3 research outputs found

    On The Universality Class Of Little String Theories

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    We propose that Little String Theories in six dimensions are quasilocal quantum field theories. Such field theories obey a modification of Wightman axioms which allows Wightman functions (i.e. vacuum expectation values of products of fundamental fields) to grow exponentially in momentum space. Wightman functions of quasilocal fields in x-space violate microlocality at short distances. With additional assumptions about the ultraviolet behavior of quasilocal fields, one can define approximately local observables associated to big enough compact regions. The minimum size of such a region can be interpreted as the minimum distance which observables can probe. We argue that for Little String Theories this distance is of order {\sqrt N}/M_s.Comment: 25 pages, late

    A Massive Renormalizable Abelian Gauge Theory in 2+1 Dimensions

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    The standard formulation of a massive Abelian vector field in 2+12+1 dimensions involves a Maxwell kinetic term plus a Chern-Simons mass term; in its place we consider a Chern-Simons kinetic term plus a Stuekelberg mass term. In this latter model, we still have a massive vector field, but now the interaction with a charged spinor field is renormalizable (as opposed to super renormalizable). By choosing an appropriate gauge fixing term, the Stuekelberg auxiliary scalar field decouples from the vector field. The one-loop spinor self energy is computed using operator regularization, a technique which respects the three dimensional character of the antisymmetric tensor ϵαβγ\epsilon_{\alpha\beta\gamma}. This method is used to evaluate the vector self energy to two-loop order; it is found to vanish showing that the beta function is zero to two-loop order. The canonical structure of the model is examined using the Dirac constraint formalism.Comment: LaTeX, 17 pages, expanded reference list and discussion of relationship to previous wor


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