4 research outputs found

    Impact of Stratification on Nutrient Concentration in Manasbal Lake, Kashmir

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    The valley of Kashmir has a number of water bodies spread over its length and breadth. While most of them are very shallow and hence do not show any permanent stratification phenomenon, some have been reported to stratify. Lake Manasbal (34o14’40’’– 34o15’20’’N and 74o39’00’’– 74o41’20’’E and 1583 m amsl) has been reported to be the only warm monomictic lake in the valley (Hutchinson, 1957). The water body has been found to stratify during March – November/December and circulate for the brief period of December – February. The lake has been an important tourist spot, besides being a source of commercial fishing, and a number of economically important plants. Keeping in view, the economic and ecological importance of the lake, it was decided to have an insight into the process of thermal stratification in this water body and assess the impact of the thermal stratification on the nutrient distribution in it. The data collected during the year- long study are presented in the form of the present M.Phil. dissertation

    Ecological studies of zooplankton of Dal Lake Kashmir.

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    The basic aim of present work is to study the species composition and population dynamics of zooplankton and to elucidate some of the relationships between tropical state and zooplankton in Dal Lake of Kashmir. The study provides introduction, review of literature, provides the materials and methods adopted for the study. The study presents results under the three headings: (1)Physico-chemical factors (2) Phytoplankton (3) Zooplankton and (4) Similarity index. The results are discussed separately, besides giving summary and conclusion. The tables and figures are appended at the end

    Fresh water micro-crustacea of Kashmir.

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    The study deals with the study of microcrustaceae which represent an important component of fresh water zoo-plankton. The thesis is divided into 7 chapters. The Chapter 1 gives introduction to the problem. The chapter 2 contains review of literature. The chapter 3 deals with material and methods used in study of micro-crustacean of Kashmir valley and provide information on biotic and abiotic features of zooplankton. The chapter 4 gives results of the study about investigation of about 100 water bodies for the species composition and abundance of microcrustaceae (cladocera and copepoda). The chapter 5 presents discussion. The chapter 6 and 7 gives Summary and conclusion. Besides, tables and figures are appended at the end