23 research outputs found

    Chiral Vortical Effect in Fermi Liquid

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    In this note we consider non-relativistic rotating fermi liquid in the presence of Berry curvature. The behavior of the system is then almost the same as in external magnetic field. We argue that there appears an analogue of chiral vortical effect in the liquid if Berry curvature has a non-vanishing flux through sheets of Fermi surfaces and chemical potentials are different. We also claim that quantum anomalies in condensed matter context provide a theoretical and experimental testing ground for the origin of chiral effects, their carriers etc.Comment: minor corrections, additional citation

    On the low temperature properties and specific anisotropy of pure anisotropically paired superconductors

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    Dependences of low temperature behavior and anisotropy of various physical quantities for pure unconventional superconductors upon a particular form of momentum direction dependence for the superconducting order parameter (within the framework of the same symmetry type of superconducting pairing) are considered. A special attention is drawn to the possibility of different multiplicities of the nodes of the order parameter under their fixed positions on the Fermi surface, which are governed by symmetry. The problem of an unambiguous identification of a type of superconducting pairing on the basis of corresponding experimental results is discussed. Quasiparticle density of states at low energy for both homogeneous and mixed states, the low temperature dependences of the specific heat, penetration depth and thermal conductivity, the I-V curves of SS and NS tunnel junctions at low voltages are examined. A specific anisotropy of the boundary conditions for unconventional superconducting order parameter near TcT_c for the case of specular reflection from the boundary is also investigated.Comment: 20 page

    Vortex in a d-wave superconductor at low temperatures

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    A systematic perturbation theory is developed to describe the magnetic field-induced subdominant ss- and dxyd_{xy}-wave order parameters in the mixed state of a dx2y2d_{x^2-y^2}-wave superconductor, enabling us to obtain, within weak-coupling BCS theory, analytic results for the free energy of a d-wave superconductor in an applied magnetic field H_{c1}\ltsim H\ll H_{c2} from TcT_c down to very low temperatures. Known results for a single isolated vortex in the Ginzburg-Landau regime are recovered, and the behavior at low temperatures for the subdominant component is shown to be qualitatively different. In the case of subdominant dxyd_{xy} pair component, superfluid velocity gradients and an orbital Zeeman effect are shown to compete in determining the vortex state, but for realistic field strengths the latter appears to be irrelevant. On this basis, we argue that recent predictions of a low-temperature phase transition in connection with recent thermal conductivity measurements are unlikely to be correct.Comment: 20 RevTEX pages, 6 EPS figures; considerably expanded versio

    Andreev reflections in the pseudogap state of cuprate supercondcutors

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    We propose that, if the pseudogap state in the cuprate superconductors can be described in terms of the phase-incoherent preformed pairs, there should exist Andreev reflection from these pairs even above the superconducting transition temperature, TcT_c. After giving qualitative arguments for this effect, we present more quantitative calculations based on the Bogoliubov--de Gennes equation. Experimental observations of the effects of Andreev reflections above TcT_c---such as an enhanced tunneling conductance below the gap along the copper oxide plane---could provide unambiguous evidence for the preformed pairs in the pseudogap state.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Low temperature electronic properties of Sr_2RuO_4 III: Magnetic fields

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    Based on the microscopic model introduced previously the observed specific heat and ac-susceptibility data in the superconducting phase in Sr_2RuO_4 with applied magnetic fields are described consistently within a phenomenological approach. Discussed in detail are the temperature dependence of the upper critical fields H_{c2} and H_2, the dependence of the upper critical fields on the field direction, the linear specific heat below the superconducting phase transition as a function of field or temperature, the anisotropy of the two spatial components of the order parameter, and the fluctuation field H_p.Comment: 8 pages REVTEX, 4 figure

    Recent developments in unconventional superconductivity theory

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    The review of recent developments in the unconventional superconductivity theory is given. In the fist part I consider the physical origin of the Kerr rotation polarization of light reflected from the surface of superconducting Sr2RuO4Sr_2RuO_4. Then the comparison of magneto-optical responses in superconductors with orbital and spin spontaneous magnetization is presented. The latter result is applied to the estimation of the magneto-optical properties of neutral superfluids with spontaneous magnetization. The second part is devoted to the natural optical activity or gyrotropy properties of noncentrosymmetric metals in their normal and superconducting states. The temperature behavior of the gyrotropy coefficient is compared with the temperature behavior of paramagnetic susceptibility determining the noticeable increase of the paramagnetic limiting field in noncentrosymmetric superconductors. In the last chapter I describe the order parameter and the symmetry of superconducting state in the itinerant ferromagnet with orthorhombic symmetry. Finally the Josephson coupling between two adjacent ferromagnet superconducting domains is discussed.Comment: 15 page

    On Slow Light as a Black Hole Analogue

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    Although slow light (electromagnetically induced transparency) would seem an ideal medium in which to institute a ``dumb hole'' (black hole analog), it suffers from a number of problems. We show that the high phase velocity in the slow light regime ensures that the system cannot be used as an analog displaying Hawking radiation. Even though an appropriately designed slow-light set-up may simulate classical features of black holes -- such as horizon, mode mixing, Bogoliubov coefficients, etc. -- it does not reproduce the related quantum effects. PACS: 04.70.Dy, 04.80.-y, 42.50.Gy, 04.60.-m.Comment: 14 pages RevTeX, 5 figure

    Low temperature electronic properties of Sr_2RuO_4 II: Superconductivity

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    The body centered tetragonal structure of Sr_2RuO_4 gives rise to umklapp scattering enhanced inter-plane pair correlations in the d_{yz} and d_{zx} orbitals. Based on symmetry arguments, Hund's rule coupling, and a bosonized description of the in-plane electron correlations the superconducting order parameter is found to be a orbital-singlet spin-triplet with two spatial components. The spatial anisotropy is 7%. The different components of the order parameter give rise to two-dimensional gapless fluctuations. The phase transition is of third order. The temperature dependence of the pair density, specific heat, NQR, Knight shift, and susceptibility are in agreement with experimental results.Comment: 20 pages REVTEX, 3 figure

    Optical Properties of Layered Superconductors near the Josephson Plasma Resonance

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    We study the optical properties of crystals with spatial dispersion and show that the usual Fresnel approach becomes invalid near frequencies where the group velocity of the wave packets inside the crystal vanishes. Near these special frequencies the reflectivity depends on the atomic structure of the crystal provided that disorder and dissipation are very low. This is demonstrated explicitly by a detailed study of layered superconductors with identical or two different alternating junctions in the frequency range near the Josephson plasma resonance. Accounting for both inductive and charge coupling of the intrinsic junctions, we show that multiple modes are excited inside the crystal by the incident light, determine their relative amplitude by the microscopic calculation of the additional boundary conditions and finally obtain the reflectivity. Spatial dispersion also provides a novel method to stop light pulses, which has possible applications for quantum information processing and the artificial creation of event horizons in a solid.Comment: 25 pages, 20 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.