Coleman
- WN Lipe
- XK Do
- Y Stylianou
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1992
- Field of study