2 research outputs found

    Effet du nombre de recyclages de la biomasse de Saccharomyces uvarum sur quelques paramètres de la fermentation primaire au cours de la production de la bière en Côte d'Ivoire

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    Effect of the number of recycled biomass of the yeast Saccharomyces uvarum on some parameters of primary fermentation during beer production in Côte d'Ivoire. A study was conducted on the yeast Saccharomyces uvarum during the production of beer to determine the impact of the number of recycled yeast biomass on some primary fermentation parameters and to understand variations during primary fermentation time. The work was carried out with six cycles of beer production. The first cycle was done with the initial culture of S. uvarum and the five others with its recycled biomass. After each cycle of production, the yeast biomass obtained is re-used to inoculate another mash and the same operation was repeated until the sixth cycle of production of the beer. Thus during each of the six cycles, several parameters such as the rate of fermentation, the diacetyle reduction time, the rate of alcohol production, etc. were measured. The fifth and sixth cycles showed the longest primary fermentation time (10 days) and the longest diacetyle reduction time (6.8 and 7.6 days respectively). The first and second cycles have the shortest primary fermentation time (8.33 and 8.25 days respectively) and diacetyle reduction time (3.33 days for each cycle). The interval between the theoretical and the practical attenuation limit differs according to the cycle of production. The highest gap (0.51) was obtained with the last cycle (sixth) while the shortest was obtained with the first cycle, 0.13. The fermentation rate varied from 1.71 to 1.97°P per day. The quantity of sugar consumed varied from 8.83 to 10.70°P and the rate of alcohol produced from 4.56 to 4.90°P. The yeast from the two last cycles flocculated quicker than the others. The number of cells in suspension for these cycles was 4.1.106 and 4.2.106 cells.ml-1 respectively versus 25.106 and 20.106 cells.ml-1 respectively for the two first cycles. The yeast biomass from the first four cycles should be used for the production of the beer, which would correspond to recycle the yeast S. uvarum only three times instead of five times