14 research outputs found

    Constraining Spin-One Color-Octet Resonances Using CDF and ATLAS Data

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    In this paper, we study the production of spin-one color-octet resonances (colorons) at hadron colliders in a model independent way. We use dijets data measured by CDF (at \sqrt{s}=1.96 TeV and L=1.131/pb)andATLAS(ats=7 1/pb) and ATLAS (at \sqrt{s}=7 TeV and L=315 1/nb) collaborations at the Tevatron and the LHC respetively to impose limits on the coupling of colorons to fermions. We show that CDF data still produce the more stringent limits on the coloron coupling constant.Comment: Version accepted for publication in EPJC. Two paragraphs expanded and new references adde

    Associate Higgs and Gauge Boson Production at Hadron Colliders in a Model with Vector Resonances

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    Motivated by new models of dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking that predict a light composite higgs boson, we build an effective lagrangian which describes the Standard Model (with a light Higgs) and vector resonances. We compute the cross section for the associate production of a higgs and a gauge boson. For some values of model parameters we find that the cross section is significantly enhanced with respect to the Standard Model. This enhancement is similar at the LHC and the Tevatron for the same range of resonance mass

    Axigluon Couplings in the Presence of Extra Color-Octet Spin-One Fields

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    In this paper, we study how the interaction of the axigluon with quarks is modified when we introduce new color-octet spin-one fields in a chiral color model. We show that in this case the strength of this interaction is not completely determined by the gauge symmetry any more and can be significantly weaker than the one predicted in the original chiral color model. In this way, we reinterpret the non-observability of the axigluon at the Tevatron, not as a limit on the axigluon mass, but as a limit on the strength of the axigluon coupling to quarks

    Top quark effects in composite vector pair production at the LHC

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    In the context of a strongly coupled Electroweak Symmetry Breaking, composite light scalar singlet and composite triplet of heavy vectors may arise from an unspecified strong dynamics and the interactions among themselves and with the Standard Model gauge bosons and fermions can be described by a SU(2)L×SU(2)R/SU(2)L+RSU(2)_L\times SU(2)_R/SU(2)_{L+R} Effective Chiral Lagrangian. In this framework, the production of the V+VV^{+}V^{-} and V0V0V^{0}V^{0} final states at the LHC by gluon fusion mechanism is studied in the region of parameter space consistent with the unitarity constraints in the elastic channel of longitudinal gauge boson scattering and in the inelastic scattering of two longitudinal Standard Model gauge bosons into Standard Model fermions pairs. The expected rates of same-sign di-lepton and tri-lepton events from the decay of the V0V0V^{0}V^{0} final state are computed and their corresponding backgrounds are estimated. It is of remarkable relevance that the V0V0V^{0}V^{0} final state can only be produced at the LHC via gluon fusion mechanism since this state is absent in the Drell-Yan process. It is also found that the V+VV^{+}V^{-} final state production cross section via gluon fusion mechanism is comparable with the V+VV^{+}V^{-} Drell-Yan production cross section. The comparison of the V0V0V^{0}V^{0} and V+VV^{+}V^{-} total cross sections will be crucial for distinguishing the different models since the vector pair production is sensitive to many couplings. This will also be useful to determine if the heavy vectors are only composite vectors or are gauge vectors of a spontaneously broken gauge symmetry.Comment: 18 pages, 5 tables, 6 figures. Missing figures added. Matches published versio

    Top A_FB at the Tevatron vs. charge asymmetry at the LHC in chiral U(1) flavor models with flavored Higgs doublets

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    We consider the top forward-backward (FB) asymmetry at the Tevatron and top charge asymmetry at the LHC within chiral U(1)^\prime models with flavor-dependent U(1)^\prime charges and flavored Higgs fields, which were introduced in the ref. [65]. The models could enhance not only the top forward-backward asymmetry at Tevatron, but also the top charge asymmetry at LHC, without too large same-sign top pair production rates. We identify parameter spaces for the U(1)^\prime gauge boson and (pseudo)scalar Higgs bosons where all the experimental data could be accommodated, including the case with about 125 GeV Higgs boson, as suggested recently by ATLAS and CMS.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, figures and discussion adde

    ρ0γ\rho^0 - \gamma mixing in the neutral channel pion form factor Fπ(e)(s)F^{(e)}_{\pi}(s) and its role in comparing e+ee^+ e^- with τ\tau spectral functions

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    We study the effect of rho^0-gamma mixing in e^+e^- to pi^+pi^- and its relevance for the comparison of the square modulus of the pion from-factor |F^(e)_pi|^2, as measured in e^+e^- annihilation experiments, and |F^(tau)_pi|^2 the corresponding quantity obtained after accounting for known isospin breaking effects by an isospin rotation from the tau-decay spectra. After correcting the tau data for the missing rho-gamma mixing contribution, besides the other known isospin symmetry violating corrections, the pi pi I=1 part of the hadronic vacuum polarization contribution to the muon g-2 are fully compatible between tau based and e^+e^- based evaluations. tau data thus confirm result obtained with e^+e^- data. Our evaluation based on all e^+e^- data including more recent BaBar and KLOE data yields a_mu^(had)=690.75(4.72) x 10^{-10} (e^+e^- based), while including tau data we find a_mu^(had)=690.96(4.65) X 10^{-10} (e^+e^-+tau based). This backs the ~3 sigma deviation between theory and experiment. For the tau di-pion branching fraction we find B^{CVC}_{pi pi^0}=25.20 \pm0.0.17\pm0.28 from e^+e^-+CVC, while B_{pi pi^0}=25.34\pm0.0.06\pm0.08 is evaluated directly from the tau spectra.Comment: 18 pages, 18 figures, Fig.2 added,Refs. 3,12,14 added, text referring to Refs. 13,14 corrected, typos correcte