19 research outputs found

    ironXS: High-school screening for hereditary haemochromatosis is acceptable and feasible

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    As the results of the Human Genome Project are realised, screening for genetic mutations that predispose to preventable disease is becoming increasingly possible. How and where such screening should best be offered are critical, unanswered questions. This study aimed to assess the acceptability and feasibility of genetic screening for preventable disease, using the model of hereditary haemochromatosis, in high-school students. Screening was offered for the HFE C282Y substitution to 17 638 students. Questionnaires were administered at the time of screening (Q1) and approximately 1 month after results were communicated (Q2). Outcomes assessed were uptake of screening, change in scores of validated anxiety, affect and health perception scales from Q1 to Q2, knowledge and iron indices in C282Y homozygous individuals. A total of 5757 (32.6%) students had screening and 28 C282Y-homozygous individuals (1 in 206) were identified, and none of the 27 individuals who had iron indices measures had significant iron overload. There was no significant change in measures of anxiety, affect or health perception in C282Y homozygous or non-homozygous individuals. Over 86% of students answered each of five knowledge questions correctly at Q1. Genetic population-based screening for a preventable disease can be offered in schools in a way that results in minimal morbidity for those identified at high risk of disease. The results of this study are not only relevant for haemochromatosis, but for other genetic markers of preventable disease such as those for cardiovascular disease and cancer

    Knowledge, attitudes, and barriers to carrier screening for the Ashkenazi Jewish panel: a Florida experience

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    The knowledge, attitudes, and barriers to Jewish genetic diseases (JGDs) and screening and their relative importance in reproductive decision-making were assessed in a population-based sample of Ashkenazi Jewish young adults in Florida. These adults attended educational screening fairs hosted by The Victor Center for the Prevention of Jewish Genetic Diseases at the University of Miami. Parametric and nonparametric tests were used as appropriate to analyze data from a single group pretest/posttest design. Four hundred twelve individuals (mean age = 24.9; 54.7 % female, 45.3 % male) completed the questionnaires. Participants' level of knowledge increased from pre- to post-intervention (81.4 vs. 91.0 %; p < 0.0001). Concern about the possibility of being a carrier of a JGD was significantly higher after an educational session (5-point Likert scale mean difference = 0.45; p < 0.0001), as was their level of concern regarding having an affected child (mean difference = 0.20; p < 0.0001). The number of participants who agreed or strongly agreed that the test results would not have any influence on their reproductive behavior was lower after the session (17.2 vs. 20.8 %; p < 0.0001). This study demonstrates that an educational carrier screening program increased knowledge and elucidated awareness of the attitudes and barriers toward JGDs and carrier screening

    A targeted population carrier screening program for severe and frequent genetic diseases in Israel

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    A national carrier screening program targeted at communities in which severe genetic diseases are present with a frequency higher than 1/1000 live births, has been in existence in Israel since 2002. Within the communities at risk, carrier screening is voluntary whereas genetic counseling and testing is provided free of charge. During the first 5 years of the program more than 13 000 tests were performed, and at the end of 2007 it was offered in 35 different localities/communities for a total of 36 diseases. Many of the couples identified to be at risk opted for prenatal diagnosis and in two cases an affected pregnancy was terminated. In some cases the couples declined prenatal diagnosis and two of those families gave birth to an affected child. Based on the experience learnt from this targeted screening program it appears that a knowledge-based, voluntary screening program operated within the community is an effective way to provide genetic services and test referrals. The community program directed toward couples in their reproductive period does not seem to have led to stigmatization at either the individual or the community level

    Do people from the Jewish community prefer ancestry-based or pan-ethnic expanded carrier screening?

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    Ancestry-based carrier screening in the Ashkenazi Jewish population entails screening for specific autosomal recessive founder mutations, which are rarer among the general population. As it is now technically feasible to screen for many more diseases, the question arises whether this population prefers a limited ancestry-based offer or a pan-ethnic expanded carrier screening panel that goes beyond the diseases that are frequent in their own population, and is offered regardless of ancestry. An online questionnaire was completed by 145 individuals from the Dutch Jewish community (≥18 years) between April and July 2014. In total, 64.8% were aware of the existence of ancestry-based carrier screening, and respondents were generally positive about screening. About half (53.8%) preferred pan-ethnic expanded carrier screening, whereas 42.8% preferred ancestry-based screening. Reasons for preferring pan-ethnic screening included ‘everyone has a right to be tested', ‘fear of stigmatization when offering ancestry-based panels', and ‘difficulties with identifying risk owing to mixed backgrounds'. ‘Preventing high healthcare costs' was the most important reason against pan-ethnic carrier screening among those in favor of an ancestry-based panel. In conclusion, these findings show that people from the Dutch Jewish community have a positive attitude regarding carrier screening in their community for a wide range of diseases. As costs of expanded carrier screening panels are most likely to drop in the near future, it is expected that these panels will receive more support in the future

    Tay-Sachs disease preconception screening in Australia: self-knowledge of being an Ashkenazi Jew predicts carrier state better than does ancestral origin, although there is an increased risk for c.1421 + 1G > C mutation in individuals with South African heritage

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    The Australasian Community Genetics Program provided a preconception screening for Tay-Sachs disease (TSD) to 4,105 Jewish high school students in Sydney and Melbourne over the 12-year period 1995–2007. By correlating the frequencies of mutant HEXA, MIM *606869 (gene map locus 15q23-q24) alleles with subjects’ nominated ethnicity (Ashkenazi/Sephardi/Mixed) and grandparental birthplaces, we established that Ashkenazi ethnicity is a better predictor of TSD carrier status than grandparental ancestral origins. Screening self-identified Ashkenazi subjects detected 95% of TSD carriers (carrier frequency 1:25). Having mixed Ashkenazi and non-Ashkenazi heritage reduced the carrier frequency (1:97). South African heritage conveyed a fourfold risk of c.1421 + 1G > C mutation compared with other AJ subjects (odds ratio (OR), 4.19; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.83–9.62, p = 0.001), but this was the only specific case of ancestral origin improving diagnostic sensitivity over that based on determining Ashkenazi ethnicity. Carriers of c.1278insTATC mutations were more likely to have heritage from Western Europe (OR, 1.65 (95% CI, 1.04–2.60), p = 0.032) and South Eastern Europe (OR, 1.77 (95% CI, 1.14–2.73), p = 0.010). However, heritage from specific European countries investigated did not significantly alter the overall odds of TSD carrier status

    Preconceptional ancestry-based carrier couple screening for cystic fibrosis and haemoglobinopathies: what determines the intention to participate or not and actual participation?

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    This paper explores determinants of the intention to participate or not and of actual participation in preconceptional ancestry-based carrier couple screening for cystic fibrosis (CF) and haemoglobinopathies (HbPs). In total, 9453 individuals from a multi-ethnic population were invited. Invitees who had a partner and who were planning a pregnancy were the target population (33–36%). Test participation was conditional on survey participation. Those who refrained from test participation were asked to participate in the survey only. The questionnaire was based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour, which explains behaviour through intention. It was completed by 418 survey participants: 171 who intended to participate in the testing, and 247 who refrained from test participation. Both test intenders and offer decliners generally had a positive attitude towards test participation, and perceived high behavioural control. This applied to Western and non-Western survey participants equally. Offer decliners, however, perceived less control in terms of the time and effort needed for participation. Still, 68% of them intended to participate in the future if the screening would be offered routinely. Test intenders more often would draw reproductive consequences from test results, perceived a higher risk of being a carrier, more benefits and less adverse psychological outcomes. Feelings of stigmatisation were not an important issue, but 14% thought that there would be discrimination against carriers: among them more were non-Western survey participants. Preconceptional ancestry-based CF and HbPs carrier screening was evaluated as positive and desirable among Western and non-Western survey participants. The effort and time needed for participation were important reasons for declining participation, which might be overcome by improving access to the screening