4 research outputs found

    Site-selective spectroscopy of Nd3+ in the Ca3Ga2Ge3O12 laser crystal

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    Laser excited site-selection spectroscopy of Nd3+ ion in the Ca3Ga2Ge3O12 laser garnet crystal has been investigated for the transitions [MATH] and [MATH] in order to understand the nature of the different Nd centers in terms of the possible charge compensating defects. Lifetime data of the [MATH] transition obtained as a function of Nd concentration have allowed to distinguish the Nd3+ ions compensated by Ga3+ ions (Nd3+ (Ca2+)-Ga3+ (Ge4+)) from other kind of Nd3+ ions, which can be presumably associated with Nd3+ (Ca2+)-Nd3+ (Ge4+) pairs

    Excited state spectroscopy and laser properties of the Nd3+ doped LaBGeO5 single crystal

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    The excited state excitation spectra of Nd3+ in LaBGeO5 crystal have been systematically investigated in the 1.048 ”m and 0.54 ”m wavelength spectral domains. First cw laser experiments under Ti-Sapphire laser pumping are reported

    Polishing of Precision Surfaces of Optoelectronic Device Elements Made of Glass, Sitall, and Optical and Semiconductor Crystals: A Review

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