8 research outputs found

    Ten novel mutations in the erythroid transcription factor KLF1 gene associated with increased fetal hemoglobin levels in adults.

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    We investigated whether mutations in the KLF1 gene are associated with increased Hb F levels in ethnically diverse patients referred to our laboratory for hemoglobinopathy investigation. Functionally effective KLF1 mutations were identified in 11 out of 131 adult samples with an elevated Hb F level (1.5-25.0%). Eleven different mutations were identified, 9 of which were previously unreported. KLF1 mutations were not identified in a matched cohort of 121 samples with normal Hb F levels (<1.0%). A further novel KLF1 mutation was also found in a sickle cell disease patient with a Hb F level of 20.3% who had a particularly mild phenotype. Our results indicate KLF1 mutations could make a significant contribution to Hb F variance in malarial regions where hemogobinopathies are common. All the mutations identified were heterozygous providing further in vivo evidence that a single altered KLF1 allele is sufficient to increase Hb F levels

    Multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification identification of 17 different beta-globin gene deletions (including four novel mutations) in the UK population.

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    Large deletions of the beta-globin gene cluster are problematic to diagnose, and consequently the frequency and range of these mutations in the UK is unknown. Here we present a study evaluating the efficacy of the recently available technique of multiplex ligation-dependent prob amplification (MLPA) to determine the range and frequency of these deletions in the UK population. The results revealed a large deletion mutation in 75 of 316 patient samples collected over a 3-year period. Of these, 52 had a common (deltabeta)(0)-thalassemia [(deltabeta)(0)-thal] or hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin (HPFH) allele and 23 had rare or novel deletions resulting in (epsilon(G)gamma(A)gammadeltabeta)(0)-thal, (G)gamma(A)gamma(deltabeta)(0)-thal and beta(0)-thal. A total of 17 different deletions were found, 10 of which were rare and four were most likely novel [Asian Indian (epsilon(G)gamma(A)gammadeltabeta)(0)-thal, African (deltabeta)(0)-thal, African beta(0)-thal and Afghanistani beta(0)-thal]. The MLPA technique detected examples from all four categories of beta-globin gene deletions and demonstrated the wide molecular basis of deletional beta-thal/HPFH in UK patients

    Characterization of a novel deletion causing beta-thalassemia major in an Afghan family.

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    We have identified and characterized a novel beta-globin gene deletion mutation in a family of Afghan ancestry. The proband was a 10-year-old transfusion-dependent female with the phenotype of beta-thalassemia major (beta-TM). DNA sequencing of the beta-globin gene showed no abnormalities. Multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) showed reduced/absent probe height of the probe covering the 5' end of the beta-globin gene indicating a possible deletion. Gap-polymerase chain reaction (gap-PCR) produced junctional fragments and direct sequencing of the product revealed that the 5' breakpoint was 478 nucleotides upstream of the Cap site and the 3' breakpoint was in the second exon of the beta-globin gene, giving a deletion size of 909 bp. The proband was homozygous and the parents were heterozygous for the deletion. This is the first report of a large beta-thalassemia (beta-thal) deletion mutation in this ethnic group