66 research outputs found

    Spin dynamics of molecular nanomagnets fully unraveled by four-dimensional inelastic neutron scattering

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    Molecular nanomagnets are among the first examples of spin systems of finite size and have been test-beds for addressing a range of elusive but important phenomena in quantum dynamics. In fact, for short-enough timescales the spin wavefunctions evolve coherently according to the an appropriate cluster spin-Hamiltonian, whose structure can be tailored at the synthetic level to meet specific requirements. Unfortunately, to this point it has been impossible to determine the spin dynamics directly. If the molecule is sufficiently simple, the spin motion can be indirectly assessed by an approximate model Hamiltonian fitted to experimental measurements of various types. Here we show that recently-developed instrumentation yields the four-dimensional inelastic-neutron scattering function S(Q,E) in vast portions of reciprocal space and enables the spin dynamics to be determined with no need of any model Hamiltonian. We exploit the Cr8 antiferromagnetic ring as a benchmark to demonstrate the potential of this new approach. For the first time we extract a model-free picture of the quantum dynamics of a molecular nanomagnet. This allows us, for example, to examine how a quantum fluctuation propagates along the ring and to directly test the degree of validity of the N\'{e}el-vector-tunneling description of the spin dynamics

    Atomic spin chain realization of a model for quantum criticality

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    The ability to manipulate single atoms has opened up the door to constructing interesting and useful quantum structures from the ground up. On the one hand, nanoscale arrangements of magnetic atoms are at the heart of future quantum computing and spintronic devices; on the other hand, they can be used as fundamental building blocks for the realization of textbook many-body quantum models, illustrating key concepts such as quantum phase transitions, topological order or frustration. Step-by-step assembly promises an interesting handle on the emergence of quantum collective behavior as one goes from one, to few, to many constituents. To achieve this, one must however maintain the ability to tune and measure local properties as the system size increases. Here, we use low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy to construct arrays of magnetic atoms on a surface, designed to behave like spin-1/2 XXZ Heisenberg chains in a transverse field, for which a quantum phase transition from an antiferromagnetic to a paramagnetic phase is predicted in the thermodynamic limit. Site-resolved measurements on these finite size realizations reveal a number of sudden ground state changes when the field approaches the critical value, each corresponding to a new domain wall entering the chains. We observe that these state crossings become closer for longer chains, indicating the onset of critical behavior. Our results present opportunities for further studies on quantum behavior of many-body systems, as a function of their size and structural complexity.Comment: published online on 18 Apr 2016 in Nature Physic

    Antiferromagnetic Spin Coupling between Rare Earth Adatoms and Iron Islands Probed by Spin-Polarized Tunneling

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    High-density magnetic storage or quantum computing could be achieved using small magnets with large magnetic anisotropy, a requirement that rare-earth iron alloys fulfill in bulk. This compelling property demands a thorough investigation of the magnetism in low dimensional rare-earth iron structures. Here, we report on the magnetic coupling between 4f single atoms and a 3d magnetic nanoisland. Thulium and lutetium adatoms deposited on iron monolayer islands pseudomorphically grown on W(110) have been investigated at low temperature with scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy. The spin-polarized current indicates that both kind of adatoms have in-plane magnetic moments, which couple antiferromagnetically with their underlying iron islands. Our first-principles calculations explain the observed behavior, predicting an antiparallel coupling of the induced 5d electrons magnetic moment of the lanthanides with the 3d magnetic moment of iron, as well as their in-plane orientation, and pointing to a non-contribution of 4f electrons to the spin-polarized tunneling processes in rare earths

    When Ising meets Majorana

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