16 research outputs found

    ATP synthase: from single molecule to human bioenergetics

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    ATP synthase (FoF1) consists of an ATP-driven motor (F1) and a H+-driven motor (Fo), which rotate in opposite directions. FoF1 reconstituted into a lipid membrane is capable of ATP synthesis driven by H+ flux. As the basic structures of F1 (Ī±3Ī²3Ī³Ī“Īµ) and Fo (ab2c10) are ubiquitous, stable thermophilic FoF1 (TFoF1) has been used to elucidate molecular mechanisms, while human F1Fo (HF1Fo) has been used to study biomedical significance. Among F1s, only thermophilic F1 (TF1) can be analyzed simultaneously by reconstitution, crystallography, mutagenesis and nanotechnology for torque-driven ATP synthesis using elastic coupling mechanisms. In contrast to the single operon of TFoF1, HFoF1 is encoded by both nuclear DNA with introns and mitochondrial DNA. The regulatory mechanism, tissue specificity and physiopathology of HFoF1 were elucidated by proteomics, RNA interference, cytoplasts and transgenic mice. The ATP synthesized daily by HFoF1 is in the order of tens of kilograms, and is primarily controlled by the brain in response to fluctuations in activity

    New world, but not Old World, monkeys carry several genes encoding beta-microseminoprotein

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    It was shown by Southern hybridization that cotton-top tamarin and common marmoset, New World monkeys, carry three or more genes encoding beta-microseminoprotein, also known as PSP94. In contrast, the genomes of Old World monkeys, as represented by rhesus macaque and sacred baboon, contain a single gene. Clones containing three different genes encoding beta-microseminoprotein were isolated from a cotton-top tamarin genomic library. They carry two complete genes of four exons and a third gene lacking the first exon. The structure suggests that the three genes are functionally active and give rise to transcripts that are approximately 86% similar in sequence. By sequencing one gene in full, it was shown that the introns carry an excess of interspersed repeats, on average 29% of the introns consist of Alu repeats. A phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that the genes probably arose in New World monkeys after the separation from Old World primates