7 research outputs found

    Sister of Mercy – Baroness Yu.P. Vrevskaya. On the Issue of Creating an Artistic Image

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    The article is devoted to Baroness Yu.P. Vrevskaya, who, despite her status and position in society, became a sister of mercy. Russian and European authors dedicated their best works to her. Yu.P. Vrevskaya became a symbol of sacrificial love. The origins of her feat, which are rooted in her "military" childhood and upbringing, are considered; reading the works of Russian classics, in particular, I.S. Turgenev, determined her character, and early widowhood formed a special path – the path of service to one's neighbor. Reflections on the fate of Yu.P. Vrevskaya became the subject of creative discoveries in the artistic world of I.S. Turgenev, served to develop the theme of women's service and women's feat. Special attention is paid to the literary interests of Yu.P. Vrevskaya, her reading of the works of A.S. Pushkin, F.M. Dostoevsky, J. Sand, Cervantes, V. Hugo, Dickens, etc. In the books, Yu.P. Vrevskaya is looking for the meaning of life and role models. The personality and fate of Yu.P. Vrevskaya are considered in the context of historical events – the Caucasian War, the Russian-Turkish War, as well as in the context of social movements – the history of the Red Cross

    A Refrigerator for Safe Storage of Blood Components and Products

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    A medical refrigerator for safe storage of blood components and products has been designed. The refrigerator can be used at blood transfusion stations and departments. Its main parameters and operation are described. © 2021, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature

    Child health status — the future of the country (part 2)

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    The article deals with the problems of increasing the incidence and prevalence of childhood diseases during 1994–2016 against the background of a global reduction in the staffing of children’s specialists by 1.7 times, with an extremely inadequate supply of the regions of the South-East, Donetsk and Luhansk regions. All of this has a negative impact on the proper medical care of the child population, including the detection of childhood diseases. The authors substantiate the need to restore the personnel and material-technical potential of the pediatric service, the development of modern diagnostic and treatment technologies, the preservation of immunization and the prevention of disability of common childhood diseases that is an important component of the national health care and safety system of the country as a whole