29 research outputs found

    Family Politics and Deception in Northern North America and West-Central Africa : Litigating God's Marriage Intention?

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    Largely concerned with Family Politics and Deception in northern North America and West-Central Africa, this book is intended mostly to provoke and enlighten. The book fossungupalogizes on whether or not northern North American courts are able to live up to the standard of 'exclusively saying exactly what the law is' in regard of the apparent war between the mounting same-sex marriage legalization drive and the traditional Western religious conception of marriage as endorsed by America's 1996 Defense of Marriage Act. It also tackles some intriguingly troubling matters emanating from African customary marriages and inheritance, subjects presenting some odd faces of marriage and family very similar at times to those engendered by same-sex marriage in northern North America. Its underlying preaching is that positive things could often be found even in tragedies. Hence, you should learn to make the best of your troubles instead of letting these haunt you - a goal easily attained by cultivating the habit of looking at the larger picture of things. Even one's 'stupid' and non-professional ideas could be learning ground to more people than one ever could have imagined

    The HISOFE Dictionary of Midnight Politics : Expibasketical Theories on Afrikentication and African Unity

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    Building on Fossungu's earlier works, and essentially providing Africa with original, critical, and multi-level analyses of the trio of globalization, democracy, and national determination, this book theorizes that African states have to unite in order to have any impact in the global economy. Using the failure of the Cameroon Goodwill Association of Montreal (CGAM) as a case study, the book urges Africans to make hard choices and avoid politickerization and midnight politics in favour of fossungupalogy (that is, the science of straightforwardness, necessitating the fearless looking at truth straight in the eye). The questions of the book are many but do all boil down to whether or not Africans fear the truth and do not therefore do politics. It is amazing that Africans in the West live in societies where fierce political competitors do embrace each other after one has defeated the other; but they are incapable of looking their so-called friends in the eye and saying, for example: 'Man, I think you've totally gotten it wrong this time.' Such comportment defines politickerization or negative competition. While attempting some possible responses to the numerous queries it raises, this book basically proffers the science of Four-Eyesism as a discipline that all African schools need to institute and make a compulsory subject: if the vandalized continent would have to be awakened to its realities. This book is rich in Fossungu's dazzling capacity to invent, define and use a multitude of new terminological constructs informed by African experiences

    Africans in Canada : Blending Canadian and African Lifestyles?

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    This book aims at educating parents generally but divorcing or divorced ones specifically. The instruction is that the future and interest of the children, whatever the cause of their separation (or calculations for the non-divorcing others), should always be the prime mover for whatever arrangement (or decision) they make. That the world would be a better place if people generally look at the larger picture of things; larger picture people usually being better suited to give children, without definitional distinctions/exclusions, a better future than what they themselves have, irrespective of the societies they live in. The book's concern for the future of children also draws from the fact that social work departments, with enormous powers over the making or ruining of children's future, are often staffed by persons with contrary ideals to those these departments stand for. Africa and Canada are specifically examined but its messages apply across the globe; lessons dished out from both perspectives of a parent and a child who has been through it and seen it all and would not want other children/parents to go through similar experiences simply because of funny definitions of family or of child, classifications often exclusively geared toward making readily available resources for educating children unavailable to some children. There also is much apprehension about some parents' blatant use of children for accomplishing their own selfish agendas to the total disregard of the future of said children who, paradoxically, do not even feature in their new un-African and un-Canadian definition of family

    Africa's Anthropological Dictionary on Love and Understanding : Marriage and the Tensions of Belonging in Cameroon

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    This book deals with love, marriage/family, and witchcraft issues but its central question remains that of whether love without understanding is love. Tackling love from much broader and interdisciplinary angles than just the love-making that most love stories usually focus on, it advances the duo of love and understanding as the foundation of any successful marriage/family. Although Momany is blessed with often easily finding this rare duo, the tensions of belonging in Cameroon have been constant and persistent challenges. The book uniquely raises and brings new and ground-breaking perspectives on its subject-matters, obviously leaving many social scientists with much to do further research on

    Democracy and Human Rights in Africa : The Politics of Collective Participation and Governance in Cameroon

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    Since the mid-1980s, there has been much federalism talk in Cameroon where federation (said to have been created in Foumban in 1961) had supposedly been 'overwhelmingly' rejected in 1972 by Cameroonians. 'Confusioncracy' is the one good term that could conveniently explain it. Written with the trilogy of criticism, provocation, and construction in mind, this book aims at reconstructing a new and vigorous society in Cameroon that ensures respect for fundamental human rights and certain basic shared values. Much as the book centres on the Anglophone Problem; it is principally about human rights and their excessive violations - the direct result of the absence of separation of powers and constitutionalism. It largely condemns Cameroon's government for incessantly singing democracy and rule of law at the same time as it is massively torturing and wantonly killing citizens that dare to question the confusion. While sharing the position that a state like Cameroon must be seen to ensure that its laws and other practices accord with its international commitments, the book nonetheless strives to apportion the blame for Cameroon's human rights catastrophe accordingly; showing how the English-speaking minority itself, generally speaking, contributes to a large extent in propping up the dictatorship that is oppressing not only that minority but Cameroonians at large. The book challenges Cameroon to assume a leadership role in uniting Africans through meaningful federalization rather than further splitting them into incapable mini-states on the challenging world stage

    Canadian Institutions And Children's Best Interests: Henriflavipeterism As The Quebec 'Money-Only' Sole Custody Case Meant Fo

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    From Momany's wealthy and agonizing expibasketism so much can be drawn to teach about, demote or promote, and to portray Canada as it has never been properly understood; not only by outsiders but also by Canadians themselves. This book makes an extensive and detailed use of that basket of experience to deliver the message that Canada is not at all the 'children's-best-interests-friendly' nation that it is often mistaken for. Canada may be entitled to what it claims to be. But, since a country or community can only be correctly seen through the workings of the institutions that incarnate it, this study has dared to show a contrary portrait. It documents and proves the theorization that most of the country's institutions that are supposedly there to carter for and protect children and promote their wellbeing and glowing avenir often end up in reality instead actively working against the said children and all what their best interest should properly signify. The hope is that the experts in the relevant fields can find the material presented herein useful for their further specialized and in-depth analyses and sane policy formulation

    The Expibasketics and Intrigues of Love

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    Using expibasketical theory and findings, this book attempts to understand and explain some of the wonders of love and the impacts these have on the other human institutions (such as marriage and family) that are supposed to be erected on love and understanding. Love is a phenomenon that is hard to correctly master, most probably because it is loaded with a lot of uncertainties. This simple fact must be the reason behind the commonplace saying that love is blind; a statement that can have several interpretations, one of which being that it is hard to read or know exactly what is on the other party's mind. Love thus becomes not only an intriguing feeling but also potentially full of intrigues. Can love be so blind to realities and still be love? The book answers many of such queries by expanding and delineating the frontiers of love, and thence marriage and family

    A critique of the powers and duties of the assembly of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) /

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    It is indeed strange that the Assembly of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), composed of all the present 183 member States, should have no powers in connection with the principal functions of the Organization (that is, the formulation of Standards and Recommended Practices); nor any over the appointment and creation of the Organization's principal officers and sub-organs.Stranger still is the fact that even the little and insignificant powers that this Assembly might possess can be easily and constitutionally/conventionally "usurped", or interfered with, by the limited 33-member Council of the Organization.Much more puzzling is the fact that this limited membership Council, which is normally supposed to be answerable to the Assembly, runs the Organization's entire business exclusively as it sees fit: Without the remaining 150 States having any means whatsoever of checking it.The result of this strange arrangement has been that the majority of States simply cannot contribute to the advancement of the international aviation cause as they might have: had the universal organ had the voice and say that it now lacks.The entire constitutional and political set-up of ICAO can hardly be justified in both the Schools of Democracy and of its corollary, the Supremacy of the Assemblies of international organizations.A serious and meaningful re-evaluation of the ICAO framework and working methods to remedy the anomaly is therefore called for in the present study