27 research outputs found

    Rizatriptan versus rizatriptan plus rofecoxib versus rizatriptan plus tolfenamic acid in the acute treatment of migraine

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    BACKGROUND: Rizatriptan is an effective and fast acting drug for the acute treatment of migraine. Some nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) have also demonstrated efficacy in treating migraine attacks. There is evidence that the combination of a triptan and a NSAID decreases migraine recurrence in clinical practice. The primary aim of this randomized open label study was to assess the recurrence rates in migraine sufferers acutely treated with rizatriptan (RI) alone vs. rizatriptan plus a COX-2 enzyme inhibitor (rofecoxib, RO) vs. rizatriptan plus a traditional NSAID (tolfenamic acid, TO). We were also interested in comparing the efficacy rates within these three groups. METHODS: We assessed 45 patients from a headache clinic in Rio de Janeiro (35 women and 10 men, ages 18 to 65 years, mean 37 years). Patients with IHS migraine were randomized to one out of 3 groups, where they had to treat 6 consecutive moderate or severe attacks in counterbalanced order. In group 1, patients treated the first two attacks with 10 mg RI, the third and fourth attacks with RI + 50 mg RO and the last attacks with RI + 200 mg of TA. In group 2, we began with RI + TA, followed by RI, and RI + RO. Group 3 treated in the following order: RI + RO, RI + TA, RI alone. The presence of headache, nausea and photophobia at 1, 2 and 4 hours, as well as recurrence and side effects were compared. RESULTS: A total of 33 patients finished the study, treating 184 attacks. The pain-free rates at 1 hour were: RI: 15.5%; RI + RO: 22.6%; RI + TA: 20.3%(NS). Pain-free rates at 2 h were: RI: 37.9%; RI + RO: 62.9%, and RI + TA: 40.6% (p = 0.008 for RI vs. RI + RO; p = 0.007 for RI + RO vs. RI + TA, NS for RI vs RI + TA). At 4 h, pain-free rates were: RI: 69%; RI + RO: 82.3%; RI + TA: 78.1% (NS for all comparisons). The combination of RI + RO was superior to RI and to RI + TA in regard of the absense of nausea and photophobia at 4 hours. Recurrence (after being pain-free at 2 h) was observed in 50% of patients treated with RI, in 15,4% of those treated with RI + RO, and in 7,7% of those treated with RI + TA. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the methodological limitations of this study, the combination of RI and RO revealed a higher response rate at 2 hours. Recurrence was also clearly decreased with both combinations in relation to the use of RI alone. Controlled studies are necessary to provide additional evidence

    Clonixinato de lisina injetável intravenoso para o tratamento agudo das enxaquecas: um estudo piloto aberto

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    Alguns antinflamatórios não esteroidais (AINE) orais são eficientes para o tratamento dos ataques de migrânea ou enxaqueca. A despeito de sua eficiência para o tratamento destas cefaléias e de outras dores, existem comercialmente poucos antinflamatórios não esteroidais disponíveis para administração parenteral. O clonixinato de lisina (CL) é um AINE derivado do ácido nicotínico que foi comprovadamente eficiente em vários tipos de síndromes álgicas como cólica renal, dor de compressão nervosa, dores musculares e odontalgias. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a eficácia do CL intravenoso (IV) no tratamento de um episódio severo de migrânea. Estudamos prospectivamente 19 pacientes, 17 mulheres e 2 homens, com idades de 18 a 57 anos e diagnóstico de migrânea de acordo com os critérios da Sociedade Internacional de Cefaléias (SIC). Os pacientes foram orientados a dirigirem-se à clínica no momento que a dor se iniciasse e, uma vez atingida a intensidade severa, foi iniciada a infusão venosa de CL e salina, em uma veia superficial do antebraço. Avaliadas após 30, 60 e 90 minutos a intensidade da dor e a presença de efeitos colaterais, observamos que todos os 19 pacientes encontravam-se sem dor após 90 minutos. Alguns pacientes apresentaram efeitos adversos leves e não houve alterações significativas nos sinais vitais. Concluímos que o AINE clonixinato de lisina (2-(3-cloro-o-toluidino)piridino-3-carboxilato de lisina) IV, derivado do ácido nicotínico, com estrutura química semelhante à do ácido flufenâmico, foi eficiente em abolir um ataque de intensidade severa de migrânea em 90 minutos em 19 pacientes. Estudos controlados com metodologia duplo-cega e randomizada, assim como maior número de pacientes e ataques tratados, são necessários para confirmar estas observações iniciais

    Dexamethasone decreases migraine recurrence observed after treatment with a triptan combined with a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Triptans are effective drugs for the acute treatment of migraine. However, 30-40% of the patients commonly present recurrence before 24 hours therefore requiring another dose. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) such as tolfenamic acid and naproxen sodium combined with sumatriptan have demonstrated efficacy in reducing recurrence observed with the single use of this drug. Steroids also have been suggested to treat refractory migraine and status migranosus. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether patients presenting frequent recurrence with the combination triptan plus NSAID, would decrease it with the association of dexamethasone. METHOD: Twenty three patients, 17 women and 6 men with migraine according to IHS criteria were prospectively studied. All patients presented frequent recurrence ( > or = 60%, mean recurrence rate 74,8%) with the single use of sumatritpan 100mg or zolmitriptan 2,5mg or rizatriptan 10mg in at least 5 consecutive attacks, and didn't present a reduction of the recurrence rate superior than 20% with the combination of tolfenamic acid 200mg or rofecoxib 25mg in at least 5 other consecutive attacks (mean recurrence rate 60%). The patients had to treat 6 consecutive moderate or severe migraine attacks with their usual combination plus 4mg of dexamathasone with a maximum of twice a week, and fill out a diary reporting headache parameters. RESULTS: Twenty patients, 16 women and 4 men completed the study. Of those who completed the study, 11 took rizatriptan plus rofecoxib, 4 rizatriptan plus tolfenamic acid, 3 zolmitriptan plus rofecoxib, 1 zolmitriptan plus tolfenamic acid and 1 patient took sumatriptan plus tolfenamic acid, having the 20 patients taken as a third medication, a single tablet of 4mg of dexamethasone. All patients took oral formulations and none presented vomiting after that. Among all 20 patients, one female and one male patient presented recurrence in 3 out of the 6 attacks (50%) while the remaining 18 patients revealed recurrence in 1 or 2 treated attacks (mean 23,4%) (p<0,001). CONCLUSION: We concluded that the judicious use of oral dexamethasone might be useful for a limited population of migraine patients still presenting recurrence with the combination of a triptan and a NSAID. Case-control studies and studies with a randomized double-blind design are necessary to confirm these observations

    Medication-overuse headache. Retrospective comparison of preventive treatments

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    ABSTRACT Objectives: Medication-overuse headache is commonly seen in tertiary centers. Limited evidence is available regarding treatment. We compared the use of one or two drugs, three drugs, or four pharmacological agents for the prevention of headache. Methods: This was a retrospective analysis of 149 consecutive patients. Sudden withdrawal and pharmacological prevention with one or more drugs were carried out. Adherence and the decrease of headache frequency of more than 50% were compared after four months between the one or two, three, and four drug groups. Results: There was no difference in adherence (p > 0.6). Headache frequency reduction was shown in 23 (54.8%, one or two drugs), 33 (70%, three drugs) and 11 (55%, four drugs); p = 0.13 and p = 0.98, not significant. There was a tendency towards significance between the one or two drug takers versus the three drug and four drug takers together (p = 0.09). Conclusions: The use of more drugs was not better at improving headache. However, there is the possibility that acting simultaneously on different sites may promote broader modulation and better outcome