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14 research outputs found
Effects of genetic variations in the Adiponectin pathway genes on the risk of colorectal cancer in the Chinese population
A Chao
A de la Chapelle
+53 more
AA Moghaddam
AS Oxentenko
AY Kim
Bangshun He
BM Psaty
C Menzaghi
CJ Williams
E Filippi
EE Calle
EK Wei
ER Fearon
F Orio
F Vasseur
IM Heid
J Peto
JD Potter
JI Fenton
JS Byeon
JS Byeon
K Hara
KG Meilleur
KL Ong
L Le Marchand
L Qi
LG Carvajal-Carmona
Ling Gu
Liping Chen
LL Strate
MJ Gunter
N Ouchi
N Risch
N Siitonen
P Lichtenstein
Qian Bao
S Otake
S Otake
S Pechlivanis
SC Moore
Shukui Wang
T Fujisawa
T Soccio
TE Nakajima
V Barresi
V Cottet
VG Kaklamani
VG Kaklamani
WS Yang
Y Wang
Yeqiong Xu
Ying Zhang
Yuqin Pan
Z Dai
Zhenlin Nie
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
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Prevalence of Clinically and Empirically Defined Talents and Strengths in Autism
A Bertone
A Bonnel
+49 more
A Bonnel
AA Meilleur
AM Dubischar-Krivec
Andrée-Anne S. Meilleur
B Rimland
C Lord
C Micheyl
D Wechsler
D Wechsler
D Wechsler
D Wechsler
DA Treffert
E Bennett
E Pellicano
EB Barbeau
F Happe
I Rapin
I Soulieres
J Raven
JL Stevenson
JR Crawford
JR Crawford
K O’Connor
K Plaisted
L Bouvet
L Bouvet
L Miller
L Mottron
L Mottron
L Selfe
Laurent Mottron
LK Miller
LO Harvey Jr
M Dawson
M Tervaniemi
MJ Caron
N O’Connor
O Spreen
P Heaton
P Heaton
P Heaton
P Heaton
P Heaton
P Howlin
Patricia Jelenic
PM Vital
RM Joseph
S Bolte
WA Horwitz
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Fidelity of Automatic Speech Processing for Adult and Child Talker Classifications
A Weisleder
AA Meilleur
+30 more
AS Warlaumont
D Xu
DA Christakis
DK Oller
DK Oller
FJ Zimmerman
H Levitt
Ian McLoughlin
J Cheng
JL Fleiss
JR Dykstra
K Johnson
KN Stevens
KS Theimann-Bourque
M Aragon
M Canault
M Caskey
M Eskanazi
M Gerosa
M Soderstrom
M VanDam
M VanDam
M VanDam
M VanDam
M VanDam
Mark VanDam
Noah H. Silbert
SE Ambrose
SF Warren
Z Wang
Publication venue
'Public Library of Science (PLoS)'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Brief Report: Symptom Onset Patterns and Functional Outcomes in Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
AA Meilleur
Audrey Thurm
+35 more
AV Short
C Lord
C Lord
David G. Amaral
E Werner
E Werner
EM Mullen
GA Stefanatos
J Brown
J Richler
K Gotham
K Gotham
LA Jones
LD Wiggins
Lesley Deprey
LG Kalb
Lou Ann Barnett
M Davidovitch
P Bernabei
R Hansen
R Kobayashi
R Luyster
R Siperstein
S Maestro
S Ozonoff
S Ozonoff
S Ozonoff
S Risi
Sally J. Rogers
Sally Ozonoff
SJ Rogers
SS Sparrow
Stacy Shumway
Susan E. Swedo
W Goldberg
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
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Production of oat bran functional probiotic beverage using Bifidobacterium lactis
A Dabbagh Moghaddam
A Nematollahi
+39 more
AA Badejo
ALF Pereira
ALF Pereira
B He
CN Heenan
E Amanda
F Shahidi
GKF Oliveira
J Barbosa
J Lupien-Meilleur
KY Yoon
M Daneshi
M de Vrese
M Gupta
M Jafari
M Karbasi
ME Sanders
MFT Moghaddam
MHH Roby
N Bernat
N Ratnasari
N Shah
O Yerlikaya
R Alrahmany
R Rozada-Sánchez
S Fan
S Ghafari
S Kaur
S Kun
SD Forssten
SMB Hashemi
T Dhanani
V Sharma
X Zhang
X-Y Liao
Y Sadaghdar
Y Shen
Z Mousavi
Z Shahabbaspour
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Medical conditions affect the outcome of early intervention in preschool children with autism spectrum disorders
Mats Anders Eriksson
Joakim Westerlund
+51 more
Åsa Hedvall
Per Åmark
Christopher Gillberg
Elisabeth Fernell
BS Abrahams
C Adelow
C Amiet
M Aronson
G Baird
G Baird
AT Berg
P Bernabei
C Betancur
M Coleman
S Danielsson
G Dawson
L Dodds
S Eldevik
ML Engman
E Fernell
E Fernell
E Fombonne
CY Fong
H Gardener
D Hayward
P Howlin
CM Hultman
FE Jensen
A Kolevzon
M Landgren
C Lord
RD Maimburg
HC Mefford
AA Meilleur
DT Miller
SJ Moore
BG Neville
S Ozonoff
A Parmeggiani
AD Rasalam
KS Reddy
A Reichenberg
E Saemundsen
J Sebat
Y Shen
SJ Spence
S Steffenburg
P Szatmari
R Tuchman
R Tuchman
Z Warren
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
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Spatial factors of white-tailed deer herbivory assessment in the central Appalachian Mountains
A Meilleur
AA Royo
+64 more
AA Royo
AF Zuur
AJ Oliphant
Andrew B. Kniowski
AS Johnson
B Baiser
BD Clinton
BF Miller
BM Bolker
C Goetsch
CM Nixon
D Berteaux
D Rearick
DJ Augustine
DJ Augustine
DJ Augustine
DL Urban
DLJ Stevens
DS Calesta de
EH Isaaks
FJ Swanson
FL Russell
GL Tierney
J Reu De
JH Zar
JW Bressette
K Frerker
KA Didier
KAK Stromayer
L Comisky
LD Vangilder
LK Halls
LM Krueger
MG Turner
N Morellet
N Morellet
NM Fenneman
NT Hobbs
OJ Schmitz
R Koda
RL Senft
RT Belote
S Chollet
S Dostaler
S Koh
S Nakagawa
SB Castleberry
SB Horsley
SD Côté
SM Wiegmann
TA Campbell
TA Campbell
TA Campbell
TP Rooney
TP Rooney
TP Rooney
TW Schoener
Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries
W. Mark Ford
WC Tierson
WH McNab
WJ McShea
WM Ford
WM Ford
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Medical conditions affect the outcome of early intervention in preschool children with autism spectrum disorders
A Kolevzon
A Parmeggiani
+51 more
A Reichenberg
AA Meilleur
AD Rasalam
AT Berg
BG Neville
BS Abrahams
C Adelow
C Amiet
C Betancur
C Lord
Christopher Gillberg
CM Hultman
CY Fong
D Hayward
DT Miller
E Fernell
E Fernell
E Fombonne
E Saemundsen
Elisabeth Fernell
FE Jensen
G Baird
G Baird
G Dawson
H Gardener
HC Mefford
J Sebat
Joakim Westerlund
KS Reddy
L Dodds
M Aronson
M Coleman
M Landgren
Mats Anders Eriksson
ML Engman
P Bernabei
P Howlin
P Szatmari
Per Åmark
R Tuchman
R Tuchman
RD Maimburg
S Danielsson
S Eldevik
S Ozonoff
S Steffenburg
SJ Moore
SJ Spence
Y Shen
Z Warren
Åsa Hedvall
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Presence of Zea luxurians (Durieu and Ascherson) Bird in Southern Brazil: Implications for the Conservation of Wild Relatives of Maize
A Jarvis
A Spillman
+55 more
AA Araújo
B McClintock
B Tsegaye
BA Meilleur
BF Benz
C Molina M del
CH Loáisiga
DE Aylor
E Paterniani
ES Buckler
FG Brieger
Flaviane Malaquias Costa
GE González
GE González
GN Collins
H Vibrans
HG Wilkes
HG Wilkes
HH Iltis
HH Iltis
J Doebley
J Mondragón-Pichardo
J Ross-Ibarra
J Sánchez
JF Doebley
JF Doebley
JS Cabral
Juliana Bernardi Ogliari
K Fukunaga
L Poggio
L Wang
LL Relwani
M González-Sánchez
M Pio-Corrêa
Magdalena Vaio
MB Hufford
MIP Kovacs
ML Warburton
MR Bellon
N Maxted
N Woloszyn
Natália Carolina de Almeida Silva
P Ellneskog-Staam
PA Alves
PAV Barroso
Q Pan
Rafael Vidal
RJ Hijmans
RM Bird
TA Kato
V Heywood
Wei Wang
X Cadima
Y Matsuoka
Y Vigouroux
Publication venue
'Public Library of Science (PLoS)'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
High internal noise and poor external noise filtering characterize perception in autism spectrum disorder
A Bertone
A Rosenberg
+83 more
A Sciutti
A Zaidel
AA Faisal
AA Stocker
AAS Meilleur
AC Brown
AE Burgess
AS Baldwin
B Jemel
BA Dosher
C Ames
C Manning
C Manning
CE Robertson
DC Knill
DG Pelli
DH Brainard
DJ Heeger
DJ Navarro
DR Simmons
DS Schwarzkopf
E Milne
E Milne
E Milne
E Pellicano
E Pellicano
E Pellicano
E Vul
EC Zachi
FJ Sanchez-Marin
G Davis
G Vilidaite
HB Barlow
I Dinstein
I Dinstein
J Brock
J Foss-Feig
J Freyberg
JA Solomon
JJA Boxtel van
JK Kruschke
JLR Rubenstein
JM Beck
JM Gold
JM Gold
JN Rouder
JN Rouder
K Gotham
L-G Bogfjellmo
LC Osborne
M Turi
M Turi
MA Cohen
MA Coskun
MA Grubb
MA Grubb
MD McDonnell
MN Shadlen
MR Cavanaugh
P Sinha
R Chowdhury
RD Morey
RJ Jao Keehn
RP Lawson
S Baron-Cohen
S Cruys Van de
S Deneve
S Tsermentseli
SC Dakin
SC Dakin
SM Haigh
SM Haigh
T Karaminis
V Hus
VR Bejjanki
W Bialek
X You
Z Dienes
Z-L Lu
Z-L Lu
Z-L Lu
Z-L Lu
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text