7 research outputs found

    Staff perspectives on the feasibility of a clinical pathway for anxiety and depression in cancer care, and mid-implementation adaptations.

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    BACKGROUND: Clinical pathways (CPs) are intended to standardise and improve care but do not always produce positive outcomes, possibly because they were not adapted to suit the specific context in which they were enacted. This qualitative study aimed to explore staff perspectives of implementation of a CP for routine screening, assessment, referral and management of anxiety and depression (the ADAPT CP) for patients with cancer, focussing on perceived feasibility of the CP and negotiated adaptations made during the implementation phase. METHODS: The ADAPT CP was implemented in 12 urban and regional oncology services in Australia. Services were randomised to receive core versus enhanced implementation strategies. Core sites received support until implementation commencement and could access progress reports. Enhanced sites received proactive, ongoing support during the 12-month implementation. Purposively selected staff were interviewed prior to implementation (n = 88) and 6 months later, half-way through the implementation period (n = 89). Monthly meetings with lead multi-disciplinary teams at the eight enhanced sites were recorded. Data were thematically analysed. RESULTS: Six overarching themes were identified: ADAPT is of high value; timing for introducing the CP and screening is difficult; online screening is challenging; a burden too much; no-one to refer patients to; and micro-logistics are key. While early screening was deemed desirable, diverse barriers meant this was complex, with adaptations made to time and screening location. Online screening prompted by email, seen as time-saving and efficient, also proved unsuccessful in some services, with adaptations made to in-clinic or phone screening, or repeated email reminders. Staff negative attitudes to ADAPT, time constraints, and perceived poor fit of ADAPT to work roles and flows, all impacted implementation, with key tasks often devolving to a few key individuals. Nevertheless, services remained committed to the ADAPT CP, and worked hard to create, review and adapt strategies to address challenges to optimise success. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates the interactive nature of health service change, with staff actively engaging with, forming views on, and problem-solving adaptations of the ADAPT CP to overcome barriers. Obtaining staff feedback is critical to ensure health service change is sustainable, meaningful and achieves its promise of improving patient outcomes. TRIAL REGISTRATION: The study was registered prospectively with the ANZCTR on 22/3/2017. Trial ID ACTRN12617000411347

    The value of real-world testing: a qualitative feasibility study to explore staff and organisational barriers and strategies to support implementation of a clinical pathway for the management of anxiety and depression in adult cancer patients.

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    Background: Effective translation of evidence-based research into clinical practice requires assessment of the many factors that can impact implementation success. Research methods that draw on recognised implementation frameworks, such as the Promoting Action Research in Health Services (PARiHS) framework, and that test feasibility to gain information prior to full-scale roll-out, can support a more structured approach to implementation. Objective: This paper presents qualitative findings from a feasibility study in one cancer service of an online portal to operationalise a clinical pathway for the screening, assessment and management of anxiety and depression in adult cancer patients. The aim of this study was to explore staff perspectives on the feasibility and acceptance of a range of strategies to support implementation in order to inform the full-scale roll-out. Methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with fifteen hospital staff holding a range of clinical, administrative and managerial roles, and with differing levels of exposure to the pathway. Qualitative data were analysed thematically, and themes were subsequently organised within the constructs of the PARiHS framework. Results: Barriers and facilitators that affected the feasibility of the online portal and implementation strategies were organised across eight key themes: staff perceptions, culture, external influences, attitudes to psychosocial care, intervention fit, familiarity, burden and engagement. These themes mapped to the PARiHS framework's three domains of evidence, context and facilitation. Conclusions: Implementation success may be threatened by a range of factors related to the real-world context, perceptions of the intervention (evidence) and the process by which it is introduced (facilitation). Feasibility testing of implementation strategies can provide unique insights into issues likely to influence full-scale implementation, allowing for early tailoring and more effective facilitation which may save time, money and effort in the long-term. Use of a determinant implementation framework can assist researchers to synthesise and effectively respond to barriers as they arise. While the current feasibility study related to a specific implementation, strategies such as regular engagement with local stakeholders, and discussion of barriers arising in real-time during early testing is likely to be of benefit to all researchers and clinicians seeking to maximise the likelihood of long-term implementation success

    Acceptability and appropriateness of a clinical pathway for managing anxiety and depression in cancer patients: a mixed methods study of staff perspectives.

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    BACKGROUND: Clinical pathways (CPs) can improve health outcomes, but to be sustainable, must be deemed acceptable and appropriate by staff. A CP for screening and management of anxiety and depression in cancer patients (the ADAPT CP) was implemented in 12 Australian oncology services for 12 months, within a cluster randomised controlled trial of core versus enhanced implementation strategies. This paper compares staff-perceived acceptability and appropriateness of the ADAPT CP across study arms. METHODS: Multi-disciplinary lead teams at each service tailored, planned, championed and implemented the CP. Staff at participating services, purposively selected for diversity, completed a survey and participated in an interview prior to implementation (T0), and at midpoint (6 months: T1) and end (12 months: T2) of implementation. Interviews were recorded, transcribed and thematically analysed. RESULTS: Seven metropolitan and 5 regional services participated. Questionnaires were completed by 106, 58 and 57 staff at T0, T1 and T2 respectively. Eighty-eight staff consented to be interviewed at T0, with 89 and 76 at T1 and T2 (response rates 70%, 66% and 57%, respectively). Acceptability/appropriateness, on the quantitative measure, was high at T0 (mean of 31/35) and remained at that level throughout the study, with no differences between staff from core versus enhanced services. Perceived burden was relatively low (mean of 11/20) with no change over time. Lowest scores and greatest variability pertained to perceived impact on workload, time and cost. Four major themes were identified: 1) Mental health is an important issue which ADAPT addresses; 2) ADAPT helps staff deliver best care, and reduces staff stress; 3) ADAPT is fit for purpose, for both cancer care services and patients; 4) ADAPT: a catalyst for change. Opposing viewpoints are outlined. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrated high staff-perceived acceptability and appropriateness of the ADAPT CP with regards to its focus, evidence-base, utility to staff and patients, and ability to create change. However, concerns remained regarding burden on staff and time commitment. Strategies from a policy and managerial level will likely be required to overcome the latter issues. TRIAL REGISTRATION: The study was registered prospectively with the ANZCTR on 22/3/2017. Trial ID ACTRN12617000411347. https://www.anzctr.org.au/

    What factors influence organisational readiness for change? Implementation of the Australian clinical pathway for the screening, assessment and management of anxiety and depression in adult cancer patients (ADAPT CP).

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    AIMS:Translation of evidence-based psycho-oncology interventions into routine care can significantly improve patient outcomes, yet effective implementation remains challenging due to numerous real-world barriers. A key factor that may influence implementation is organisational readiness for change. This mixed method study sought to identify factors associated with organisational readiness for implementing the Australian clinical pathway for the screening, assessment and management of anxiety and depression in adult cancer patients (ADAPT CP). METHODS:We collected data from multidisciplinary staff across six Australian cancer services who were preparing to implement the ADAPT CP. Services were categorised as having 'high' versus 'mid-range' organisational readiness based on a median split on the Organizational Readiness for Implementing Change (ORIC) questionnaire (score range = 12-60). Qualitative data from the semi-structured interviews based on the Promoting Action Research in Health Services (PARiHS) framework were analysed thematically and compared for services with high- versus mid-range organisational readiness. RESULTS:Three services with high- (mean ORIC range, 52.25-56.88), and three with mid-range (range, 38.75-46.39) organisational readiness scores were identified. Staff at services reporting higher readiness described a more collaborative and proactive service culture, strong communication processes and greater role flexibility. They also reported greater confidence in overcoming anticipated barriers and clearer strategies for addressing issues. CONCLUSIONS:Levels of organisational readiness were related to distinct qualitative themes. Targeting these issues in services where readiness is mid-range or low prior to full-scale roll-out may improve staff levels of confidence and efficacy in implementing psycho-oncology-focused interventions

    Development, acceptability and uptake of an on-line communication skills education program targeting challenging conversations for oncology health professionals related to identifying and responding to anxiety and depression.

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    BACKGROUND: Anxiety and depression screening and management in cancer settings occurs inconsistently in Australia. We developed a clinical pathway (ADAPT CP) to promote standardized assessment and response to affected patients and enhance uptake of psychosocial interventions. Health professional education is a common strategy utilised to support implementation of practice change interventions. We developed an interactive on-line education program to support staff communication and confidence with anxiety/depression screening and referral prior to the ADAPT CP being implemented in 12 oncology services participating in the ADAPT CP cluster randomised controlled trial (CRCT). The aim of this research was to assess acceptability and uptake of the education program. Patient Involvement: Although the wider ADAPT Program included patient consumers on the Steering Committee, in the context of this research consumer engagement included health professionals working in oncology. These consumers contributed to resource development. METHODS: Development was informed by oncology and communication literature. The five online modules were pilot tested with 12 oncology nurses who participated in standardised medical simulations. Acceptability and uptake were assessed across the 12 Oncology services participating in the ADAPT CRCT. RESULTS: During pilot testing the online training was reported to be acceptable and overall communication and confidence improved for all participants post training. However, during the ADAPT CRCT uptake was low (7%; n = 20). Although those who accessed the training reported it to be valuable, competing demands and the online format reportedly limited HPs' capacity and willingness to undertake training. CONCLUSIONS: This interactive on-line training provides strategies and communication skills for front-line staff to guide important conversations about psychosocial screening and referral. Building workforce skills, knowledge and confidence is crucial for the successful implementation of practice change interventions. However, despite being acceptable during pilot testing, low uptake in real world settings highlights that organisational support and incentivisation for frontline staff to undertake training are critical for wider engagement. A multimodal approach to delivery of training to cater for staff preferences for face to face and/or online training may maximise uptake and increase effectiveness of training interventions. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Pilot study ACTRN12616001490460 (27/10/2016). ADAPT RCT ACTRN12617000411347(22/03/2017)

    Staff- and service-level factors associated with organisational readiness to implement a clinical pathway for the identification, assessment, and management of anxiety and depression in adults with cancer

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    Abstract Background Organisational readiness is recognised as a key factor impacting the successful translation of research findings into practice. Within psycho-oncology, measuring organisational readiness and understanding factors impacting organisational readiness is crucial as it is often challenging to implement evidence-based findings into routine cancer care. In this quantitative study, we examined the level of organisational readiness of cancer services preparing to implement a clinical pathway for the screening, assessment, and management of anxiety and depression in adult cancer patients (the ADAPT CP) within a cluster randomised controlled trial and sought to identify staff- and service-level factors associated with organisational readiness. Methods Multidisciplinary staff across 12 Australian cancer services were identified. Their perceptions of their services’ readiness to implement the ADAPT CP in the cancer stream or treatment modality selected within their service was assessed prior to implementation using the Organizational Readiness for Implementing Change scale. Data collection included staff demographic and professional characteristics, and their perception of the ADAPT CP using a set of 13 study-specific survey items. Service characteristics were captured using a site profile audit form and workflows during site engagement. Results Fourteen staff- and service-level factors were identified as potentially impacting organisational readiness. To identify factors that best explained organisational readiness, separate univariate analyses were conducted for each factor, followed by a backward elimination regression. Compared to services that implemented the ADAPT CP in one treatment modality, those opting for four treatment modalities had significantly higher organisational readiness scores. Staff in administrative/technical support/non-clinical roles had significantly higher organisational readiness scores compared to psychosocial staff. Higher organisational readiness scores were also significantly related to more positive perceptions of the ADAPT CP. Conclusions Readiness to implement an anxiety and depression clinical pathway within 12 oncology services was high. This may be attributed to the extensive engagement with services prior to implementation. The factors associated with organisational readiness highlight the importance of ensuring adequate resourcing and supporting staff to implement change, effectively communicating the value of the change, and taking a whole-of-service approach to implementing the change. Future longitudinal studies may identify factors associated with ongoing readiness and engagement prior to implementation. Trial registration The ADAPT RCT was registered prospectively with the ANZCTR on 22/03/2017. Trial ID ACTRN12617000411347. https://www.anzctr.org.au/Trial/Registration/TrialReview.aspx?id=372486&isReview=true