58 research outputs found

    Policies to address the challenges of existing and new forms of informality in Latin America

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    The phenomenon of informality in Latin America is strongly conditioned by the main structural axes of the social inequality matrix. It is a heterogeneous and multifaceted phenomenon in which socioeconomic, territorial, gender, age and ethnic/racial inequalities are manifested. Deeper analysis of the characteristics and nature of this phenomenon, taking into account that diversity and heterogeneity, is a still pending task that calls for the production of data and information systems able to encompass those various dimensions. This is also a central condition for the design and implementation of policies capable of tackling informality in a more appropriate, efficient and sustainable manner and of making progress in expanding the possibilities for better-quality and more protected productive and labour market insertion, as well as in closing gaps in access to decent work. This paper reviews the conceptual discussion on existing and new forms of informality in Latin America and analyses in depth the relationship between informality and the various axes of inequality that shape its labour markets, with an emphasis on the territorial and subnational dimension. Likewise, based on that diagnostic assessment, policy recommendations are proposed to advance towards the formalization of informality in its existing and new forms.Summary .-- Introduction .-- I. Existing and new forms of informality and new atypical forms of employment in Latin America .-- II. Informality and the social inequality matrix in Latin America: territory, gender, youth and ethnicity and race .-- III. Policies for formalizing informality in its existing and new forms: experiences and challenges

    Juventude, educação e trabalho decente: a construção de uma agenda

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    In the last two decades have increased considerably the number of public actions oriented to the Brazilian youth. This article discusses recent trends regarding the debate about youth and work in this country, considering the new National Agenda of Decent Work for Youth, and the central relevance of this theme for a significant part of Brazilian youth. Documents analysis and the authors' presence at the Agenda's formulation are the basis for the discussion on advances and limitations of public policies for youth in Brazil, especially considering the roles played by school and work to structure the multiple paths which young people can carve out towards adult life.En las dos últimas décadas se ampliaron las acciones públicas dirigidas a los jóvenes en  Brasil. Considerando la elaboración de la Agenda Nacional de Trabajo Decente para la Juventud, el artículo discute tendencias en la tematización de la relación entre juventud y trabajo, debido a la importancia de ese tema para parte significativa de la juventud brasileña. A partir del análisis documental y de la participación de las autoras en el proceso de elaboración de la Agenda, reflexionase sobre los avances y límites de las políticas públicas para la juventud en el país, considerando en especial el lugar de la educación y del trabajo en las múltiples trayectorias juveniles hacia el mundo adulto.Nas duas últimas décadas ampliaram-se as ações públicas destinadas aos jovens no Brasil. Considerando a recente elaboração da Agenda Nacional de Trabalho Decente para a Juventude (ANTDJ), este artigo discute algumas tendências na tematização da relação entre juventude e trabalho, dadas a presença e a centralidade desse tema para parcela significativa da juventude brasileira. A partir da análise de documentos e da participação das autoras durante o processo de elaboração da referida Agenda, busca-se refletir sobre os avanços e os limites das políticas públicas para a juventude no país, especialmente considerando o lugar da escola e do trabalho nas múltiplas trajetórias juvenis em direção ao mundo adulto

    Cadenas productivas, innovación tecnológica y empleo

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