68 research outputs found

    Decoupling heavy sparticles in Effective SUSY scenarios: Unification, Higgs masses and tachyon bounds

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    Using two-loop renormalization group equations implementing the decoupling of heavy scalars, Effective SUSY scenarios are studied in the limit in which there is a single low energy Higgs field. Gauge coupling unification is shown to hold with similar or better precision than in standard MSSM scenarios. b-tau unification is examined, and Higgs masses are computed using the effective potential, including two-loop contributions from scalars. A 125 GeV Higgs is compatible with stops/sbottoms at around 300 GeV with non-universal boundary conditions at the scale of the heavy sparticles if some of the trilinear couplings at this scale take values of the order of 1-2 TeV; if more constrained boundary conditions inspired by msugra or gauge mediation are set at a higher scale, heavier colored sparticles are required in general. Finally, since the decoupled RG flow for third-generation scalar masses departs very significantly from the MSSM DR-bar one, tachyon bounds for light scalars are revisited and shown to be relaxed by up to a TeV or more.Comment: 35 pages, 17 figures. v2: Updated some scans, allowing for changes in sign of some parameters, minor improvements. v3: Typos corrected in formulae in the appendices, added some clarifying remarks about flavor mixing being ignore

    Stop the Top Background of the Stop Search

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    The main background for the supersymmetric stop direct production search comes from Standard Model ttbar events. For the single-lepton search channel, we introduce a few kinematic variables to further suppress this background by focusing on its dileptonic and semileptonic topologies. All are defined to have end points in the background, but not signal distributions. They can substantially improve the stop signal significance and mass reach when combined with traditional kinematic variables such as the total missing transverse energy. Among them, our variable M^W_T2 has the best overall performance because it uses all available kinematic information, including the on-shell mass of both W's. We see 20%-30% improvement on the discovery significance and estimate that the 8 TeV LHC run with 20 fb-1 of data would be able to reach an exclusion limit of 650-700 GeV for direct stop production, as long as the stop decays dominantly to the top quark and a light stable neutralino. Most of the mass range required for the supersymmetric solution of the naturalness problem in the standard scenario can be covered.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    SUSY, the Third Generation and the LHC

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    We develop a bottom-up approach to studying SUSY with light stops and sbottoms, but with other squarks and sleptons heavy and beyond reach of the LHC. We discuss the range of squark, gaugino and Higgsino masses for which the electroweak scale is radiatively stable over the "little hierarchy" below ~ 10 TeV. We review and expand on indirect constraints on this scenario, in particular from flavor and CP tests. We emphasize that in this context, R-parity violation is very well motivated. The phenomenological differences between Majorana and Dirac gauginos are also discussed. Finally, we focus on the light subsystem of stops, sbottom and neutralino with R-parity, in order to probe the current collider bounds. We find that 1/fb LHC bounds are mild and large parts of the motivated parameter space remain open, while the 10/fb data can be much more decisive.Comment: 42 pages, 8 figures, 1 table. V2: minor corrections, references adde

    SUSY Stops at a Bump

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    We discuss collider signatures of the "natural supersymmetry" scenario with baryon-number violating R-parity violation. We argue that this is one of the few remaining viable incarnations of weak scale supersymmetry consistent with full electroweak naturalness. We show that this intriguing and challenging scenario contains distinctive LHC signals, resonances of hard jets in conjunction with relatively soft leptons and missing energy, which are easily overlooked by existing LHC searches. We propose novel strategies for distinguishing these signals above background, and estimate their potential reach at the 8 TeV LHC. We show that other multi-lepton signals of this scenario can be seen by currently existing searches with increased statistics, but these opportunities are more spectrum-dependent.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables. V2: spectrum discussion corrected, most of the changes are in Sec. 2. Benchmarks, analysis and conclusions unchanged. References adde

    Hitting sbottom in natural SUSY

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    We compare the experimental prospects of direct stop and sbottom pair production searches at the LHC. Such searches for stops are of great interest as they directly probe for states that are motivated by the SUSY solution to the hierarchy problem of the Higgs mass parameter - leading to a "Natural" SUSY spectrum. Noting that sbottom searches are less experimentally challenging and scale up in reach directly with the improvement on b-tagging algorithms, we discuss the interplay of small TeV scale custodial symmetry violation with sbottom direct pair production searches as a path to obtaining strong sub-TeV constraints on stops in a natural SUSY scenario. We argue that if a weak scale natural SUSY spectrum does not exist within the reach of LHC, then hopes for such a spectrum for large regions of parameter space should sbottom out. Conversely, the same arguments make clear that a discovery of such a spectrum is likely to proceed in a sbottom up manner.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures,v2 refs added, JHEP versio

    Flavor Mediation Delivers Natural SUSY

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    If supersymmetry (SUSY) solves the hierarchy problem, then naturalness considerations coupled with recent LHC bounds require non-trivial superpartner flavor structures. Such "Natural SUSY" models exhibit a large mass hierarchy between scalars of the third and first two generations as well as degeneracy (or alignment) among the first two generations. In this work, we show how this specific beyond the standard model (SM) flavor structure can be tied directly to SM flavor via "Flavor Mediation". The SM contains an anomaly-free SU(3) flavor symmetry, broken only by Yukawa couplings. By gauging this flavor symmetry in addition to SM gauge symmetries, we can mediate SUSY breaking via (Higgsed) gauge mediation. This automatically delivers a natural SUSY spectrum. Third-generation scalar masses are suppressed due to the dominant breaking of the flavor gauge symmetry in the top direction. More subtly, the first-two-generation scalars remain highly degenerate due to a custodial U(2) symmetry, where the SU(2) factor arises because SU(3) is rank two. This custodial symmetry is broken only at order (m_c/m_t)^2. SUSY gauge coupling unification predictions are preserved, since no new charged matter is introduced, the SM gauge structure is unaltered, and the flavor symmetry treats all matter multiplets equally. Moreover, the uniqueness of the anomaly-free SU(3) flavor group makes possible a number of concrete predictions for the superpartner spectrum.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables. v2 references added, minor changes to flavor constraints and a little discussion adde

    Supersymmetry with Light Stops

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    Recent LHC data, together with the electroweak naturalness argument, suggest that the top squarks may be significantly lighter than the other sfermions. We present supersymmetric models in which such a split spectrum is obtained through "geometries": being "close to" electroweak symmetry breaking implies being "away from" supersymmetry breaking, and vice versa. In particular, we present models in 5D warped spacetime, in which supersymmetry breaking and Higgs fields are located on the ultraviolet and infrared branes, respectively, and the top multiplets are localized to the infrared brane. The hierarchy of the Yukawa matrices can be obtained while keeping near flavor degeneracy between the first two generation sfermions, avoiding stringent constraints from flavor and CP violation. Through the AdS/CFT correspondence, the models can be interpreted as purely 4D theories in which the top and Higgs multiplets are composites of some strongly interacting sector exhibiting nontrivial dynamics at a low energy. Because of the compositeness of the Higgs and top multiplets, Landau pole constraints for the Higgs and top couplings apply only up to the dynamical scale, allowing for a relatively heavy Higgs boson, including m_h = 125 GeV as suggested by the recent LHC data. We analyze electroweak symmetry breaking for a well-motivated subset of these models, and find that fine-tuning in electroweak symmetry breaking is indeed ameliorated. We also discuss a flat space realization of the scenario in which supersymmetry is broken by boundary conditions, with the top multiplets localized to a brane while other matter multiplets delocalized in the bulk.Comment: 27 pages, 7 figure

    Excess Higgs Production in Neutralino Decays

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    The ATLAS and CMS experiments have recently claimed discovery of a Higgs boson-like particle at ~5 sigma confidence and are beginning to test the Standard Model predictions for its production and decay. In a variety of supersymmetric models, a neutralino NLSP can decay dominantly to the Higgs and the LSP. In natural SUSY models, a light third generation squark decaying through this chain can lead to large excess Higgs production while evading existing BSM searches. Such models can be observed at the 8 TeV LHC in channels exploiting the rare diphoton decays of the Higgs produced in the cascade decay. Identifying a diphoton resonance in association with missing energy, a lepton, or b-tagged jets is a promising search strategy for discovery of these models, and would immediately signal new physics involving production of a Higgs boson. We also discuss the possibility that excess Higgs production in these SUSY decays can be responsible for enhancements of up to 50% over the SM prediction for the observed rate in the existing inclusive diphoton searches, a scenario which would likely by the end of the 8 TeV run be accompanied by excesses in the diphoton + lepton/MET and SUSY multi-lepton/b searches and a potential discovery in a diphoton + 2b search.Comment: 42 pages, 19 figure

    Probing natural SUSY from stop pair production at the LHC

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    We consider the natural supersymmetry scenario in the framework of the R-parity conserving minimal supersymmetric standard model (called natural MSSM) and examine the observability of stop pair production at the LHC. We first scan the parameters of this scenario under various experimental constraints, including the SM-like Higgs boson mass, the indirect limits from precision electroweak data and B-decays. Then in the allowed parameter space we study the stop pair production at the LHC followed by the stop decay into a top quark plus a lightest neutralino or into a bottom quark plus a chargino. From detailed Monte Carlo simulations of the signals and backgrounds, we find the two decay modes are complementary to each other in probing the stop pair production, and the LHC with s=14\sqrt{s}= 14 TeV and 100 fb1fb^{-1} luminosity is capable of discovering the stop predicted in natural MSSM up to 450 GeV. If no excess events were observed at the LHC, the 95% C.L. exclusion limits of the stop masses can reach around 537 GeV.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures, version accepted by JHE