37 research outputs found

    Laminated Sediments

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    Letter. Late cretaceous seasonal ocean variability from the arctic

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    The modern Arctic Ocean is regarded as barometer of global change and amplifier of global warming1 and therefore records of past Arctic change are of a premium for palaeoclimate reconstruction. Little is known of the state of the Arctic Ocean in the greenhouse period of the late Cretaceous, yet records from such times may yield important clues to its future behaviour given current global warming trends. Here we present the first seasonally resolved sedimentary record from the Cretaceous from the Alpha Ridge of the Arctic Ocean. This “paleo-sediment trap” provides new insights into the workings of the Cretaceous marine biological carbon pump. Seasonal primary production was dominated by diatom algae but was not related to upwelling as previously hypothesised. Rather, production occurred within a stratified water column, involving specially adapted species in blooms resembling those of the modern North Pacific Subtropical Gyre, or those indicated for the Mediterranean sapropels. With increased CO2 levels and warming currently driving increased stratification in the global ocean, this style of production that is adapted to stratification may become more widespread. Our evidence for seasonal diatom production and flux testify to an ice-free summer, but thin accumulations of terrigenous sediment within the diatom ooze are consistent with the presence of intermittent sea ice in the winter, supporting a wide body of evidence for low temperatures in the Late Cretaceous Arctic Ocean, rather than recent suggestions of a 15 °C mean annual temperature at this time

    The giant diatom dump

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    The role of mat-forming diatoms in formation of Mediterranean sapropels

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    The origins of sapropels (sedimentary layers rich in organic carbon) are unclear, yet they may be a key to understanding the influence of climate on ocean eutrophication, the mechanisms of sustaining biological production in stratified waters and the genesis of petroleum source rocks. Recent microfossil studies of foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils have focused attention on a deep chlorophyll maximum as a locus for the high production inferred for sapropel formation, but have not identified the agent responsible. Here we report the results of a high-resolution, electron-microscope-based study of a late Quaternary laminated sapropel in which the annual flux cycle has been preserved. We find that much of the production was by diatoms, both mat-forming and other colonial forms, adapted to exploit a deep nutrient supply trapped below surface waters in a stratified water column. Reconstructed organic-carbon and opal fluxes to the sediments are comparable to those at high-productivity sites in today's oceans, and calculations based on diatom Si/C ratios suggest that the high organic-carbon content of sapropels may be entirely accounted for by sedimenting diatoms. We propose that this style of production may have been common in ancient Palaeogene and Cretaceous seas, environments for which conventional appeals to upwelling-driven production to account for the occurrence of diatomites, and some organic-carbon-rich sediments, have never seemed wholly appropriate.<br/