13 research outputs found

    Genetic aspects of etiology and development of thyroid gland cancer

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    Recent studies on thyroid gland cancer development and progression have identified new classes of tumor markers, proto-oncogenes, tumor-suppressing genes, cell receptor genes, identified genetic tumor-predisposing polymorphism and some other significantly important segments of genome. The identification has been based mainly on revealing of DNA abnormal consequences, specific for occurrence of thyroid gland cancer and its progression

    Comparative analysis of the quality of life before and after various methods of invasive treatment of esophageal cancer

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    The aim of the work is to assess the quality of life before and after multistage and one-stage operations, palliative interventions performed with malignant neoplasms of the esophagus. Material and Methods. The quality of life was evaluated in 565 patients with esophageal cancer at various stages of surgical treatment by means of questionnaires for assessing the quality of life of GIQLI, GSRS, MOS SF-36 questionnaire. Results. When performing multi-stage operations before the end of treatment, the quality of life changes insignificantly, and is comparable with the quality of life after palliative operations. The study of the quality of life after the end of treatment with the use of endoscopic minimally invasive technologies in these questionnaires convincingly showed the advantage of this category of surgical interventions due to less trauma, better cosmetic effect, quick activation and rehabilitation in the postoperative period. Conclusion. Taking into account the results of the research, preference is given to one-stage operations with the use of minimally invasive endoscopic techniques, which in a short time can save the patient from cancer and significantly improve the quality of life.</p

    Surgical Treatment of Mirizzi Syndrome

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    The results of treatment of 53 patients with Mirizzi syndrome are presented in the work. The article focuses on the modern classification of syndrome, diagnostics and surgical approach according to the severity of duct damage. Mirizzi syndrome proves to be the complication of cholelithiasis. It is one of the most complicated problems of biliary surger

    Efficacy of surgical treatment of renal form of hyperparathyroidism

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    Objective: to study the efficacy of surgical treatment of primary hyperparathyroidism in risk of uronephrolithiasis progression. Material and Methods. The research involved 55 patients, the biochemical and clinical parameters before and after treatment with retrospective-prospective method of analysis were studied and analyzed. Results. It is established that the surgical treatment of patients with uronephrolithiasis is proved to be effective in 96,4% of the cases, as it allows to eliminate the classic symptoms of primary hyperparathyroidism, and urolithiasis. Improvement of laboratory hormonal and biochemical indices of mineral metabolism, and, consequently, reducing the severity of risk factors of urolithiasis is marked. Conclusion. Surgical treatment of renal forms of primary hyperparathyroidism is a pathogeneti-cally reasonable method. Parathyroidectomy performed in an adequate amount prevents relapses and progression of diseases that are the consequence of primary hyperparathyroidism.</p

    Effect of hyperbilirubunemia on coagulation system of blood in patients with obstructive jaundice

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    Objective of the study: determination of the degree of influence of bilirubin in the blood during obstructive jaundice, on blood clotting. Methods. A retrospective study of case histories of patients with obstructive jaundice who have been treated at the Regional Hospital of Saratov in the period from 2000 to 2010. Results. The results confirm the assumption that the causes of bleeding in obstructive jaundice is hepatic failure. Conclusion. Absence of bile in the small intestine in obstructive jaundice is not the cause of bleeding. Bile acids are not involved in metabolizing fat-soluble vitamin K

    Postoperative recurrent nontoxic nodular (multinodular) goiter

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    The extensive use of modern methods of examination (ultrasound investigation with Doppler mapping, aspiration (needle) biopsy, radiodiagnostics) cannot resolve the problem of verification of nodular mass in case of multinodular goiter before operation. Operative intervention is the method of choice in this case, which gives rise to the problem of surgery extent. The present study is useful in improvement of remote results of surgical treatment of multinodular goiter through statistical estimation of recurrent goiter development. The study was retrospective and included 102 consecutively admitted and operated patients with recurrent goiter and 102 patients of control group with first diagnosed and operated goiter. Patients of both groups were in euthyroid state. Patients were admitted to the Clinic of Surgery and Oncology of Raising Skills Faculty of Saratov State Medical University n.a. V. I. Razumovsky from 2000 till 2004. Statistical analyses included calculation of average mean, standard deviation and mean error. Student&#039;s ratio was used as the test of validity of average mean. Chi-square test was used for assessment of qualitative characteristics

    Experience of antireflux surgery application for the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease

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    Purpose of the study: post-hoc analysis of mid-term and late results of various types of antireflux surgery performed to treat hiatal hernia. Material and methods. We have studied results of post-surgery examination of 118 patients diagnosed with hiatal hernia, the examination being performed at various time intervals after surgeries. Results. The only benefits of using laparoscopic treatment include cosmetic effect, shorter terms of hospital stay and recovery of person's capacity to work. Conclusion. Analysis of immediate and late results of surgical treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease as well as frequency of postsurgical relapses provided no certain evidence of significant beneficial effect for choosing laparoscopic surgical methods over traditional open surgery.</p

    The clinical significance of the prevalence of parapancreatitis in pan-creonecrosis

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    Tftea/m of the study is to determine the relationship of clinical surgical treatment options of degradation of retroperi-tonealfat. Material and Methods. We have analyzed the results of treatment of 1177 patients with necrotizing pancreatitis, taking into account the severity and characteristics of parapancreatitis. Statistical data processing was carried out by the program Statistica for Windows 6.0. using the Student's criterion. Results. The variety of clinical forms of pancreatic necrosis due to a combination of options lesions of the pancreas and retroperitoneal fat. The outcome of pancreatic necrosis is determined not only by the degree of destruction of the pancreas, but also features parapancreatitis. The allocation of limited and common prevalence of parapancreatitis was substantiated and specified. Conclusion. The effectiveness of the treatment of pancreatic necrosis is dependent on the development options of parapancreatitis which present the predictive and tactical value.</p

    Punction methods of diagnostics and treatment of thyroid diseases

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    The object of this research is to study the punction methods role under diagnostics and treatment of different thyroid diseases. The authors of this article present treatment methods of 121 patients with different thyroid diseases. The received results allow to draw a conclusion, that punction methods of diagnostics and treatment of thyroid disease can be used as independent methods of treatment and in a complex with other medication remedie

    Professor K.I. Myshkin (to the 95-th birth anniversary)

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    The article presents the biographical data of Professor K. I. Myshkin who is one of the most prominent representatives of the Saratov school of surgery. It describes the main directions of his scientific activity. Particular attention is paid to the contribution of K. I. Myshkin to the training of surgical staff for Saratov Medical Institute.</p