7 research outputs found

    Elastofibroma dorsi – differential diagnosis in chest wall tumours

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    BACKGROUND: Elastofibromas are benign soft tissue tumours mostly of the infrascapular region between the thoracic wall, the serratus anterior and the latissimus dorsi muscle with a prevalence of up to 24% in the elderly. The pathogenesis of the lesion is still unclear, but repetitive microtrauma by friction between the scapula and the thoracic wall may cause the reactive hyperproliferation of fibroelastic tissue. METHODS: We present a series of seven cases with elastofibroma dorsi with reference to clinical findings, further clinical course and functional results after resection, as well as recurrence. Data were obtained retrospectively by clinical examination, phone calls to the patients' general practitioners and charts review. Follow-up time ranged from four months to nine years and averaged 53 months. RESULTS: The patients presented with swelling of the infrascapular region or snapping scapula. In three cases, the lesion was painful. The ratio men/women was 2/5 with a mean age of 64 years. The tumor sizes ranged from 3 to 13 cm. The typical macroscopic aspect was characterized as poorly defined fibroelastic soft tissue lesion with a white and yellow cut surface caused by intermingled remnants of fatty tissue. Microscopically, the lesions consisted of broad collagenous strands and densely packed enlarged and fragmented elastic fibres with mostly round shapes. In all patients but one, postoperative seroma (which had to be punctuated) occurred after resection; however, at follow-up time, no patient reported any decrease of function or sensation at the shoulder or the arm of the operated side. None of the patients experienced a relapse. CONCLUSION: In differential diagnosis of soft tissue tumors located at this specific site, elastofibroma should be considered as likely diagnosis. Due to its benign behaviour, the tumor should be resected only in symptomatic patients

    Total body fat content and fat topography are associated differently with in vivo glucose metabolism in nonobese and obese nondiabetic women

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    n this study, total body fat content and fat topography were related to glucose metabolism in the basal and insulin-stimulated states in 18 nonobese and 18 obese premenopausal nondiabetic women. All subjects received a euglycemic insulin (20 mU.min-1.m2) clamp study in combination with [3-3H]-D-glucose infusion and indirect calorimetry to quantitate total body glucose uptake, glucose oxidation, and nonoxidative glucose disposal. Total body fat content was determined with tritiated water, whereas body fat distribution was estimated from the WHR, the STR, and the VSR (measured by magnetic resonance imaging). In the postabsorptive state, total body glucose utilization, glucose oxidation, and nonoxidative glucose disposal rates were similar in nonobese and obese women, whereas during the insulin clamp all three metabolic parameters were reduced significantly in the obese group. In nonobese women, total body fat content was related inversely to both total and nonoxidative glucose disposal during the insulin clamp, whereas no relationship was found between glucose metabolism (total, oxidative, and nonoxidative) and WHR, STR, or VSR. In contrast, in obese women, no relationship was observed between total body fat content and any measure of insulin-mediated glucose metabolism. However, both WHR and VSR were related inversely to total, oxidative, and nonoxidative glucose disposal rates during the insulin clamp. These results suggest that total body fat content and body fat topography are associated differently with insulin-mediated glucose metabolism in nonobese and obese women. In the nonobese women, total body fat mass appears to be a primary determinant of tissue sensitivity to insulin, whereas in obese women, body fat topography exerts a more dominant effect

    Total body fat content and fat topography are associated differently with in vivo glucose metabolism in nonobese and obese nondiabetic women

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    In this study, total body fat content and fat topography were related to glucose metabolism in the basal and insulin-stimulated states in 18 nonobese and 18 obese premenopausal nondiabetic women. All subjects received a euglycemic insulin (20 mU.min-1.m2) clamp study in combination with [3-3H]-D-glucose infusion and indirect calorimetry to quantitate total body glucose uptake, glucose oxidation, and nonoxidative glucose disposal. Total body fat content was determined with tritiated water, whereas body fat distribution was estimated from the WHR, the STR, and the VSR (measured by magnetic resonance imaging). In the postabsorptive state, total body glucose utilization, glucose oxidation, and nonoxidative glucose disposal rates were similar in nonobese and obese women, whereas during the insulin clamp all three metabolic parameters were reduced significantly in the obese group. In nonobese women, total body fat content was related inversely to both total and nonoxidative glucose disposal during the insulin clamp, whereas no relationship was found between glucose metabolism (total, oxidative, and nonoxidative) and WHR, STR, or VSR. In contrast, in obese women, no relationship was observed between total body fat content and any measure of insulin-mediated glucose metabolism. However, both WHR and VSR were related inversely to total, oxidative, and nonoxidative glucose disposal rates during the insulin clamp. These results suggest that total body fat content and body fat topography are associated differently with insulin-mediated glucose metabolism in nonobese and obese women. In the nonobese women, total body fat mass appears to be a primary determinant of tissue sensitivity to insulin, whereas in obese women, body fat topography exerts a more dominant effect